Monday, January 28, 2019

Are We Letting Go?

O.T. #1375  "Are We Letting Go?"
Jan. 28, 2019
Psalm 119-Part 24


Stanza 22, verses 169-176

This is the last stanza of this chapter. David's prayer is one for salvation and confession of personal sin. Did you notice 4 lets that David asked God to apply to his life.

Let in Hebrew, means to give, make, put, apply, bestow, bring, turn, yield.

David was yielding himself, bringing his whole soul, turning to God:
  1. Let my cry come near before Thee, O LORD God: give me understanding according to Thy Word. (verse 169) David desires to understand God's Word, which the Holy Spirit gives.
  2. Let my supplications come before Thee: deliver me according to Thy Word. (verse 170)
  3. Let Thine hand help me; for I have chosen Thy precepts. (verse 173) David delighted in reading God's Word because he received salvation.
  4. Let my soul live, and it shall praise Thee; and let Thy judgments help me. (verse 175)
Let my soul live. Jesus is The Life. When He saves us, forgives us, of our sins, our Savior Jesus gives us life everlasting. Friends, He wants to give us abundant life, too.

In order to have it, we need to yield to God, life separated, allow the Holy Spirit to fill us, grow toward spiritual maturity, and serve  Him.  (The Christian Life New Testament)  Romans 1:1; 6:10-13; 12:1; Eph. 5:18-20; 2 Peter 3:18

Whenever we let God to change us, He gives us an abundant life. The question is, "Are we willing to do whatever it takes in order to acquire it?"
Will we let go of whatever it is that is hindering us from the abundant life?  Are we letting this moment and letting God...?


I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Thy servant; for I do not forget Thy commandments.
(verse 176)

Lost sheep never find their own way back to the shepherd; and thus admitted their depravity and personal sin, David is asking God to seek him. So no person is found to seek God in and of himself. David know his sins separated him from the God of heaven. Yet, he know God had tender mercies (verse 156). (Falwell)

The Law does not bring salvation to us. Only God can do that. Ending this chapter, the psalmist David admits he is depending upon the grace of God.

Dear one, our sins are ever before us when we do not confess them. Although, when we do confess them to Jesus, He throw them as far as the east is from the west, to remember them no more.
Are you a lost sheep? Come to the Good Shepherd. He loves you deeply and completely.


Praise to God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

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