Monday, January 31, 2022

Seek and Find

O. T. #2119  "Seek and Find"

Jan 31, 2022

Amos 5


Are you bending under a burden? Do you feel like you are about to fall? Is your faith wavering? Then read on, friend.

Look still in Psalm 145:18-19, where we of God's gracious provisions. Not only does He help the oppressed and provides food for all (verses 14-15), but He also hears those who:

  • call out to Him with integrity; (verse 18)
  • fear Him; (verse 19)
  • love Him. (verse 20)

If God is to act on our behalf, He expects those things from us. If we have integrity in our life, God will act on our behalf. He will also deliver us and guard us, since we love Him.

Turn to God for help. He is ready to lift you up and bear your burden. (Life Application Study Bible)

Do we walk upright, doing what is right? Do we respect God and love Him with all our heart? Then soul, why are you down under your burdens? (Speaking to me.)

When the time is right, I the LORD, will make it happen.     (Isaiah 60:22,NLT)



With that confidence, let's dive into the third sin that Amos pointed out to Israel, obstinacy, lamentation was coming because of their irresponsibility living in luxury and then their hypocrisy with idolatry. Their sin of moral and ethical decay was going to result in God's judgment.

Israel was told to begin lamentation (funeral dirge, which was a song or hymn of grief). Only about one tenth of Israel would survive the attack by Assyria. Amos tells them to hear the Words of the Lord.

God tells them three times to seek (follow, ask, inquire, search) the LORD (Jehovah, Self Existent or Eternal).

The only hope Israel had was to seek Jehovah and truly repent. Otherwise, His judgment was coming like fire. God is the omnipotent Creator of the stars, night, and controls the sea. (verse 8)

The LORD is His name.

He is the God of Creation-El Elyon (Ely-OWN). Therefore, He can do with it whatever He desires.

What is the solution for Israel?

Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of Hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken. (verse 14)

When there is true repentance, then good is chosen in life and not evil. If only Israel had heeded the words of the prophet Amos! But they would not.

How about you dear one? Are you hearing what God is saying? Have you wailed over your sins lately? Have you interceded for loved ones who need to repent and turn from their sinful ways?



                     ... of worldly things, bank accounts, jobs for our dependence. Trust God.

                     ... of self worth and pride, coming to Jesus. Then live with integrity and love.

We owe our very life and salvation to You, Sweet Jesus.

Have mercy on our souls and our sinful nation.

We seek Your will, Your way.

Seek and ye shall find.

Friday, January 28, 2022

How to be Ready to Meet God

O. T. #2118  "How to be Ready to Meet God"

Jan. 28, 2022

Amos 4-Part 3


What a song of praise David has written in Psalm 145. He knew his basic theology-grace, mercy, and goodness of God. Let's continue with verse 9: The LORD is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.

As we continue on, we see:

  • God's works praise Him. (verse 10a)
  • His saints bless Him. (verse 10b)
  • His saints speak of God's glory and might. (verse 11)
  • He does mighty acts and His kingdom are majestic. (verse 12)
  • His kingdom is everlasting and His dominion (rule, power) endures to all generations. (verse 13)

Since God's rule will endure forever, God's people ought to proclaim it and urge everyone everywhere to submit to the King. (Evans)

Are we helping people get ready?


God responded to Israel's idolatry previously with acts of discipline-famine, drought, destruction of crops, locusts, plagues, death, and destruction, defeat in war, and catastrophe. (verses 6-11)

God knew their response of not repenting of their sins. Time after time Israel was given a chance, but they would not admit to their doing wrong and disobeying God's laws. They would not change their worship from idols back to God. His ultimate judgment was coming for Israel, the northern kingdom.

Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel. (verse 12)

No army could withstand what God had prepared for Israel. The Assyrian army was coming to conquer Israel, so since they were sent by God, they would succeed.

Dear one, death will one day come to all of us. Have you made preparations to meet God? He only accepts us into heaven if we are believers in Jesus, know Him as our Savior, and are covered with the blood of the Lamb.

In John 14:6, Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.

Jesus is the only Way to eternal life.

Are you ready to meet your God today? If not, ask Jesus to forgive your sins. If you have, then you are ready. And one day we will meet in heaven.



How mighty, wonderful, and majestic You are, God.

Glory to God in the highest!

It is well with my soul!



Thursday, January 27, 2022

Where to Get Grace, Mercy, and Compassion

O. T. #2117  Where to Get Grace, Mercy, and Compassion"

Jan. 27, 2022

Amos 4-Part 2

The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. (Psalm 145:8


Well, it has finally come to our area-Covid 19 has hit us like sledge hammer, sweeping across our family and friends. Tuesday my husband tested positive, coughing and sick; his brother is down with it, and his wife; his other brother's wife and 90-year-old dad are coughing, too with it; as well as our son had it last week. And then our daughter in law's sister and husband are hit with the virus. One of our workers at the shop and friend took it home to his pregnant wife and 3 children. Will it stop? Please pray for all of us. so far I was negative with the test, but have had a sore throat. So you see, I needed today's verse!

What do we learn about God from David?

  • God is gracious. None of us are in the hospital.
  • Our God is full of compassion. We are able to stay at home, quarantined and not on a ventilator.
  • God is slow to anger. He could have wiped us away with this virus because we are sinners.
  • Our God has great mercy. Slowly our loved ones are recovering, in spite of us getting the vaccines.

I need to be reminded how gracious, compassionate, merciful, and slow to anger my God is with you and me. How about you?

I am reminded that today my dad would have been 100 today had he lived. He passed away 35 years and 3 days ago. My heart still misses him, but my mind says he is not suffering and is with Jesus and his family.

Are we trusting God this very moment? Each moment of life is a gift to us. so is the gift of salvation that Jesus Christ provided through His death and resurrection.

Be sure to look up and say thanks.



In verses 4-5, we can read the sarcasm Amos uses as he invites Israel to Bethel and Gilgal. Both were of significance to the Jews in their history.

