Wednesday, July 17, 2024

What Can We Learn From the Farmer?

N.T.#349 "What Can We Learn From the Farmer?"

July 17, 2024

Mark 4


I recall when I was a kid, riding on the back of the seeder attached to the back of Dad's tractor. He would first plow up the ground. My job was to let him know when the seed box was empty. I think he was planting corn in our garden. What a fun memory for me. Of course, living in Arkansas meant there were rocks in the soil and birds in the trees. Despite the obstacles, we had a good crop of corn on the cob to put in the freezer and eat for supper.

 Jesus was using a parables about the soil and the seeds to teach lessons. Parables are spiritual truths using an earthly stories with heavenly meanings. There are only 5 parables mentioned in this chapter. (In Matthew 13, 8 parables are mentioned.)

First is the parable of the sower and its explanation, the candle, new standards, seeds' growth , and the mustard seed. 

  • A farmer planted some seed. As he scattered it across his field, some birds ate it when the seed fell on the footpath. 
  • Other seed fell on shallow soil with rocks. The plant wilted under the hot sun since it didn't have deep roots, and it died. 
  • Other seed fell among the thorns causing the tender plants to be choked out and not produce grain. 
  • Other seed fell on fertile soil, sprouted, grew, and produced an abundance of crop. (verses 4-8)

Jesus spoke in parables to the crowds but intended for His disciples to understand the meanings of parables. The crowds would not perceive nor understand the meanings about the kingdom of God. It is by faith that people come to Christ, not by proof.  

Will we believe without seeing proof? It is faith that pleases God. Salvation is in no other than Jesus Christ. 


What does the parable of the sower mean?

  • The farmer plants seed by taking God's Word to others.
  • Some seed fell on the footpath, those who heard the Word, but Satan took it away.
  • The seed on the rocky soil shows others hear the message and receives it with joy, but they don't have deep roots and it isn't long lasting when problems and persecution come
  • The seed which fell among the thorns heard the Word, but worries of this life, the luring of wealth, and the the desire for other things produced no fruit. Lastly, the seed that fell on good soil represents those who hear, accept God's Word, then produce a harvest. 
Which soil is your heart? Hopefully, when we hear God's Word we share it and apply it, producing fruit in our life.


Jesus, help us hide Your Words in our heart so it will produce love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness.

Open our hearts. 

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