Thursday, July 4, 2024

Walking in Freedom

 N.T.#340  Walking in Freedom"

July 4, 2024 

Mark 2-Part 2


Are you set free today? Are you walking in freedom today? We enjoy our freedom here in America. Although, we must not forget that freedom has come with a price-sacrificial lives of men and women. In similarity, as Christians we are free in Christ. It is through His sacrifice of death on the cross that has set us free from the penalty of sin-death and forever separation from God in hell. It is through His grace and our faith in Him, not works, that we can live forever in heaven after death. This freedom does not come by keeping of the Law, which we can never accomplish on our own.


The Pharisees in Jesus' day did not consider themselves legalists. They are individuals who examine the external behavior of others as a means of gauging their spiritual health, when they should give more attention to their own internal thoughts and attitudes in the interest of their own spiritual maturity. Legalists may appear spiritually stronger than others, but they are most spiritually anemic. Rather than finding joy in a relationship with the Almighty, they become grace killers, joy stealers, and freedom destroyers. (Charles Swindoll)

Although we are free as believers, we are not to use that freedom to sin or cvause our brothers and sisters to stumble into sin. We don't have to prove our spiritual condition either. We are to serve, love, and live like Jesus, separate from the world. Let's not forget that Jesus is our righteousness, for ours is as filthy rags. 


Thank You Jesus for Your Word preserved for us today.

Teach us Your ways of love and truth so we can share it with others..

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