Thursday, July 18, 2024

Seeds and Light

N.T.#350 "Seeds and Light"

July 18, 2024 

Mark 4-Part 2


Can we determine which soil represents our life? (verses 1-20) Swindoll uses these questions to help us:

  • Are you a productive, persevering believer? Do you cling to the truth and seek to apply it consistently, open to the Scriptures and Holy Spirit, grateful for grace, and growing toward maturity?
  • Are you a busy, preoccupied believer? Do priorities choke out the teachings in Scriptures, allow comfort, power, position, or affluence keep your relationship with Christ a low priority?
  • Are you in the shallow soil of a superficial seeker? Following a crowd, not wanting to befriend one, don't want a changed mind, but are a hearer and not a doer, these can hinder you.
  • Are you the hard-hearted, stubborn one who has no interest in spiritual things? Your self-willed attitude will catch up with you one day. 
Jesus will forgive our sins when we ask for forgiveness. One day we will all stand before Him. 


If a candle or lamp isn't worth much if its light is hidden. Many Christians are that way. Are we one? Or are we shining our light before others so they see Jesus in us?

In verses 21-23, Jesus was speaking to "them", who are followers of Jesus, which numbered in the thousands. (6:30-44) Jesus taught the parable of the candle. One doesn't hide it under a bushel or a bed, and not put a lit candle on a candlestick. (Of course the purpose of lighting a candle is to let it shine and provide light.)

Truth is often depicted as light. The same is true of the special manifestation of God's presence, which appeared in the form of a supernatural light called the shekinah. (Exodus 3, 14, 19, 24) John depicted Jesus as light coming into a dark world.(John 1:1-9) In the new heaven and new earth, we will have no need of a lamp lit nor the sunlight, because the Lord God will illumine them. (Rev. 22:5) We followers of Jesus are to hold Him high so all might benefit from divine truth. (Swindoll)

There is nothing hid and kept secret that will not be manifested and scattered abroad. (verse 22) The lamp of God's Word is to shine into people's hearts. 

 Is God's Word shining in our hearts so we can bring the light to that which is hidden?



  1. I appreciate the questions you shared of Charles Stanley. I have printed them off to ponder and share. Thank you!
    Hope all is well with you and your family.

  2. Thanks, my friend. Swindoll is my favorite author. We are doing well. Praying for your family.
