Tuesday, July 2, 2024

A Paralytic Walked Home

N.T.#338 "A Paralytic Walked Home"

July 2, 2024 

Mark 2


If you have studied the New Testament for a while, you will recall the healing of the paralytic being carried by his four friends to Jesus. They had heard of Jesus' healing previously and wanted their friend to walk. so they did what it took for this to take place. Because the room was so crowded with listeners of Jeus ' preaching, they couldn't get through the door, much less carry a man on a cot. How were those friends determined? 

  • They went to the paralyzed man. 
  • Put him on a cot and carried him who knows how far to the house in Capernaum where Jesus was.
  • The 4 guys determined the best way to get their friend to Jesus.
  • They carried him up to the roof of the house, uncovering it and breaking it up so there was a large enough hole for them to lower their friend down while lying on the cot.
  • The roof probably had dried, hardened clay with sticks. It would not have been an easy task.
What a sacrificial love for a friend. They put legs to their love. They didn't just talk the talk but walked the talk. 

There are times we need to be broken up and laid down at the feet of Jesus. Continue to pray as one broken and laid down for friends and family to come to Jesus.


Did you notice that Jesus didn't say, "Be healed, walk." 

Son, thy sins are forgiven thee. (verse 5) 

That is what Jesus told the man. 

Forgiven means to send; to send forth; leave; put away; yield up.

Jesus was and is in the business of forgiving sins, so to speak. Healing is just an extra thing.

Jesus saw into the hearts of the sceptic scribes, their thinking Jesus was blaspheming. After all, only God could forgive sin. Jesus took the opportunity to reveal His equality with God the Father. 

A paralytic walked home that day with a clean heart. Others were amazed and glorified God. Here was a man with lame legs who got up with healthy legs when he encountered Jesus.

A word from the Son of God, whose command brought forth the universe, is sufficient. (Falwell)

What is your need today-spiritual healing or physical healing? Jesus can do both.


Only Jesus paid the price for us. Only His love could set us free. He paid the price because He loves you and me. Have you come to the loving Savior?


  1. Physical healing. I am not enjoying having shingles.

  2. Oh no. Praying for you my friend.
