Tuesday, May 31, 2022

What is God Like?

O. T. #2205 "What is God Like?"

June 2, 2022 

Micah 7-Part 5


did you notice that we are almost finished with this book? Thank you for staying with me to study yet another prophet who was directed to share the doom and gloom that lay ahead for Israel. (It was because they would not repent of their idolatry.)

Who is a God like unto Thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He retaineth not His anger for ever, because He delighteth in mercy. (verse 18)

There is no one like our God!

As Micah closes his prophecy with praise for His dealings with sin, we learn:

  • God is Creator, holy and righteous, and pardons sin, as well as delights in mercy.
  • He pardons iniquity (evil, perversity, sin).
  • He overlooks the transgression (rebellion, sin) of the remnant or special people of His.
  • He will not stay angry at His people forever.
  • Because God delights in showing mercy and unfailing love. (verse 18)

How wonderful it is to know that our God pardons our sins and rebellion. Now who doesn't need mercy and love? We just need to admit that we have sinned again and ask forgiveness from a Holy God. But don't take it lightly, friend. That forgiveness came at a price for Jesus. 


In verse 19, Micah continues to recognize who God is:

  • He has compassion on us once again.
  • He will subdue (to tread down, to disregard) our iniquities
  • God will cast all our sins into the depth of the sea.
  • He shows us unfailing love and faithfulness.

In other words, God does not forgive grudgingly but is glad when we repent, and He offers forgiveness to all who come back to Him. (Life Application Study Bible)

What a picture-our sins are completely removed forever because of Jesus' sacrifice for us! He made this possible for us, for our righteousness is as filthy rags.


God, what an awesome God You are!

You never fail, work all things out for our good and Your glory.

We bless Your name!

We glorify the name of Jesus!

Keep us humbled before You and trusting You.

Marvelous Things

O. T. #2203  "Marvelou Things"

May 31, 2022 

Micah 7-Part 3


Even though evil was rampant in Israel, Micah pointed to Jehovah, who was their only hope. Having seen a prophetic vision, Micah looked down through the centuries to the Great Tribulation, and then victory for God's people. Then the Lord will fulfill His promises and establish His Kingdom.  Micah was watching, waiting, and praying.

In verses 14-18, we read of his prayer. Since the prophet relates to his people and loves them, he is specifically praying for them. Let's listen in on the wonderful way he commits his people to the Good Shepherd's care:

  • He asks God to feed His people, the flock of His heritage, with a rod of comfort, as David did in Psalm 23. As the shepherd protect and provides for his sheep, so Micah realizes God disciplines and instructs us, also. As in the good ole days, the land was fruitful, peaceful, and had obedient sheep. (verse 14)

Then God answered Micah, According to the days of thy coming out of the land of Egypt will I show unto him marvellous things. (verse 15)

The Hebrew word for marvellous is pala (paw-law'), which means hard, hidden, things too high, miracles, wonderful (things, works).

Can we say that God did marvellous, wonderful, and high things as the plagues came upon the Egyptians, demonstrating His power above the magicians?  I believe it is not just a story, but actually happened, for it appears in God's Word. Amen? Also, God provided for the remnant who returned to the Jerusalem to rebuild it. What a marvelous thing for King Cyrus to allow them to return and supply what they needed. It was a God Thing.

What marvellous and wonderful thing has God done for you lately? I stand in awe that God gave us such a wonderful church. May He receive glory, honor, and praise for His mighty works. Let's share them with others.


Realistically, we may question why 17 children and 2 adults died in the Texas school. For whatever reason, God did not intervene. Perhaps He wants to do marvelous things in that community, and it would take such a sacrifice to bring the folks to repentance and salvation through Jesus. But then, we may not know the answers until we reach heaven. 

There are other verses which use the word marvelous. Psalm 98:1-2, O sing unto the LORD a new song; for He hath done marvellous things: His right hand, and His holy arm, hath gotten Him the victory. The LORD hath made known His salvation: His righteousness hath He openly shown in the sight of the heathen. 

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. (Ps. 139:14)

And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are Thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, Thou King of saints. (Revelation 15:3)


My God, You do marvelous and wonderful things.

Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.

To You be the glory, honor, and praise forever and ever. Amen.


