Thursday, August 30, 2018


O. T. #1274 "Promises"
August 30, 2018
Psalm 75
Thou art more glorious and excellent than the mountains of prey.  Psalm 76:4


Asaph, who was appointed by King David to be to serve in the music ministry of the Temple, wrote this psalm. It was probably written after Judah defeated the Assyrian invasion led by Sennacherib in 701 B.C. This was during King Hezekiah's reign, found in 2 Kings 18.

With the setting established, we can have a better understanding of this celebration. Starting with verse 1, In Judah is God known: His name is great in Israel.

Where does God live? Where is His home?
 In Jerusalem (Salem is a shorter version) the Tabernacle is found. Mt. Zion is His home.

Now look at our key verse. How is God described? He is more glorious, which means luminous; set on fire; shine; and excellent, which mean honorable, than the mountains filled with beasts of prey.

The invading armies were comparable to mountains in greatness. Certainly the God of Israel, Jehovah, is more glorious and excellent than those. Armies are no match for God. He is victorious every time. Those haters of God back then sought to destroy God's Temple and His people. Nothing has changed throughout the years, has it? The devil's goal is still the same. The evil ones are still trying to overcome good. They need to stop fighting against God and turn to Him in repentance.

According to verse 7, God is to be feared, the object of our reverence and awe. How do we do that?
by keeping the first Commandment-have no other gods before Him. We show God do this by worshiping, reading His Word, praying, and making Him number one in our life. Are we doing it today? Is our influence bringing others to do the same?


Vow and pay unto the LORD Your God... (verse 11)
We are told to keep our vows made to God. Do what you said you would do. Pay what you committed to Him. We are to remember our obligations.  Surrender and carry them out. What is the last promise we made to God? Is it being fulfilled? Is love our motive?

Today, so many are not keeping promises or vows. God keeps His promises. He protected Judah, through whom the Messiah would come, as long as they continued to only worship Him. When they failed, then they went into captivity in Babylon for 70 years. But, afterwards, they repented and returned to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem and rebuild their nation under God.


How glorious and excellent is my God and Savior.
How faithful He is to me.
Help me keep my promises.

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