Monday, July 1, 2024


 N.T.#337 "Compassion"

July 1, 2024 

Mark 1-Part 8 


Because of the unsanitary conditions in Jesus' day, lepers were numerous. A man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jeus, begging to be healed. "If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean," he said. Probably, the disease had advanced stages of decay so the lepose man was disfigured.  

What was Jesus' response?

  • He was moved with compassion (feel sympathy; to pity).
  • Jesus reached out and touched the man.
  • Jesus was willing to heal the man and commanded his healing.(verse 41)
  • Immediately the leprosy departed from him and the man was cleansed.
  • Jesus commanded the man to tell no one about what happened.
  • He was instructed to go to the priest and let him examine the healed man. (Lev. 13-14)
  • He was told to take along a thank offering required in the law of Moses for those who had been healed of leprosy. It was a public testimony that he had been cleansed.
Leprosy would have made the man's rags bloody, soaked with puss and unclean. Yet Jesus touched him. No lecture, no sideshow, no elaboration to impress others, just a simple healing that changed the man's life forever. Immediately the man was healed.
However, the many disobeyed Jesus' instructions. (Had he obeyed, it would have shown Jesus' complete regard for God's law. Also, it would have verified Jesus' great miracle to the community.) Instead, the healed man spread the word, proclaiming to everyone what had happened. As a result, large crowds soon surrounded Jesus and He could publicly enter a town anywhere. Jesus had to stay secluded in the desert, but people came to him from everywhere.

Our response should be to King Jesus, "If You are willing, You can make me clean." (verse 40)
We sin daily and need His mercy and forgiveness.
How important is obeying God's Word and the Holy Spirit's directions?


What can we learn from this situation?

  1. Compassion encourages us to care for those who hurt.
  2. Humility energizes us to remain gracious.
  3. Solitude and prayer empower us to restrain our own ambitions.
  4. Discipline enables us to continue reaching out to the lost. (Swindoll's living Insights on Mark)
We are to take what we gain from Jesus and release it to the world. (Swindoll)

We are challenged to share with others the Good News of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus this week. 


Thank You Jesus for Your compassion on us sinners.

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