Monday, May 30, 2022

Enemies Will Be Brought Down

O. T. #2202  "Enemies Will Be Brough Down"

May 30, 2022

Micah 7-Part 2


In verses 1-7, Micah spoke about watching in harsh times.  Then in verses 8-13, he speaks of waiting, waiting for things to get better. 

Then my enemies will see that the LORD is on my side. They will be ashamed that they taunted me, saying, "So where is the LORD-that God of yours?" With my own eyes I will see their downfall; they will be trampled like mud in the streets. (verse 10)

Micah knew his people were going to experience punishment for their sins-captivity by Assyria. Its purpose was to bring them back to God, not send them away. So it is with us. Eventually, after 70 years, Israel's enemies would witness the restoration of Israel and no longer taunt her. Assyria was conquered by Babylon, who captured Judah, also. Later on, Persia took over both of them. Jerusalem was rebuilt. A faithful remnant remained to do all of the rebuilding. How God blessed and protected them!

So if you have those who taunt you because of your faith in Jesus, let the wind blow. One day they will bow before our King Jesus and declare Him as Savior. We must keep on keeping on, friend.


Looking to the future, Micah gave hope through the future of Israel:

  • their cities being rebuilt, which we read about in Nehemiah;
  • their borders would be extended;
  • people would come there from many lands of Egypt and Assyria;
  • Israel would be honored. 
God will ultimately triumph one day. When Jesus returns as King, the Temple will be restored, people will go up to the mountain to worship the Savior, His laws will be obeyed, and there will be peace. (chapter 4)
In the meantime, look up, for our Redemption draweth nigh. 
Jesus said in Matthew 24:13, But he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved. 

Is our house in order? Are we ready to meet Jesus in the air?


Can you sing, It is well, with my soul?

Is Jesus the anchor for our soul?

Friday, May 27, 2022

Keep Watching and Waiting

O. T. #2201  "Keep Watching and Waiting"

May 27, 2022

Micah 7


Can we stay hopeful during harsh times? Micah tell us how, by watching, waiting, praying, and remembering. God hears our cries when our circumstances are overwhelming us. 

What does Micah have to teach us in this chapter?

1.Watching-The problem is with the people, not with God, who does not change. The good people have vanished in Israel. Good is the Hebrew word chasid, which means kind, merciful, pious, godly, or better, covenant loyalty.                                           

*Micah saw no grapes on the vines. (verse 1-2) No one walked uprightly before God, nor treated his fellow man uprightly in his day. It was as though they were bloodthirsty and cast nets like pursuing animals to kill others.                                               

 *Their officials and judges were skilled at doing evil and demanding bribes. (verse 3) God's watchmen, the prophets, predicted judgment; the day of visitation came as God punished the guilty using another nation. ((verse 4)                                  

*Don't trust your friend, spouse, children, parents. 

Your enemies are right in your own household! (verse 6, NLT)

In other words, the interpersonal relationships will be destroyed. How serious and bad things had gotten when family members turned against each other. 

Now is the time we need to be sharing Jesus with our family.


2.Waiting-Look at verses 7-9. 

As for me, I look to the LORD for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me. (NLT)

King James calls Him the God of my salvation. Though things looked bleak for Micah, he looked to his God for hope. He waiting on God, too. Micah's confidence was (New Living Translation)

For though I fall, I will rise again. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light. I will be patient as the LORD punishes me, for I have sinned against Him. He will give me justice. I will see His righteousness. 

Verse 10 says, Then my enemies will see that the LORD is on my side. They will be ashamed that they taunted me.

Dear one, do not ever give up on God. He is faithful. He's got this. He will right the wrongs for us. Is Jesus your Risen Savior? Is He your light? Is He your Righteousness? Hold onto Jesus.


Pray for our enemies and family.

Put back together, our broken hearts, Lord.

There's nothing better than You, Jesus!

We watch and wait for Your return, Sweet Jesus!

You alone are our hope.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

When Life Doesn't Turn Out Like We Planned

O. T. #2200 "When Life Doesn't Turn Out Like We Planned"

May 26, 2022

Micah 6-Part 8


We are aware that life is short. Sometimes it doesn't turn out like we had planned. Things happen, people do bad things, we question why. But through it all, we trust in You, the Everlasting God.

