Friday, January 7, 2022

You Are Not Alone

O. T. #2103  "You Are Not Alone"

Jan. 7, 2022

Amos 2-Part 2


Do you sometimes feel alone? There is good news-you are never alone. Read on to find this assurance.

In Psalm 139, we found out that God knows us intimately, so we cannot deceive Him. (verses 1-6) Today we read that God is constantly with us so we cannot escape Him. (verses 7-12) We cannot hide from God, even in heaven, in the grave, in the deep ocean, nor in the darkness.

... even there Your hand will guide me, and Your strength will support me. (verse 10)

Our God is omnipresent, everywhere, so there is not escaping from His Spirit. What good news for believers, that no matter where we go or what we do, we are not far from God's comforting presence. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. (Romans 8:38-39)

God will guide us and strengthen us if we seek Him and allow Him. So the next time you are lonely, just slide an empty chair beside you, and ask Jesus to join you.

Are we looking to God for our strength, for our companion to with us through today?




Yeah, they deserved what they got. Don't we hear people say that when a crime has been committed and the guilty punished?

Can you hear the applause after the prophesies Amos gave about the six Gentile nations? Did they want to hear more of how those heathens were  going to be punished when God's judgment came upon them. After all, they deserved what they got. But don't you know their attitude changed as Amos continued and turn to proclaim the judgment of God upon Judah and  then Israel?

Judah was where the Temple and beloved city of Jerusalem were located. After all, the Jews were God's chosen people. How could Amos foretell of their destruction? Why would God be displeased with the nation of Judah when they brought sacrifices into the Temple of God? (As well to the idols) Let's find the answers to those questions.

According to Amos 2:4-5, Judah became a nation where:

  • they despised the law of the LORD; despised means to spurn; to disappear-abhor, caste away; refuse; reject; vile person;
  • they did not keep His commandments; found in Exodus 20, they were to have no other gods before God, make any graven image and bow down to it and serve it-the first 5 commands;
  • their lies caused them to err- lies refers to idols;
  • they were led astray by the same lies that deceived their ancestors.

In other words, Judah had sins they kept repeating over again were what caused God to judge the people of Judah. They rejected the LORD's instructions, ignored the revealed law, refused to obey His decrees, and were led astray by the lies (idols) of their ancestors. God's people knew what God wanted, yet they ignored Him and joined pagan nations in worshiping idols.

God does not show partiality toward them because of their position of privilege. What punishment was God going to give them? He would bring fire upon their land and all the fortresses of Jerusalem would be destroyed.

The Babylonian army came against Jerusalem and absolutely burned it to the ground. Stones were all that was left. Treasures in the Temple were taken to Nebuchadnezzar to use. Thousands of captive Jews were taken to live amidst the idolatry for 70 years.

However, God preserved a remnant of the Jews who returned to  Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple and the city, and returned to worship God. (Nehemiah and Ezra recorded it.)

What can we learn from this? The Jews' sins were greater than those of the heathens because with the greater privilege always brings greater responsibility. (Luke 12:48) When much is given, much is required.

What has God given to us? Salvation, love, forgiveness, etc.

Grace and mercy are awaiting for us to repent of our sins. Judgment will begin at the House of God, lest we think we will escape. For the Christian, we will be judged on our deeds, but for the unbeliever, it will be whether they know Jesus as Savior.

Which group are you be in, friend?



Thank You Jesus that You do not leave us nor forsake us believers.

May You guide us today where You want us to go.

Be our strength.

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