Bethel was where Abram built an altar unto the LORD after receiving His blessings. (Gen 12-13) Jacob met Jesus there in a dream of a ladder. (Gen. 28) The Ark was kept there once.(Judges 20)

Gilgal was the first camp where the people set up as they entered the Promised Land. (Joshua 4) Also, it was the place where the first king of Israel, Saul, was made king. (1 Sam. 11:15)

Unfortunately, both places became the place where shires of pagan gods were erected and worshiped by the Israelites. On the surface, they brought offerings and sang songs, but their hearts were far from God. Their sacrifices were unclean and forbidden bulls and goats.

Theirs was only a surface religion, not a heart religion. God wants obedience from the heart (1 Sam. 15). If the heart is not right with God, the sacrifice means nothing. (Gen. 4:1-7) We see it in Cain's sacrifice of works, fruit of the ground, instead of a blood sacrifice, as Able brought. We know how that ended up.

Do we go to religious meetings to impress others, feel good, instead of confessing our sins and having a broken heart healed? Are our motives right?


Amazing grace is what we need today, Lord God.

Your cleansing through Jesus' blood as we confess our sins.

Have mercy on us sinners, Holy God.

Change our hearts to please You and not others as we worship.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Fat Cows

O. T. #2116    "Fat Cows"

Jan. 26, 2022

Amos 4


Oh my, but do we ever need encouragement and prayers. My husband tested positive for Covid now, after our son went through it and all our daughter's  family survived. We caught it early and got some medicines, so hopefully it will not last long.

So with that said, look at Psalm 145. David says to:

  • praise God's works to each generation; (verse 4)
  • declare His mighty acts, power;
  • speak of His glorious majesty, wondrous works, mighty acts; (verses 5-6)
  • utter in memory of His great goodness as awe-inspiriting deeds; (verse 7)
  • sing joyfully of His righteousness.

 Are we passing down through the generations how wonderful and awesome our God is? Are we teaching children about the Lord? Do we share our personal testimony with others?



If we thought Amos' messages were hard to swallow, hang onto your hat, for it gets worse before it gets better. Amos is trying to call the people back to God in repentance of their sins. His sarcasm is really cutting. Three tribes stayed east of the Jordan where the land was fertile and they had a fine breed of cows.

Amos speaks to the women, for kine are cows. What were those women doing wrong?

  • They were living in luxury, well fed, well dressed, and well groomed.
  • The poor were oppressed for this to happen.
  • The women sunk into a low moral and degrading state.
  • They would be led away with hooks and fishhooks, like fishermen do their catch, so the women will be led into captivity.

Like a fat cow, the women of Israel were pampered. They pushed their husbands to oppress the helpless to support their lavish lifestyles. Eventually, cows are led to slaughter.

Are we careful to not desire possessions so much that we do the same? Do we neglect the needy? Where is our compassion? Are we hooked on a certain sin that others suffer? do we live modestly so we can give to mission work?


Jesus, forgive us of our sin of selfishness.

Help us help others.

May we be merciful to others as You are merciful to us.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

What is Your Source of Happiness?

O. T. #2115  "What is Your Source of Happiness?"

Jan. 25, 2022

Amos 3-Part 9


Are you happy today? What makes you happy?

Psalm 144:15 tells us how to be happy people: Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.

God promises peace, victory over enemies, prosperity, and a happy life. When God is our Lord, then we can be assured that He cares for us personally, delivers us victoriously, and blesses us bountifully. (Wiersbe)

David gives us more details, using a seven-fold blessing that results from being rid of their enemies (verse 11):

  • Sons will be like green plants, grown up, healthy, and strong; (verse 12a)
  • Daughters will be graceful and beautiful, having strong, united  families; (verse 12b)
  • The garners, storage bins, will be filled to capacity; (verse 13a)
  • Their sheep will multiply in the fields; (verse 13b)
  • The oxen will be strong and healthy for labor during the harvest; (verse 14a)
  • Their walls will not be broken into nor will they be captives going out; (verse 14b)
  • In their streets there will be no complaining, cries of sorrow.

What more could one want when their family is well, crops are plenteous and productive, safety surrounding their homes, and no sorrow. 

In Webster Dictionary, happy means well being and content; joyous; glad; pleased.

This happiness comes when we are faithfully dependent upon the Lord God Jehovah. Sometimes our faithfulness may not be rewarded in this lifetime. It may come in the next.

So, where does our happiness come from, friend? Psalm 1 explains how to be happy-associating with godly thankful Children of God, delighting in His Word and getting spiritual nourishment from it, and being fruitful.

Are you happy today?


Looking at the last verse in chapter 3 of Amos, we realize that Israel was happy since they enjoyed their winter and summer houses as rich and royal people. They were luxuriously decorated with ivory. All this came as a result of oppressing the poor.

Therefore, God will avenge the wrong done. (2:6-8) Israel's possessions would be taken away and they would be captured when Assyria attacked them as a result of God's judgment. Then would they be happy? I think not because their happiness was not found in God, but in things.

What is the source of our happiness? Is it in God, His Word, worshiping Him or in things that are only temporal? 


May Your grace be sufficient for us, Loving Father.

Thank You for Your provisions today.

May we share with others and provide for their needs.

Help us honor You in all things and give thank.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Hang in There

O. T. #2114  "Hang in There"

Jan. 24, 2022

Amos 3-Part 8


How are you managing life today? It seems like one whapping blow one after another is coming at us-our shop, our son is sick, my health, freezing temperatures all week. This old farmhouse does not hold heat well, so I layer up and work under a blanket. So we all must hang in there, for spring is coming. 

Keep our hearts on fire for You, Jesus. Our God is still on His throne and gives us mercy. His love surrounds us and we carry on. This too shall pass. Then we can look back and proclaim the faithfulness of our LORD.

Take a look at Psalm 144.

Are we blessing the Lord who gives us strength?

Is God your goodness, fortress, high tower, deliverer, shield?

Is He the one in whom you trust?