We thought that we would continue singing in revivals with our friend Rick, but he passed away of covid last year. We thought we would be doing more mission trips with our friend R.E., but he passed away last December. However, sometimes our plans are not God's plans and we have to accept what He deems His will and plans. So we continue to carry the gospel to others. How God has blessed! 

We have covered verse 8 extensively, so here is a test on it: What are the 3 things God requires of us?

It is to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. How did you do, friend? More important, how are you doing in applying those?

Now we will read about Israel's guilt and punishment in verses 9-16. The Lord warns Israel that the armies of destruction are coming, for the LORD is sending them. Why?

  • Homes of the wicked are filled with treasures gained by cheating. (verse 10)
  • They practice dishonest measures.
  • Merchants in Jerusalem use dishonest scales and weights. (verse 11)
  • Their rich become wealthy through extortion and violence. (verse 12)
  • Their citizens are so used to lying that their tongues cannot tell the truth. 
Our heart attitude and relationship with God is revealed through our dealings with others. How is our heart measuring up?


Therefore... What is God saying He will do to Israel because of their unrepentance of sins?

  • He will make them sick. (verse 13)
  • They will experience hunger pains and emptiness, due to not eating enough. (verse 14)
  • Saving money will not happen, for God will give it to their conquerer. 
  • There will be no harvest, and no oil to annoint them, and no grape juice for wine. (verse 15)
  • God will bring them to complete ruin since they do not obey His laws, but the kings' laws.
  • They will be treated with contempt and mocked by all who see Israel as captives. (verse 16)
Since Israel and Judah later worshiped false gods and idols, they brought judgment upon themselves. History tells us that Assyria conquered the northern kingdom and later Babylon conquered Judah. But there was a remnant that stayed faithful to loving God.

Is God trying to get our attention by sending a pandemic, floods, fires, wars?
How is our relationship to Him?


 Father, we pray for the community in Texas who lost so many children and 2 adults. So much pain and agony of soul because of sin. Have mercy and save the lost. Show them that eternity is only a breath away. Please give comfort in the midst of heartache. 

You are in control, merciful and loving Father. To You be the glory for ever.

We ask for strength to carry on today, love for others, and surrender to You.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

When Good Works Aren't Good Enough

O. T. #2199  "When Good Works Aren't Good Enough"

May 25, 2022

Micah 6-Part 7


Folks, this is such an important Scripture that I feel there is one more thing for us to learn here. Wiersbe has this to say about it (Micah 6:8):
None of the sacrifices Israel brought could cleanse them from their sins. "Doing penance" without truly repenting and trusting God's mercy only multiplies the sin and deadens the conscience. When the people asked Jesus, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?" He replied, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent." (John 6:28-29)

True saving faith comes from a heart that's been broken in repentance and realizes no amount of good works can atone for sin.(Acts 20:21; Ephesians 2:8-10)

Spiritual blindness had lead them (Israel) to offer everything except the one thing God wanted-a spiritual commitment of the heart from which right behavior would ensue. (MacArthur)

We must not get the cart before the horse, so to speak. First, we repent of our sins, agree with God that it was wrong, ask forgiveness, believe that Jesus died for those sins to become our Savior. As a result, we love Jesus, and want to please Him and do the works He directs us to do, for His glory.

Why are we doing good works? Is it for the glory of God, in obedience, to show His love to others, or is it for our won gain, recognition? Something to think about, huh?


Another perspective on the three things Micah said to do come from Wiersbe:
  1. We can't do justly until we have been justified by faith and are right with God. (Ps. 32:1-2)
  2. How can we love mercy if we personally have not experience the mercy of God? (Eph. 2:4)
  3. If we want to walk humbly with our God, we must first bow himself before Him, confess our sins, and claim His promise of forgiveness. (Luke 14:11)
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which He shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior. (Titus 3:7-8)

Israel didn't get it, but do you get it, dear one? Have you believed in Jesus as Savior? Has He thrown your sins as far as the east is from the west? (Ps. 103:12)
If so, then you and I have the hope of eternal life with Jesus in heaven one day. 
What about our family and friends and neighbors? Do they have this hope, too?

