Wednesday, July 3, 2024

What is Your Purpose?

 N.T.#339  "What is Your Purpose?"

June 3, 2024

Mark 2


Here we read about the fifth disciple which Jesus called to follow Him-Matthew. Probably Jesus passed by Matthew many times while in the area of Capernaum. This tax collector may have been listening to Jesus teach out by the seashore. Levi, or Matthew as he was called, would not have been welcome in the synagogue. Tax collectors were known for their inflating tax bills and growing rich from the excess. Levi had betrayed his people, rejected his heritage, despised his temple, and renounced his God. They sold themselves to foreigners, so the were seen on the same level as harlots. How it must have stirred up the people when Jesus made Levi one of His inner circle of disciples. (Swindoll)

What a scene when Jesus dined with tax collectors and such sinners.

  ...for there were many, and they followed Him. (verse 15c)

Folks should have rejoiced that Levi repented of his sins and turned from them. Yet the Pharisees still criticized Jesus for His choice of company to His disciples, not to the Master. How would the sinners get the spiritual treatment and teachings they needed if the religious ones avoided them?


When Jesus heard it, He saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physican, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (verse 17)

Those self-righteous Pharisees were religious leaders who needed to admit their sins and seek spiritual healing from the Great Physician-Jesus. Also, they needed to help bring healing to those who needed it most. Jesus had exposed the hypocrisy of the legalists. They had become enslaved to the endless list of rules, twisting the Word of God, and adding to it. 

Jesus accepts us as we are. He changes our heart when we admit our sins to Him and believe Jesus is the Son of God and Savior. We all are sinners in need of a Savior today. Have you asked for Jesus to clean your heart? Jesus is full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) Jesus loves sinners and I am one of them. 

When was the last time you spent time with a sinner so you could point them to the Savior? Isn't our mission to point sinners to the Savior in repentance, too?


Use us today to share Your Word of Truth, Your love, grace and mercy.

Help us point sinners to You, Jesus.

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