Friday, July 12, 2024

When Family Shuns

 N.T.#346 "When Family Shuns"

July 12, 2024

Mark3-Part 4


When you come to Jesus and He changes your heart, then your activities change, friends often change, and sometimes family becomes cold toward you. Even Jesus family went out to fetch Him home. They thought Jesus was beside himself. 

In verse 21, friends refers to those near, which was Jesus' family, His own people. This would have included Mary, brothers James, Joseph (or Joses), Simon, and Judas (Jude); unnamed sisters; and possibly His cousins. Jesus' family members were unable to embrace Him as God and Savior at this time. After all, Jesus was the eldest brother. When fame reached the tiny, remote outpost of Nazareth, they thought Jesus had lost His mind. (John10:20) Some even thought Jesus was mad and demon-possessed. (John 10:20)

 Crowds were coming to Jesus. He healed the sick and delivered the possessed. Jesus challenged the accepted norms of religious and cultural traditions, calling Himself the ultimate authority. Many sold all their possessions and left their occupations to follow Him.  

We might conclude that Jesus' family was neither close enough to Him to understand His intentions nor discern enough to know better.

[Resource: Swindoll's Living Insights on Mark]

It makes it difficult for us whenever family shuns us because we stand for the Bible, we don't participate in their sinful ways or talk. Sometimes you just want to be one of the family, yet Christians have to stand out, be different from the worldly ones. We continue to show them love and pray for them.  I am speaking from experience. You probably figured that out. Jesus gives us strength to carry on and serve Him.


If that wasn't enough criticism, the scribes came down from Jerusalem and accused Jesus of being possessed by Satan, who gives Him supernatural powers. Pooh! Satan can be strong, but not stronger than Jesus. Besides, have you known the devil to do good things?

Unbelief was the problem so many religious leaders had. Just believe Jesus to be the Son of God. Had they not seen His compassion, His power? Of course, they were jealous of the number of followers Jesus had. Were they afraid He might reign as King and throw them out of the Temple?


Thank You Jesus for coming to show us the way to live, for being our sacrifice for our sins, and providing us with eternal life in heaven!

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