Your blood has washed away my sins, Jesus thank You.
The Father's wrath completely satisfied, Jesus thank You.
Once Your enemy, now seated at Your table, Jesus thank You!

Thank You Jesus that salvation is not by works because we could never measure up nor do enough to meet the requirement of God. Thank You that it is my faith, by Your grace, Your sacrifice that we are saved!

What do you need to let go of today, friend?

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

What Pleases God?

O. T. #2198  "What Pleases God?"

May 24, 2022

Micah 6-Part 6


One time we went to the same restaurant where a couple of former church members were eating. They had caused some problems while we were serving there. However, I didn't even remember those things anymore, for I had forgiven them. We spoke to them, friendly like, and were concerned with the bad health of one's wife. Certainly, we were showing mercy that day. It does get easier as time goes by. (One man even bought our lunch.)

What does God require of us? Now that is a fair question, isn't it? What does God take delight in as He looks into our heart and life? In other words, what pleases our God? Micah was straight forward in relating the answer to the Israelites and to us in verse 8:

to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. (NLT)

The KJV says to do justly.

It isn't a works religion nor are we saved by our works. Instead, it's a matter of the heart, an internal experience, a rebirth, where a new nature is given to an individual.

So whenever we are a Christian and believer in Jesus, how do we show His love to others?

1. We are just in our dealings with our fellow man and woman. We are honest and true. We keep our word when we give it. We do what is right in God's eyes and according to His Word. We lift up His standards and are an example.

2. Not only are we to love the mercy of God, but to be merciful in our dealings with others, too. We are to forgive in the same way we ask God to forgive us.

3. Our life is to be one of humility before our God, who is Holy, Almighty, and Righteous. We realize that He reached down, yanked us out of the pit of sin, and loved us all the way to the cross.

Is there one of those that you need to work on? If so, He has all the strength that you will need, so turn to Jesus.


What did Jesus tell His disciples in Matthew 16:24? If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.

It's a mission for the followers of Jesus Christ, not an easy one, nor a lot of fun to deny our self. Putting God first and then others is a road to happiness and peace.

In the Greek language, deny means to deny utterly; disown; abstain.

In order to experience the lordship and provision of Christ on earth, you must be willing to say "no" to yourself. (Tony Evans)

So in order to please God, we must disown our will and do God's will, abstain from sinful acts, and do whatever God tells us in His Word and by the Holy Spirit's leading. Right? Be careful, for the flesh dies hard. It may even cause a war inside of us. Jesus is there to help us with the struggle.

When my husband felt the call to a church in West Virginia, it was one of the hardest things we had ever done together, I dare say. Our son had just graduated high school and was moving to grandma's to take a job with a well-known company. Our daughter had gotten married and moved to Rhode Island. And that new church seemed a million miles away from our parents.

Now, it wasn't easy to get into that U Haul and leave our state and family only 6 hours away, who would be double that. I cried that day on the road and so did my husband. (His mom had cancer.) He offered to turn around, but I told him we would never know what God had planned for us if we didn't go. That was denying our will and doing God's will. I think of it as a test similar to Abraham's when God told him to sacrifice his son Isaac. We did go and were received with loving folks. God blessed our denying our selves.


Is there something that God is asking you to abstain from, disown, or utterly deny?

Surrender it to the Lord, or you will not know the blessings He has in store for you.

Thank You Jesus for denying Your self, leaving heaven, dying on the cross, and loving us.

Monday, May 23, 2022

How Are We To Act?

O. T. #2197  "How Are We To Act?"

May 23, 2022

Micah 6-Part 5


When someone hurts you, how are you to act? There have been times that I have had to turn the other cheek, walk away, and pray for mercy for the one who has mistreated me. It is hard to love them in spite of what they have done to hurt us. Isn't that what God wants from us, to be the Jesus that they need to see?

The Israelites had been misguided concerning how to please God. Micah explained what God expects and doesn't expect of His people. Yet, they asked questions as to what they could give in order to appease Him. Micah had previously told them to repent of their sins, ask forgiveness, and turn from worshiping idols to worshiping God. Sadly, they would not.

Verse 8 gives them the answer:

He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

What is required us, to do?