Who are we that Holy God would notice us and think of us? Our life is so short. It is just a puff of air. How do people handle life without God?

Who is God to you?

Are we serving God with all our being-thoughts, actions, words?

Do we share the hope that is in us-Jesus Christ?


The Lord says for Amos to call in witnesses of the leaders of Philistia and Egypt to see chaos and oppression in Israel due to their sins. They would be appalled at what was happening.


  • It is because the people were not capable of doing right. (verse 10) They continued into sins so long that it became second nature.
  • Greed, violence, and destruction were what they understood so that is what they were going to get. (verses 10-11)
  • The rich made the poor even poorer.
  • Like in a courtroom, Israel would be found guilty. (verse 13)
  • God's judgment was going to come.
  • However, a remnant would be saved. (verse 12)

The Assyrian army besieged Samaria and were taken captives.  Many of the northern tribes moved to Damascus.

The longer we wait to deal with sin, the greater the hold it has on us. We forget what it means to do right. Are we on the verge of forgetting?


We trust You, Father God.

You will pull us through this.

You are our Rock, so we are standing on Your promises.

Bless all who read this today with Your love overflowing.

Jesus, You are our Overcomer so we can overcome whatever.

Thank You!!!!!!!

Friday, January 21, 2022

Land of Uprightness

O. T. #2113 "Land of Uprightness"

Jan. 21, 2022

Amos 3-Part 7


Look at what David's prayer included concerning God's will:

Teach me to do Thy will; for Thou art my God: Thy Spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness. (Psalm 143:10)

What is David praying?

  • God's Spirit is good.
  • He can teach us to do His will when He is our God.
  • He can lead us in uprightness, which refers to justice; right (ously);(made) straight.

It wasn't enough to be saved from his troubles. David wants fellowship with God and His direction and guidance as he obeyed His commands. (Tony Evans)

Regardless of our feelings, it is still worthwhile to serve the Lord. Jesus is trustworthy, upright, just, the Truth, the Word, and God's Son. He can make our rough paths smooth; He can make the crooked turn straight for us.

So when we desire to know God's will for our life in a particular situation, He can teach us that very thing. After all, He is God and we are His servants.

Are we seeking God's will for our life?


Verse 8 (NLT) says, The lion has roared-so who isn't frightened? The Sovereign LORD has spoken-so who can refuse to proclaim His message?

The problem wasn't that the people did not have God's Word, but that they did not want to hear the Word from God. Doesn't that sound familiar? Noah preached 120 years before the flood of judgment. Abraham was told what would happen to Sodom and Gomorrah ahead of time. Joseph was forewarned about the famine of 7 years in Egypt. Jesus told His apostles that Jerusalem would be destroyed. The real problem was sin in the heart of men.

If a preacher tells the truth, he is known as a pessimist, a killjoy, a gloom-caster. However, God follows the principle that for every effect there is a cause, and He sends judgment only upon a sinning people. (McGee)

Isn't it a tragedy when an unsaved world sees professed Christians fall into sin? Media has a hay day with it. What a hardship it puts on  the faithful ones to witness. We are each accountable for our own sins.

Don't we need preachers who will not sugarcoat the Word, but tell us the truth about our sins? That is love. Isn't it better to hear it now and get forgiveness here than stand before a holy God and hear about our sins then?



Is it well with your soul, friend?

Or is there a sin that separate you from God?

Are we busy doing His will instead of ours?

Your will, Your way, today, I pray.



Thursday, January 20, 2022

Finding God's Will

O. T. #2112  "Finding God's Will"

Jan. 20, 2022

Amos 3-Part 6


Are you seeking God's will in your life? It is not hidden or difficult to find. He does not hide His will. He is eager to reveal it to you.

Surely the LORD God will do nothing but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets. (3:7)

We finished the seven questions dealing with the cause-effect of the calamity coming upon Israel. So when disaster came, Israel could rest assured that it was the Lord's judgment on their sins. The prophets forewarned them what was coming if they did not repent of their sins. It is because God revealed His will to His prophets, those who were kingdom-minded like Amos.

Secret means counsel, a session, consultation, intimacy.

God does not let any nation dwell in peace and prosperity when it is in sin. Judgment will come. For every effect there was a cause. God will let them know what He intends to do.(McGee)

In the days of old, God spoke to His prophets, who feared Him and were righteous servants, in secret by dreams and visions, What He made known to them, the prophets made known to the people. That was how God worked.


God does nothing in the affairs of humanity without seeking one of His servants to whom He will reveal His activity. Tragically, there are times when no one is walking closely enough with Him to be receptive to His word. (Isa. 59:16; 63:5; Ezek. 22:30-31) (Blackaby)

In our verse, who revealed? Whose secret was it? Whose servant/prophets was it revealed? It was God.

When forbidden to speak about Jesus, Peter and John said in Acts 4:20, For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.

When Jeremiah the prophet was put in stocks, he decided to keep quiet God's message, but then But His Word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay. (Jer. 20:9)

In 1Cor. 9, Paul said he had to preach the gospel. Preachers have the charge from God to deliver the Truth. And Christians have a duty to share the Good News of redemption to give a hope of eternal life to the lost.

Jesus said if our eyes are pure, they will see God's activity, the problem is not a lack of revelation. The problem is that our sin prevents us from noticing it. (Blackaby)


Seek God's will in our life today.

Keep us alert to Your activities, Jesus, and invite us to join You in kingdom work.

May our eyes and heart be pure so we see You working around us.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


O. T. #2111  "Calamity"

Jan. 19, 2022

Amos 3-Part 6


In Psalm 143:7-9, David is praying again.

Cause me to hear Thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee. Deliver me, O LORD, from mine enemies: I flee unto Thee to hide me.

Do you hear David's loss of hope, paralyzed by fear, and in deep depression? Like David, we sometimes are there in the pit. We can come to the Lord and express our feelings.

