Monday, July 29, 2024

Whom do We Worship?

N.T.#355 "Whom do We Worship?"

July 29, 2024 

Mark 5

Thank you everyone for being patient with me. We returned Saturday exhausted from Boston for a week of Vacation Bible School. There were some challenges along the way-delayed flights, late luggage, leaders left behind. Yet, we pressed on to accomplish God's will. Our luggage did not arrive until late Sunday night, which contained our personal items and VBS materials. Other obstacles included late children, late lunches, lack of space, and little ones disrupting classes.

Although we had challenges to overcome, the Lord blessed us with 26 kids attending and 5-8 salvations. Five of us were able to paint the outside of a three-story church building. Three of us stayed at the pastor's house and was able to minister to him and his wife. All in all, we consider it a successful mission trip. Exhausted, but blessed, we hit the ground running back home on Sunday.


Let's pick up in chapter 5 in our study with the healing of the Gadarene demoniac. Matthew calls the people Gergesenes. ruins of Khersa (Gerasa) on the lake shore disproved these claims because this location was in close enough proximity to the larger city of Gadara that a single event could be identified with either place. (Falwell)

Mark mentions a man, while Matthew rsays there were two. They were demon-possessed, at any rate. So immediately when Jesus got out of the ship He was confronted with this man.


How does Mark describe him?

  • His residence was among the tombs. This shows us he was not a rational person choosing such an environment. 
  • He was demon-possessed, an unclean spirit.
  • No one could bind him, not even with chains. There was no hope in controlling this man, for he was able to break the chains and escape. (verses 3-4)
  • No man could tame (subdue) this one, for he had supernatural strength. 
  • He cried night and day in the mountains and tombs, cutting himself. What an effect on the man's mental faculties that he would cut himself. This must have kept people away from the area.
  • The man ran to Jesus when he saw Him and worshipped (prostrate oneself in homage, bowed down before Him)
  • What do we have in common? The demons considered Jesus was there to destroy them. (1:24)
When we come to Jesus, do we bow before Him? Even the demons acknowledge Jesus to be the Son of the Most High God. Do you?
Or do we give more time to our things than to our God?

Lord Jesus, truly, You are the Son of the Living and Most High God.
We bow down and worship You, for You alone are worthy of praise, honor, and worship, my God and my King and my Savior.


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