1. First, God wants us to do justly, which is right, due, worth. We must show justice, treat others in a just way, keep our word with complete integrity, treat them fairly as Jesus would, and act justly in all relationships.

2. Second, we are to love mercy, that is, kindness, pity, loving. When we receive undeserved mercy from God, then we should be motivated to show it to others. Resist the temptation to retaliate against those who have wronged us, choosing to be merciful instead.

So, friend, are we treating other in the right way, with love and kindness? Is there someone who needs it from us? Does someone come to mind?



3. Finally, God requires us to walk humbly (lowly) with Him. It's not the spectacular acts of service that God desires from us, but to be humble.

[Resource: Experiencing God Day-By-Day, a daily devotional by Henry and Richard Blackaby]

There is our assignments for today and always-do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.


Father, You are so faithful to us, so just, so merciful, and so loving.

Thank You for humbling Yourself to be a humble servant, showing us mercy when we don't deserve it, and loving us when we are unlovable, Jesus.

How great is our God and Savior Jesus Christ!

Friday, May 20, 2022

Works Won't Work

O. T. #2196  "Works Won't Work"

May 20, 2022

Micah 6-Part 4


Isn't it reassuring that we have a Righteous Savior who intercedes for us with our prayers to a Righteous God! Without Jesus, we have no righteousness, for ours is as filthy rags.

Paul tells us in Romans 3:25 about Jesus Christ, Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God.

It was the blood sacrifice of Christ made on the cross that provided a way of righteousness which met the demands of a holy God. Wow!

The Israelites heard from Micah that they were guilty of sins of idolatry and forsaking the worship of God. In stead of repenting and confessing sins, Israel asked what they could do to get rid of their sins.

We find questions in verses 6-7, Shall we:

*bring something to the Lord?

*bow before God?

*bring offerings of year old calves, rams, oil?

*born-first children for our transgressions?

Were the Israelites trying to bargain or buy off God? They kept raising the bid, didn't they?

But God doesn't bargain with sinners, and none of the sacrifices they offered to bring could have cleansed them from their sins. Doing penance without truly repenting and trusting God's mercy only multiplies the sin and deadens the conscience. (Wiersbe)


In order to clarify the similar questions, Jesus said, in John 6:28-29,

This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Romans 2:8-9)

In other words, it is faith in Jesus that pleases God, not our works or good deeds. Although, they are evidence that we have a changed heart, broken in repentance. No amount of good works can atone for sin. The good things we do are evidence of our heart toward God.

Friend, have you come to Jesus by faith, asking His forgiveness of your sins?

Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. (Romans 3:28)

I want to throw in here that baptism does not save a person.


Thank You Jesus for providing us with The Way to God and eternal life!

Help us let go of our self and works and come to You by faith.

All hail King Jesus!

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Is Any Righteous?

O.T. #2195  Is Any Righteous?"

May 19, 2022

Micah 6-Part 3


Previously, we read where God wanted His people to remember His delivery from slavery in Egypt, that He sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to help them. Also, instead of Balaam cursing Israel, God made sure he blessed them.

There was one more thing God wanted Israel to remember-their journey from Acacia Grove (Shittim) to Gilgal. Gilgal was the first place the Israelites camped after crossing over the Jordan River. Now, that crossing was miraculously enabled by God as He parted the Jordan and dried it up, just like the Red Sea.

However, they were disabled totally in the presence of their enemies. All the males had to be circumcised as a testimony of the fathers' belief of God's promises to Abraham. (God instructed Joshua to have this done.) So that disabled the warriors for a few days, and God protected them during their recovery time. (Joshua 4)

And remember your journey from Acacia Grove to Gilgal, when I, the LORD, did everything I could to teach you about my faithfulness. (verse 5b, NLT)

The King James version says it this way: that you may know the righteousness of the LORD.

The Hebrew word for righteousness is tsdaqah (tsed-aw-kaw') refers to rightness, justice, virtue, righteous act.

Do you know the righteousness of the LORD?


God continued to be kind to His forgetful people, but their short memory and lack of thankfulness condemned them. When people refuse to see how fortunate they are and begin to take God's gifts for granted, they become self-centered. (Life Application Study Bible)

What is so wonderful for us children of God is that we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, who is The Righteous One.(1 John 2:1)

Sin we have no righteousness because we are all sinners, we need One to cover us with His righteousness. It is the blood of Jesus and His holiness and sacrifice which provides the righteousness that we need. Jesus in the Perfect One without sin. He met the requirement for our sins as Jesus died on the cross.

