Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tiny Seeds

 N.T.#353  "Tiny Seeds"

July 23, 2024

Mark 4-Part 5


Mark gives us the only recording of the parable of the sower given by Jesus. It complements the parable of the sower by explaining in more depth the results of spiritual growth accomplished in good soil. the interpretation pictures the gospel working in lives. the Word of God works in individual hearts, sometimes slowly, until the time when God reaps the harvest in that person and saves him. 

Another interpretation is Jesus sowed the gospel message until the final harvest in the future. His disciples would continue the work of presenting the gospel that would eventually yield a harvest.  (MacArthur)

 Is God's Word growing our faith and obedience?


The mustard seed parable is found in verses 30-32.  Have you seen and held mustard seeds? They are tiny round seeds, yet they can grow to the size of a tree where birds can lodge. God's Word has produced millions of followers in Jesus, but it only began with a few good men. we need to be careful that it is not snatched out of our life by impure thoughts, hurtful words, mean people, Our faith, no matter how small, can join with that of others to accomplish great things.

Jesus explained His parables to His disciples. (verse 34) He spoke other parables not recorded. Those with ears to hear gained spiritual knowledge and grew wise in kingdom living. Others remained willfully ignorant or were perpetually distracted by temporal concerns eventually drifted away with the wind. (Swindoll)

I thank God for those who are studying God's Word with me. What an encouragement you are!


Grow our faith, Lord Jesus. 

Help us faithfully plant seeds of Truth and salvation.

We trust You will grow it for Your glory.

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