Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Who is Jesus to You?

N.T.#356 "Who is Jesus to You?"

July 30, 2024 

Mark 5-Part 2


We left the demon-possessed man with Jesus, as the legion(6,000) of demons conversed with Him. They asked, in verse 7, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the Most High God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not. 

In other words, those demons knew who Jesus is, asking what business they had with Him. Although the disciples did not fully understand who Jesus was, those demons knew. He is superior to all things created. 

Torment means torture in the Greek language.

How did Jesus converse with those demons?

  • Jesus commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. (verse 8) 
  • He asked what its name was, to which the answer was Legion. (verse 9)
  • The demon asked Jesus to not send them out of the country, but into the swine nearby. (verses 10-12)
That resulted in the demon-possessed swine ran down the cliff and drown in the sea. Evil is manifested in disease, disasters, discord, death, and decay. Satan opposed the work of Jesus in the wilderness, (Mark 1:13), in the synagogue (1:23), at home (1:32), and throughout His travels (1:39, 3:11) The author of evil hates God and wants everything God created to be consumed in his self-destructive rebellion. (Swindoll)

This probably occurred over several days, not a single afternoon. 

James 4:7 tells us, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 

With God's grace, we can totally submit to Him. We should stand against outward opposition, resist the accuser, and walk in the Spirit with the utmost caution. (Falwell)

Not all bad things that happen to us is due to the devil working. They could be of our own doing, sin. Our duty is to submit to God and to resist the devil and his temptations to sin.


What happened next?

  •  Those hired hands keeping watch over the seine fled to the city and country telling what happened. 
  • People went to see what was done, finding a mass of rotting pig carcasses washed onto the shore, and the formerly deranged man behaving normally. (Swindoll)
  • The delivered man was sitting, clothed, and in his right mind. (verse 15)
  • the people who feared the demon-possessed man living among the dead, but they feared Jesus more, wanting Him to leave. They preferred the status quo where everything could be explained by natural means. 
Jesus didn't have to leave, but it suited His purposes to go. The delivered man wanted to go with Jesus, but He had a greater purpose for the man. 

Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee. (verse 19)

Did the man obey Jesus? Yes. He went to Decapolis, and area of 10 cities southeast of the Sea of Galilee, and told of the great things Jesus had done for him. Jesus had released him from bondage, restored his dignity, renewed his mind, and gave him a divine purpose. All the men marveled. What an evangelist.

When we get the opportunity, do we tell others what Jesus has done for us? Who is Jesus to you?


What a wonderful Savior is Jesus!

He is my Savior, Healer, Redeemer, Provider, Sustainer, Giver of Life.

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