Oh, what a Savior! Isn't He wonderful!



Thank You Jesus for providing Your righteousness for us, for being our Advocate to the Father.

Glory to Your name!

Keep us humble servants before You.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Submission and Service

O. T. #2194  "Submission and Service"

May 18, 2022

Micah 6-Part 2


After giving Israel a picture of their future hope, Micah returns to the issue at hand, Israel's spiritual and moral decline. The Lord has a case against His people and he will argue it here. It is as if He presents His case before all creation and his point is solid. Let's listen in as God argues His case:

1. God brought Israel out of Egypt and redeemed them from slavery. (verse 4) Nothing compares with God bringing plagues  on the Egyptians, which showed His mighty power. (Israelites were not effected.)

2. God gave Israel great leaders: Moses, who spoke directly with God, Aaron, who became their high priest interceding for them with offerings, and Miriam, who led Israel in songs of praise after the deliverance. (verse 4)

3. God protected Israel on their journey to the Promised Land, as well as intervening in the matter of King Balak of Moab. Balak tried to buy off Balaam to curse Israel. Instead, God used a donkey to speak to Baalam so he would pronounce a blessing instead. (Numbers 22:24)

[Resource: The Tony Evans Bible Comentary]

How can the people answer God's questions: What have I done to You? What have I done to make you tired of me?

Israel turned to worshiping pagan, false gods, idols. Why did they turn from God and reject Him? He did everything to teach His faithfulness. God didn't treat Israel ugly, mistreat them, leave them, nor forget them; He loved His chosen people back then and now.

Bring it on down to us-have we turned our heart, given our time and thoughts to other things instead of God? Are we rejecting His leading, His will, His plans for us and doing our own thing?

Or are we faithfully serving our God? Do we ask Him what He wants us to do today, then do it? What about you and me, friend? Are we loving God with all of our heart? Something to consider



Ladies, we must be careful to not usurp authority over men. Just as Moses was in charge of the great nation Israel, He was leading under God's authority.

Miriam was the first women's liberationist. Although she was chosen of God to be a leader, she thought she knew more than Moses, her brother. Well, God put her in her proper place, as she got leprosy and had to spend time outside of camp.

So we must be careful of pride, remain humble before God and men in authority, such as our husband, pastor, deacons. They are to seek God's will and share it with us. this is the order that God established and must submit to it.

Another thing, we must be careful that money and material things do not take priority over our husband, family, God, and those in authority over us. However, we do have direct access to God through Jesus Christ to seek His will for us individually. Submission can be a difficult thing to practice. But when we submit to those over us, things go well and God blesses it and us



Thank You Father for all You provide for us.

Thank You for the order of things You give so our lives go smoothly.

Help us to learn submission.

May you be glorified as we serve others and You today.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

What Has He Done?

O. T. #2193  "What Has He Done?"

May 17, 2022

Micah 6


Has God blessed you today? How has He blessed your family lately? Do you remember to give Him the thanks and praise that He deserves? We have a wonderful new church family, sweet children and grandchildren, marvelous friends, and most of all, an awesome Savior.

Micah's third message is about His controversy with His people and their only hope. Sometimes we need to step back, look around, take inventory, and realize how good our God has been to us.

 In the first 5 verses, God, through Micah, reminds them of His faithfulness. As if in a

*The mountains and hills are the inanimate nature who are called upon as impartial witnesses of Israel's sin. (verse 1)

* Israel is challenged to contend (defend, debate) with them. However, the mountains and hills were there before Israel was in the land (and will be there when Israel is removed). They have witnessed Israel's sins (worshiping pagan gods and idols on the mountains).

Do we realize that God sees and hears all that is going on everywhere? He knows when we sin and how we sin. That should cause us to repent often throughout the day, since we are not perfect, huh?


God addresses the mountains and advises them of His controversy (rebuke, strife, chiding, plead)  with His people. He condescends to plead with His wayward nation. (verse 2)

Then in verse 3, God asks questions: What have I done unto thee: and wherein have I wearied thee?