Then God will help us remember His works (verse 5), reach out to Him in prayer (verse 6), trust Him (verse 8), and pursue His will (verse 10). (Life Application Study Bible)

Will we see the lovingkindness of God today? Are we trusting Him in our situation? Do we tell God our situation and expect an answer? Are we walking in His ways? Do we flee to God whenever we have a need?



The last two cause and effect questions are found in verse 6:

6. Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid?

Unless a trumpet is blown (cause), calamity does not occur (effect). A trumpet blowing alerted the people in the city, like we have storm sirens. Amos shows how two events can be linked together. Once one event happens, the other will take place.

Are we listening for the trumpet when Jesus returns to take His children home? The rapture will occur, whether we are prepared or not. Are you prepared, dear one?

7. Shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?

The word evil means calamity; distress; harm.

Caused by Jehovah, a calamity occurs (effect). He brings it about when it is time for His judgment to be given. Assyria would come upon Israel because they would not heed the prophet's warnings to repent of their sins.

We are quick to blame the devil, but often times a calamity is due to one's sins. However, sometimes bad things happen because of the sins of others.

There is no such thing as an accident in the life of a child of God. There must be a cause for the effect. There is a lesson to be learned from the calamity. (J. Vernon McGee)

Are our spiritual eyes and ears open to what God is doing or allowing?


Rescue us Heavenly Father, for You see all and know all.

Open our eyes and ears to the needs of others.

Help us listen to Your instructions and follow them.

To You be the glory, honor, and praise.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Supplications and Snares

O. T. #2110  "Supplications and Snares"

Jan. 18, 2022

Amos 3-Part 5


Looking at Psalm 143, we find God's faithfulness to answer our prayers.

Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in Thy faithfulness answer me, and in Thy righteousness. (verse 1)

David's prayer began with acknowledging the attributes of God, His faithfulness and righteousness. Because God is holy, God is righteous in all He does. He is faithful to His promises and covenant. We need the righteousness of Jesus to cover us because we have none. None are righteous, no not one. So when we confess our sins, we know He if faithful to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all righteousness, as 1 John 1:9 says.

As David called upon the LORD to save him from divine judgment, so can we. Friend, have you called upon the name of Jesus to forgive you of your sins? If you do, you will also escape divine judgment. Will you ask Him to be your Savior today? He loves you so much that Jesus died taking your place for the punishment of your sins.



We have had our share of skunks wandering into our yard. So we borrowed a trap from a friend. Now, I don't think we thought ahead as to what we would do with it if we actually caught one. Bait was placed inside the trap anyway. And one was caught. The guys put an old blanket over the trap and carried it away from our yard. Not sure it did any good, for the next fall another skunk came through our yard. If we had not set the trap, we sure would not have caught one. So it is in today's lesson.

Amos continues two more questions with a cause-effect relationship, found in verse 5:

4. Can a bird fall in a snare upon the earth, where no gin is for him?

In other words, does a bird ever get caught in a trap that has no bait? Unless there is bait in a trap (cause), a flying bird will not be caught (effect).  

5. Shall one take up a snare from the earth, and have taken nothing at all?

Does a trap spring shut when there's nothing to catch? So unless it has captured something (cause), a trap will not spring (effect).

Does a trap spring shut when there's nothing to catch? If one sets a trap, they expect to catch something. However, if nothing is caught, then one would move the trap to another location. God's justice is going to move on His people Israel.

Those five questions rhetorically point to a "no" answer. Israel does not see themselves in Amos's questions, so they are not expecting disaster. Their sins will eventually catch up with them, and God's patience will end, sending Assyria to conquer them. Sad isn't it?

Do we take God's Word seriously? Oh, we like to find His promises and blessings, but do we listen when God warns us if we wander into sin?


Thank You Jesus for taking my place on the cross, paying my sin-debt.

May You receive glory and honor today in my life.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Bountiful Blessings

O. T. #2109  "Bountiful Blessings"

Jan. 17, 2021

Amos 3-Part 4


David recalled his days hiding in a cave while King Saul sought his life. (1 Sam. 18-24)His situation seemed hopeless without God intervening. (But we know He did, for God's will was for David to become king of Israel.) David needed to learn some lessons of dependence upon God, growing in faith and obedience, and the faithfulness of God.

In Psalm 142, David's prison was a cave. His hopeless circumstances overwhelmed David. Men sought to kill him. However, with all of this going on, David sought the LORD for his refuge. (verse 5) He prayed for deliverance from his persecutors. (verse 6)

Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise Thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for Thou shalt deal bountifully with me. (verse 7)

The word bountifully means to treat a person (well or ill); do (good); reward.

Like David, how important it is to praise the Lord in our whatever. Glorify Him, our King. When we learn to do that well, they God will reward us.

I will sing unto the LORD, because He hath dealt bountifully with me. (Ps. 13:6)

Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee. (Ps. 116:7)

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3)

No matter how life turns out for you and me, let us be found singing praises unto our God. Thank Him for salvation through Jesus Christ His only Son.


Verse 4 contains two questions: Will a lion roar in the forest, when he hath no prey? Will a young lion cry out of his den, if he hath taken nothing?

Again, we see a cause and effect. A lion moves about quietly and silently on his padded feet when he is stalking a prey. Until he pounces on the prey, he makes no noise. (cause) But when he captures it, then he roars out. (effect)

The young lion makes no sound because his mamma taught him to keep quiet while she is away getting food for him to eat.  (cause)Then when she returns with supper, he lets out a cry or growl. (effect)

So the Lion of Judah was about to roar. Israel would be wiped out by the Assyrians, some 60 years later, and Judah would go into captivity in Babylon, some 100 years after that.

What can we learn from this? God means what He says, and does what He says He will do. Judgment will follow man's iniquity.

Are we keeping quiet or roaring the Good News of salvation in Jesus? Will we share how merciful and loving our God is?



How amazing is Your grace!

May we be faithful to sing Your praises, Jesus.

Give us strength and courage to share the bountiful blessings You have given us with others today.

