Monday, August 6, 2018

Seal the Cracks

O. T. #1256  "Seal the Cracks"
August 6, 2018
Psalm 60
Thou hast given a banner to them that fear Thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth.
Psalm 60:4


David was a warrior, leading Israel as they defeated God's enemies. but this time, they were not victorious. The Edomites successfully attacked Palastine. As David wrote this psalm, he was feeling defeated.  He prayed for the thrill of victory again.

In our key verse, the word banner refers to a flag; a sail; a flagstaff; a signal; sign; standard.

The NLT describes the banner as a rallying point in the face of attack.
After the 9/11 attack, we Americans flew our flags. Flags were visible at homes, businesses, churches, public places. It was a symbol of our unity to support and willingness to defend our dear nation from the enemies. We rallied together.

Jehovah Nissi means "The Lord our Banner." Christ is the captain of my salvation. His dying on the cross provided us victory over death and eternal life in heaven. Now Christ makes intercession for His children. (Hebrews 7:24-25)

Our war today as Christians is not one fighting against physical enemies, but that of a spiritual warfare against Satan and his demons.
Satan wants to convince us to give up on Jesus. He wants to make us run from the battle, to leave the Lord's army and stop being His representative on earth. (David Wilkerson)

Is our family and marriage being attacked today? Pornography and immorality seems to be surrounding us. Our world has an obsession with sexual sins. We have to protect our eyes from it and our children from it. Sins of pleasure is attempting to replace prayer. Self-gratification is replacing the gathering for worship of God.

Christ's banner over us is His love. He gives us courage and life to continue to fight the good fight. David reminds us that we can flee for safety when the battle rages in our life. Christ is our safety, our only protection against the world, the flesh, and the Devil. Under our Banner, we can continue to bring the Truth to those who do not know Him as Savior. It is not the use of military, but we conquer with the gospel.

Are we holding up the Banner, the cross of Jesus?

David admits that "all human help is useless," in verse 11. With God's help Israel (including you and I) will do mighty things, for He tramples down our foes.

Is our trust in Jesus today to make a way for us?


Verse 2 says, You have shaken our land and split it open. Seal the cracks, for the land trembles.

David asks God to seal the cracks. As we fill in the cracks around windows to keep the cold wind out in winter, so we must do so in our life. Did you know that tv is sneaky? They are presenting evil is cute ways. Fairies do magic; good witches do nice things. Watch out friends. We must teach our youngsters what is wrong and displeasing to God. These cracks need to be filled in with the Word of God.

God loves truth, and the people who belong to God will rally to truth like soldiers to their banner.

When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth. (John 16:13)

Is the truth of God's Word stirring us to action and rallying us to His cause?


Hold up my banner, Christ Jesus and His cross.
Look for cracks in my life that need God Jesus to seal up.
Keep the Truth in my mind and heart.

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