Thursday, July 11, 2024


N.T.#345 "Called"

July 11, 2024 

Mark 3-Part 3


The revelation of who Jesus was to come through proper vessels and at the proper time as Jesus desired. The unclean should not be the ones to identify Him as the Son of God or the Holy God. That is why He told them to not to make Him known. (verse 12)

We read of Jesus withdrawing to the mountain and calleth unto Him whom He would. (verse 13)

Jesus summoned those whom He wanted. Being sovereign, He makes decisions based on His own perfect judgment. No need to explain His reasoning to anyone. Those whom Jesus called responded and came to Him. The Jesus appointed those He called. 

Mark leaves out the Sermon on the Mount that Jesus preached to His disciples. However, Matthew 5 and Luke 6 include it. Jesus taught His disciples principles for life before He sent them out.

What happened next?

  • Jesus ordained His disciples mentioned in verses 16-19. Ordained means appointed or chosen; abide; agree; raising up. 
  • He sent them out to preach. Preach means to herald (as public crier), especially divine truth (the gospel); proclaim.
  • Jesus gave them power to heal sicknesses.
  • Also, He gave them power to cast out devils.
Has Jesus called you to salvation? Have you accepted His call?


Keep in mind that Jesus called 12 ordinary, average men. None had impressive credentials. They were Galileans, many fishermen. They were literate and well-versed in the Old Testament Scriptures. However, none of them could be called a scholar. Yet, with Jesus' training and the Holy Spirit's filling, those ordinary disciples became extraordinary apostles.

What set those disciples apart was their willingness to obey Jesus. Peter, James, and John made up Jesus' inner circle and were often with Him apart from the other apostles. 


Help us love You and others, serve You and others, our Father.

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