Friday, January 14, 2022

When Overwhelmed, We Need Things Smoothed Over

O. T. #2108  "When Overwhelmed, We Need Things Smoothed Over "

Jan. 14, 2022

Amos 3-Part 3


Have you been overwhelmed lately? I certainly have. Someone hacked into our computer at our shop, held it for ransom, and since we would not pay, all information was erased. We were able to begin again. Therefore, we have to figure out things for last month, enter recent information, and practically start over. Talk about a downer on Christmas Eve.

But God is good, and each day we are renewing it, for God's grace renews us daily. He is our refuge and strength. Instead of being overwhelmed with such a huge task, we are being renewed daily with Jesus being our mercy and refuge. We are taking it one step at a time. We are still in the land of the living. Praise Jesus!

When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then Thou knewest my path. In the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me. (Psalm 142:3)

I cried unto Thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. (verse 5)

In the Hebrew language, overwhelmed means to shroud, clothe; hence (from the idea of darkness) to languish; cover (over); fail; faint; feebler.

Portion refers to smoothness; allotment; part; inheritance.

When a challenge seems to cover you with darkness, remember to cry out to Jesus. He is our refuge, strength of our heart, help in times of trouble. It is a time to praise the Lord, keep believing He will fix it for us, and renew our faith. Keep walking in faith, lift your head, it ain't over yet. Jesus is our inheritance and smoothness in the land of the living. Let Him smooth the path ahead, smooth out the rough parts, smooth things over so we are not overwhelmed.


The prophet Amos is using 7 questions in this chapter to announce the judgment of God upon Israel, to tie together God's message and the upcoming events:

1. Can two walk together, except they be agreed?(verse 3) Two must be in agreement(cause), if they are going to walk together (effect).

So it is with us and our God-we must be in agreement with Him. We must go over to His side and agree with Him. We agree that we are a sinner in need of a Savior; we need His forgiveness; we will turn away from our sinful way and walk His way.

God is carrying out His purposes in the world and in our life. We must get aboard and ride in His chariot, not get under its wheels. The we will ride triumphantly with Him along this road of faith.

God called this shepherd and farmer out to be His prophet, warning His people what was to come if they did not repent of their idolatry. God called, equipped, and used this man for His purposes. As Amos walked with God in communion, so must we if we are to accomplish His will for our life.

Jesus said, Apart from Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5 NIV)

Are we listening to Jesus or carrying out our own agenda?


Seek God's will and do it, not ours.

Praise Jesus as we walk with Him in harmony.

Watch God work for us, smoothing things out.

Let Him overwhelm us, not darkness.


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Are You a Peculiar Person?

O. T. #2107 "Are You a Peculiar Person?"

Jan. 13, 2022

Amos 3-Part 2


Before we get into the messages of condemnation for Israel, look with me at David's prayer in Psalm 14:

LORD, I cry unto Thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto Thee. Let my prayer be set forth before Thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. (verses 1-2)

David may have written this psalm after his cave experience with Saul (1Sam. 24) or when he was away from the sanctuary during Absalom's rebellion. 

Each evening the Jewish priest would offer a burnt offering on the brazen altar and also burn incense on the golden altar, but God accepted David's prayer and uplifted hands. Incense is a picture of prayer going up to the Lord (Rev. 5:8, 8:4)

David's hands were empty, but his heart was full of love for the Lord and faith in His promises. This psalm was read by Ezra (chapter 9) and Daniel (chapter 9) as they prayed at the time of the evening offering. Also, it was read after the second Temple was built.

[Resource: The Wiersbe Bible Commentary]

How often do we pray? Do we lift up our hands unto the Lord in worship?


Amos is speaking to both the northern and southern kingdoms, since they were united when the Jews were delivered from slavery in Egypt. (verse 1)

Verse 2a tells us You only have I known of all the families of the earth...

Both kingdoms were God's chosen people. What a privilege to be known by God.

Known means to know; perceive; have respect; understand; discern in the Hebrew language. Even though God was acquainted with all the families of the earth, Israel was His chosen one. They were set apart and brought into a covenant-relationship with Him. Such a unique relationship with the God of the universe.

Israel had a special calling. It was a gracious calling, an effective calling, and an exclusive calling with responsibilities. The Jews were  to be a holy people, chosen for God Himself, because He loves them. (Exodus 19)

This principle of gracious election applies to the church, also. In John 15:16 NIV, Jesus said, You did not choose Me, but I chose you.

Folks, we Christians are to be a peculiar people. Paul said in Titus 2:14, Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. The word peculiar means being beyond usual; special (one's own).

Peter wrote in his first letter, found in 2:9, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

In that verse, peculiar refers to purchased, possession, saving.

the question is this-Are we acting like a peculiar people of God? Are we loving others like Jesus? Are we serving others with the light of Jesus in us? Are we shining differently in the world or are we not a noticed difference?


May we be faithful to You today, Jesus.

Make us peculiar, unusual people among the world.

Fill us with Your love so we stand out.

Keep us faithfully following You with trust.

Help us take Your marvelous light into a dark, hopeless, and sinful world.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

What's in Our Heart and Thoughts?

O. T. #2106  "What's in Our Heart and Thoughts?"

Jan. 12, 2022

Amos 3


We went to the movies the other night to see a popular movie. But we had to leave because the main character sought an evil witch man to change things. Ads did not reveal this, so we wasted our money, but protected our hearts and minds. We are to avoid any appearance of evil, much less allow our thoughts to entertain evil ways.

In Psalm 139:23-24, David asked God to search for sin in his heart and thoughts, then to point it out to him. This is exploratory surgery for sin.

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

How can we recognize sin in our life unless God points it out? When He shows us, then we are to repent and ask forgiveness. When we do so, we continue on God's everlasting way. Dare we ask?

Believer, are your thoughts holy, or are you allowing evil and sinful thoughts to grow in your mind? Jesus told us to seek Him first and His righteousness. Then everything will follow. (Matt. 6:33)

Are we instilling righteousness in our activities and relationships? Is our life above reproach, not a stumbling block? Are we allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our life and control our thoughts, actions, words?

