Friday, July 19, 2024

Heeding and Sharing

N.T.#351 "Heeding and Sharing"

July 19, 2024 

Mark 4-Part 3


Do you realize that it isn't enough for us to study the Word of God, but He wants us to apply it and share it. 

In verses 24-25, Jesus gives a parable of new standards. (The Bible records 39 parables of Jesus.)  Jesus' kingdom does not operate like the world's system. The closer we listen, the more we understand and we are given. Watch what we hear. False teachers are everywhere. Stay in the Truth and Word of God.

First, Jesus tells us to take heed (look at, see, beware) what we hear. There is a lot of deception out there, so we need spiritual ears to discern the truth. The world measures success in physical materials and money, but believers are to be successful when they hear God's Word and apply it in their life, bearing fruit of the Spirit. 


Secondly, Jesus tells us whatever mete (measure) we use towards others will be used toward us.

 If we are faithful servants to Jesus, He will be a faithful Master to us.  (Dr. Hammond)

More knowledge will be given to those who use it for the glory of God and to benefit others. An example is teachers of the Word when they apply it and share it, honor God with it. If we don't use what we have, it will be taken away. (verse 25)

Please pray for our mission team as we do VBS next week in Massachusetts. We will be leading children in a Hattian church there. Please pray for our safety and the seed of the Gospel planted, watered, and produce fruit.


Help us apply what we learn Lord Jesus in Your Word of Truth, then share it with others.

To You be glory forever.

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