Thursday, January 17, 2019

Our Hiding Place

O. T. #1368 "Our Hiding Place"
Jan. 17, 2019 
Psalm 119-Part 17
Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in Thy Word.  Psalm 119:114


Stanza 15, verses 113-120

Have you ever had a hiding place? I recall as a little girl, whenever I would get in trouble, which wasn't often, (just thought I'd throw that in) I would go to a closet and hide. It wasn't hard for Mom to find me, since we didn't have doors on the closets. I thought that I was hiding really good. LOL

Why do we need a hiding place anyway? It is a place where we feel safe, protected from the bad, and perhaps where we don't want to admit doing wrong, like I did. Folks, as a child of God, we are safely under His protection. By faith we seek God as our hiding place, where we are kept in secret.

David spent years running for his life from Saul's sword. He would take shelter, sometimes in a cave, and have his shield to preserve his life from danger, even death. There he wrote these beautiful psalms. Do you think singing to God calmed David's troubled soul?

I recognized this phrase of God being David's hiding place. Sure enough, he said it previously in Psalm 32:7. Look up that verse. Not only is God his hiding place, but also preservation from trouble, and his deliverer.

We can't skip over verse 117a where David says, Hold Thou me up, and I shall be safe.
Jesus holds us and makes us safe.


Do you know anyone who is need of some hope today? We can share our key verse with them.

In what was David's hope? It was in God's Word. (verse 114b)

Those who depend on God's promise shall have the benefit of His power and be taken under His special protection. (Matthew Henry)

Jesus wants to be our hiding place, our comfort, hope, and our encouragement. His loving arms are open wide. Run to Him this moment.


My soul, stop carrying around these heavy burdens hidden within your soul. Go to God and lay them down. May Him your hiding place of peace, love, and reassurance that He has this.
Fill me with patience to wait for Your timing, Wonderful Father.
Your Word gives me hope. For that I thank You.

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