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26)

Just as Israel needed new hearts, so do we each day.


According to Wiersby, Amos gave three messages warning Israel of the danger of hardening their hearts toward God's Word:

  1. The first message was an explanation. (3:1-15)
  2. The second message focused on accusation of sins. (4:1-13)
  3. The third message concerned the lamentation to come when doom arrives as God judges their sins. (5:1-6:14)

Amos did not beat around the bush. He got down to where the rubber meats the road, so to speak. He came right out and said that God was going to punish Israel for their sins, iniquities. Isn't it too bad that the priests and politicians did not heed the warning and call the people to repentance?

However, do we sit in a church service week after week and hear the Word preached and do nothing about it in our life? Or do we apply what the Scriptures say? We have a greater responsibility when we hear it than the one who does not.



Change our heart, O God; make it ever true.

May You find us faithful and obedient.

Lead us on the righteous road You have paved for us, Jesus.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

When Life is Overwhelming

O. T. #2105  "When Life is Overwhelming"

Jan. 11, 2022

Amos 2-Part 4


Friend, when you have one of those days that you would rather skip, just think about how important you are to God and how He loves you. He created you, shaped you, knew you before the foundation of the world. When life overwhelms, let God comfort. No matter our circumstances, our God is watching over us and knows every detail.

 Psalm 139:17-18 says, How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with Thee.

We are continually on God's mind. We can't comprehend the thoughts of God. He keeps us with everyone on this earth. Now that is mind boggling. God's thoughts are infinite in contrast to the limited mind of mankind. but isn't that who God is? His thoughts not our thoughts. He is rich in love, has a kind heart, slow to anger.

Take courage, dear one, for God is on our side. When our journey becomes hared, take the hand of Jesus and walk on. When the path is rugged, let Jesus help. So when we can't understand what is going on, trust that He knows best and knows our future.


Before we finish up Amos 2, with all the judgments of God upon nations, including Judah and Israel, and their unfaithfulness and disobedience, let's continue to see God's faithfulness to Israel:

  • He destroyed the Amorites so they could have a land in which to live. (verse 9)
  • He delivered them from Egypt and sustained them through the 40 year journey. (verse 10)
  • He raised up prophets and Nazarites from among them. (verses 11-12) He did this so Israel would have an example of righteousness and holy living among them, as well as have minister in His behalf.

How did Israel respond? They were not thankful for God's working in their midst. They sought to corrupt the Nazarites by making them drink wine, violating their vow. They prohibited the prophets from proclaiming God's Word.

Nothing will deliver Israel from God's judgment. Speed, strength, and might will be to no avail. (verse 14) Trained archers, infantry, and cavalry would not prevail. (verse 15)

We know that God used the Assyrian army as His weapon to bring judgment against the sinful nation of Israel. Survivors were taken captive to Assyria.

[Resource: Liberty Bible Commentary, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary]



Precious Father, we bless Your holy name.

Keep us in Your will so we don't get in Your way.

When we get overwhelmed, reassure us that You are watching and are for us.

Jesus, to You be the glory and honor, and praise.

Do whatsoever pleases You only.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Wonderfully Made

O. T. #2104  "Wonderfully Made"

Jan. 10, 2022

Amos 2-Part 2


Ever feel you are worthless or not important? Psalm 139:14-15 helps us realize how valuable our life is:

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from Thee, when I was made in secret, and couriously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. (verses 14-15)

The anatomy of the human body is amazing and wonderful. How each part is articulately put together. 

God formed us as He wants us to be, and we must accept His will no matter how we feel about our genetic structure, our looks, or our abilities. (Wiersbe)

God makes no mistakes, sw we are not a mistake. We are created in His image with a purpose and meaning. Our self-worth and self-esteem should be based upon this truth.How can we but thank God for what He has given us! So, friend, know that you are loved by God from the top of your head to the toes. Are we willing to let Him use us for the glory of our Maker Asah (Aw-saw')?



Since Israel wanted to act like those who don't know God, they would be treated like those who don't know God. If anyone should have known better than to do the things listed here, it was those who had His Word.

Amos went into details pointing out the sins of the 10 northern tribes of Israel:

  1. They were guilty of injustice. (verse 6-7) the rick were suing the poor, who could not pay their bills, forcing them into slavery. the poor were neither forgiven nor assisted. They were supposed to care for the poor brothers.
  2. They were immoral. (verse 7b) Father and son were visiting the same prostitute, in idolatrous worship; or she could have been a servant. The law of Moses prohibited this action.
  3. Open idolatry was also their sin in disobeying the law.  (verse 8)They visited the pagan altars, got drunk on wine purchased with the fines from the poor. They slept by the altars on other people's garments defiling the garments. Officials were getting rich by exploiting the people, using their unjust gain fro committing sin.

[Resource: The Wiersbe Bible Commentary]

God had given Israel only one altar, and that was in Jerusalem, not Bethel. They had the law and were without excuse of those sins committed. And I think of America. Aren't we guilty of the same sins?

Well, Amos quit preachin' and went to meddlin'! It is time for a heart check. Are we guilty of any of those same sins? If so, it is time for repentance. The God who made us is a forgiving God.


Thank You Loving Father for making us.

Merciful God, have mercy on us sinners and our nation.

May we uphold Your Word as Truth.

Friday, January 7, 2022

You Are Not Alone

O. T. #2103  "You Are Not Alone"

Jan. 7, 2022

Amos 2-Part 2


Do you sometimes feel alone? There is good news-you are never alone. Read on to find this assurance.

In Psalm 139, we found out that God knows us intimately, so we cannot deceive Him. (verses 1-6) Today we read that God is constantly with us so we cannot escape Him. (verses 7-12) We cannot hide from God, even in heaven, in the grave, in the deep ocean, nor in the darkness.

... even there Your hand will guide me, and Your strength will support me. (verse 10)

Our God is omnipresent, everywhere, so there is not escaping from His Spirit. What good news for believers, that no matter where we go or what we do, we are not far from God's comforting presence. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. (Romans 8:38-39)

God will guide us and strengthen us if we seek Him and allow Him. So the next time you are lonely, just slide an empty chair beside you, and ask Jesus to join you.

Are we looking to God for our strength, for our companion to with us through today?




Yeah, they deserved what they got. Don't we hear people say that when a crime has been committed and the guilty punished?

Can you hear the applause after the prophesies Amos gave about the six Gentile nations? Did they want to hear more of how those heathens were  going to be punished when God's judgment came upon them. After all, they deserved what they got. But don't you know their attitude changed as Amos continued and turn to proclaim the judgment of God upon Judah and  then Israel?

Judah was where the Temple and beloved city of Jerusalem were located. After all, the Jews were God's chosen people. How could Amos foretell of their destruction? Why would God be displeased with the nation of Judah when they brought sacrifices into the Temple of God? (As well to the idols) Let's find the answers to those questions.

According to Amos 2:4-5, Judah became a nation where:

  • they despised the law of the LORD; despised means to spurn; to disappear-abhor, caste away; refuse; reject; vile person;
  • they did not keep His commandments; found in Exodus 20, they were to have no other gods before God, make any graven image and bow down to it and serve it-the first 5 commands;
  • their lies caused them to err- lies refers to idols;
  • they were led astray by the same lies that deceived their ancestors.

In other words, Judah had sins they kept repeating over again were what caused God to judge the people of Judah. They rejected the LORD's instructions, ignored the revealed law, refused to obey His decrees, and were led astray by the lies (idols) of their ancestors. God's people knew what God wanted, yet they ignored Him and joined pagan nations in worshiping idols.

God does not show partiality toward them because of their position of privilege. What punishment was God going to give them? He would bring fire upon their land and all the fortresses of Jerusalem would be destroyed.

The Babylonian army came against Jerusalem and absolutely burned it to the ground. Stones were all that was left. Treasures in the Temple were taken to Nebuchadnezzar to use. Thousands of captive Jews were taken to live amidst the idolatry for 70 years.

However, God preserved a remnant of the Jews who returned to  Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple and the city, and returned to worship God. (Nehemiah and Ezra recorded it.)

What can we learn from this? The Jews' sins were greater than those of the heathens because with the greater privilege always brings greater responsibility. (Luke 12:48) When much is given, much is required.

What has God given to us? Salvation, love, forgiveness, etc.

Grace and mercy are awaiting for us to repent of our sins. Judgment will begin at the House of God, lest we think we will escape. For the Christian, we will be judged on our deeds, but for the unbeliever, it will be whether they know Jesus as Savior.

Which group are you be in, friend?



Thank You Jesus that You do not leave us nor forsake us believers.

May You guide us today where You want us to go.

Be our strength.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Who Knows Us Completely?

O. T. #2102 "Who Knows Us Completely?"

Jan. 6, 3033

Amos 2


Sometimes we don't let people get to know us completely because we are afraid they will find something about us that they won't like. But there is One who knows us completely and accepts and loves us anyway-our God.

Looking into the Psalm 139, which David wrote, we find that God searches our hearts and knows everything about us. He knows when:

  • we sit down or stand up;
  • our thoughts even when we are far away;
  • we travel and when we are resting at home;
  • and what we are going to say before we say it.

God is acquainted with all of our ways. (verse 3) God goes before us and follows us, places His hand of blessing on our head. (verse 5)  Such knowledge too wonderful for us and too great for us to understand! Our minds are so limited to time and space.

He knows all the details, so nothing escapes His knowledge, nothing catches Him off guard. God is with us in every situation, even in our trials. He is protecting, loving, guiding, and speaks to us. How awesome is our God!

Friend, there is nowhere to run and hide. Believers, we are never lost nor forgotten. Even when other misunderstand us, God does not.

When we comprehend that God can do the incomprehensible, it should cause us to be overwhelmed with worship for Him. (Tony Evans)



The sixth nation that God will judge is Ammon. The Ammonites were descendants of Ammon, who was born out of incest of Lot and his daughter. (His two girls got their father drunk.) These people had many transgressions, but one is specifically mentioned.

The Moabites had gained a victory in battle over their enemies, the Edomites, and had killed their king. They went farther and burned the bones of the king of Edom into lime. Revenge was carried to the nth degree. God said He would judge them for this. God expected the Gentiles to listen to Prophet Amos, but they would not? Do we listen to the men of God?

Nebuchadnezzar brought this proud nation to extinction later. But before this happened, a beautiful girl by the name of Ruth left Moab. She married Boaz and they became parents of Obed, grandparents of Jesse, and great grandparents of David. Their lineage continued to Joseph (Solomon) and Mary (Nathan) then to Jesus Christ. Such grace!


Thank You God for never leaving us nor forsaking us.

Help us to be willing to go where You send us to do Your will Your way.

May our words honor You today, Heavenly Father.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Strength to Carry On

O. T. #2101  "Strength to Carry On"

Jan. 5, 2022

Amos 1-Part 7


Here are some good verses in Psalm 138, explaining why we should praise and worship Jesus Christ:

In the day when I cried Thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul. (verse 3)

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou wilt revive me: Thou shalt stretch forth Thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and Thy right hand shall save me. (verse 7)

The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: Thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of Thine own hands.  (verse 8)

I will praise Thee with my whole heart. (verse 1)

I will worship toward Thy holy temple, and praise Thy name for Thy lovingkindness and for Thy truth: for Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all Thy name. (verse 2)

The Lord will work out His plans for my life and your life. In Jeremiah 29:11, we read that He has plans for our life, plans that will  prosper us and not harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. Our own plans could not match those of Jesus' plans for us. He goes before us and opens up the way, as well as walking alongside us.

Friend, let's keep choosing what is better, spending time with Jesus in His Word. don't skip out but make it a sacrifice of time that pleases Him and strengthens us. How I appreciate your walking with me through the Word of God, dear one.



Well, today we cover the fifth nation upon which God's judgment fell just as Amos predicted. Who were the Ammonites and what did they do to cause God to take revenge upon them for His people?

First of all, Ammon and his brother Moab were the sons of Lot and his daughters. (Gen. 19) They were relatives of the Israelites, for Lot was Abraham's nephew. However, the Ammonites were hostile toward Israel, even though Israel began to worship their idols. They had attacked Israel back in Judges 10. After Saul became king, his first victory in battle was against the Ammonites. (1 Sam. 11)

In 2Kings 8:12 and 15:16, we read of the Ammonites killing women, children, and unborn children, since land was more important to the Ammonites than life. This horrible crime was to be judged by God. Revenge was satisfied whenever the Assyrians swept through the land of Ammon in 734 BC. (Ezekiel has also predicted the destruction of their land in 25:1-7) Their god Molech was not able to save the Ammonites.

There is no place to hide from God. Our secret sins are not a secret to God. This new year would be a good time to change our ways. That is what repentance means, going the other direction. God's grace is unlimited, so let's reach for it today.



May we carry out Your plans for our life, Jesus.

May You receive the glory for it.

Protect You people around the world from the evil ones and strengthen our faith.

Thank You for Your lovingkindness and truth.

May we proclaim Your Truth, Jesus is the only way to God and to heaven.


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

How We Need Mercy!

O. T. #2100  "How We Need Mercy!"

Jan. 4, 2022

Amos 1-Part 6


Psalm 136 reminds us of the goodness of God and all the things He previously did for Israel (and us). David tells us to give thanks unto the LORD. Why? for His mercy endureth for ever. It is used 26 times in this song.

As we have said before, mercy is the word checed (kheh'-sed)in the Hebrew language. It means kindness, piety, favor.

How did God show Israel His kindness and favor?

  • He does great wonders;
  • made the heavens and the earth;
  • made the sun, moon, and stars;
  • smote Egypt's firstborns;
  • delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt with a strong hand and stretched out arm;
  • divided the Rea Sea and Israel passed through it;
  • overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea;
  • led His people through the wilderness;
  • smote great kings and slew famous kings;
  • gave their land to Israel;
  • remembered Israel in their low estate and redeemed them from their enemies;
  • gave food to all.

How has God shown us His kindness lately? That is why we are to give thanks unto the God of heaven: for His mercy endureth for ever.


The fourth nation upon which God was sending His judgment was Edom. (verses 11-12) Amos was told to warn them. What were the transgressions (sins) of the Edomites against Israel?

It goes all the way back to the twin sons of Isaac, Esau and Jacob. Esau was the firstborn who sold his birthrights for stew to brother Jacob; Jacob stole Esau's blessings  of the Abrahamic covenant by deceiving their father. This resulted in jealousy, lack of compassion, and revenge on Esau's family, the Edomites.

Edom sought to destroy his brothers, the Israelites. They would not allow the Jews to pass through their land on their journey to the Promised Land. (Numbers 20)

However, King Saul oppressed the Edomite army (1Sam. 14) and David conquered them (2Sam. 8). Then in the days of King Jehoram, Edom revolted against Judah and won their freedom. (2Kings 8) God took revenge for His people.

When Babylon captured Jerusalem, the Edomites aided the Babylonian army, venting their anger. Later, when the Romans attacked Jerusalem,  the Edomites were destroyed and Edom was no more. 

How are we treating our fellow man? Are we showing God's mercy? Do we share with them the coming judgment of the lost and His mercy is available to the repentant heart?


Have mercy on us sinners, Heavenly Father.

We are sinners in need of a Savior, Jesus.

Help us show mercy to our neighbors, family, and strangers.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Life Lessons From Last Year

O. T. #2099  "Life Lessons From Last Year"

January 3, 2022

Amos 1-Part 5


Happy New Year everyone! Wow, don't they seem to be flying by! So what have you learned through experiences last year? I hope we all finished the year well. Were you touched by the grace, joy, and love of Jesus in your life? The race is not over, friend, therefore, we still need the touch of the Master's hand on our life.

Still looking at Psalm 135, we realized how God is good and great and above all. Verse 6 says, Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did He in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places.

It correlates with Psalm 115:3, Our God is in the heavens: He  hath done whatsoever He hath pleased.

God is not a finite idol, but a limitless, transcendent God with the sovereign power to accomplish His will. (Tony Evans)

Dare I say that most of the time we don't understand why does a particular thing? We lost two wonderful men and dear friends in the ministry past year. We hold onto our God, that it pleased Him to take them home. Their work on earth was done. If it had been up to us, we would have kept them here with us for 20 more years, but it was not up to us. We trust in a God who does not make mistakes, but has a plan for each of our lives. Are we living out that plan?


Amos moved from Damascus to the northeastern Philistine cities in the southwest, and now goes north on Phoenicia to its major city, Tyre (Tyrus).

Going back as far as David and Solomon, Israel had a warm relationship with the people there. It was a brotherly covenant, a friendly partnership that went deeper than politics. Although they differed in religious practices or political structures, they still treated one another like fellow human beings. (1Kings 5) (Wiersbe)

However, Tyre ended up guilty of the same sins as those Philistia cities. They sold Jewish captives to the Edomites as slaves. (verses 6-8) Selling friends as slaves! And God's people to boot. Amos warned them.

Nebuchadnezzar took the city after a 13 year siege. Then in 332 BC, Alexander the Great wiped Tyre off the face of the earth and left it a place for drying nets. Tyre was a warning to any who rebel against the will of God and mistreat men and women created in the image of God.

It seems to be going on in our day, right? Human trafficking, an awful thing. Teens and children being kidnapped for money and experiencing what should not be. Evil is present in our world.

How are we treating others? Are we keeping our word? Are we impartial in our treatment of others? Things to ponder.



Thank You for lessons in life to learn and Your patience to do so, Father.

Keep us striving for the prize as we head heavenward in Christ Jesus.

May we serve You this year with all our being.