In other words, God is asking Israel, "Why have you turned from Me? Why have you rejected Me? What have I done to you?"

Instead of lodging a charge against them, God came down on their level and challenged them. Actually, the problem is not with God, but with the people. God had been faithful to Israel, always. He provided them with a Promised Land flowing with milk and honey, luscious grapes, and fertile land. Such blessings. All God required from them was to keep their end of the covenant, to worship and love only Him and love their neighbor.

So I ask, "What has God done for you?" Is He your Savior, Redeemer, Provider, Healer? Then praise Him and share with others.



It's Your breath in our lungs, so we pour out our praise to You, Holy God!

All the earth will shout Your praise!

Our hearts will cry, these bones will say, "GREAT ARE YOU LORD!

Monday, May 16, 2022

What's Comin'?

O. T. #2192  "What's Comin'?"

May 16, 2022

Micah 5-Part 4


If you have been following my posts, you will realize that man is not in control of things and events. Our God has it all planned out. We are just along for the ride, a vessel of service unto Him. So when your situation is discouraging, look up. Jesus has this!

What's comin'? In verses 6-15, Wiersbe shares as Micah reveals several important things about the Messiah:

*This man (Jesus) shall be the source of peace. (verse 5)

*He is eternal God, for His "goings out are from old-from the days of eternity." Jesus stepped out of eternity into human history, sent by the Father to die for the sins of the world. (1 John 4:14)

*Jesus was a human child, born in obscure Bethlehem in a stable, to become a man.

*He shall return to earth to be ruler over His people.

*His own people will reject Jesus as Messiah, thus putting Him on a cross.

*Israel will be given up for a time, forsaking  His Word and ways.

Have you forsaken all to follow Jesus or are you forsaking Him?


When Jesus comes back to reign as its King:

*He will bring refreshment and nourishment to Israel's remnant of believers, as the dew and showers do to the land. (verse 7)

*During the Millennium, Gentiles will believer in Jesus as Savior and gain spiritual refreshment. If they reject Jesus, then judgment is coming. (verse 8)

*Israel will experience victory over its enemies. (verse 9)

*Instead of trusting in weapons of warfare, Israel will trust in Jehovah. (verse 10)

*The stronghold of cities will be removed. (verse 11)

*Witchcraft and soothsayers will no longer exist. (verse 12)

*Idols and shrines (groves) will be removed. (verses 13-14)

*The heathen Gentiles, who had been a source of evil upon Israel, will be no longer. The evil fruit will be destroyed, as well as the evil root. (verse 15)

There will no longer be a need for horses, chariots, and fortified cities. The Messiah will bring peace among the nations. False religion and idolatry will be rid of in the world. Only the living and true God will be worshiped. Isn't it marvelous how 700 years before the Messiah came, the birth of Jesus was predicted? We can trust God's Words to be Truth.

Bible prophecy isn't entertainment for the curious; it is encouragement for the serious. Thank you, faithful ones, for staying with me as we studied all those prophets. The doom and gloom ends in triumph, we know! 


Lord Jesus, please bless those who study together Your Word.

Thank You Jesus for coming to set us free from the chains of sin!

What love and amazing grace!

You are our hope of eternal life and abundant life in the mean time.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, praise, glory, and honor!

Friday, May 13, 2022


O. T. #2191  "Peace"

May 13, 2022

Micah 5-Part 3


Friend, are you in need of some peace in your life today? Israel was too. Take a look at verse 5:

And this man shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, and eight principals men.

In the Hebrew language, the word for peace is shalom, which means well, happy, favor, welfare.

When the Messiah comes the second time, He will:

*establish peace (verse 5)

*deliver the nation from its enemies (vers 6)

*empower His people to be victorious over its enemies (verses 7-9)

*destroy the weapons of warfare so there will be no more war (verse10)

*will destroy military fortifications (verse 11)

*destroy all witchcraft and idolatry (verses 12-14)

*destroy all sinful nations. (verse 15)

What a place to live! Peace will be in the land, among the people, and nations. However, it will not be until Jesus Christ returns to earth to reign as King.



Jesus said in John 14:27, Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful.

Do you have this peace, dear one? It comes by knowing Jesus as our Savior. Then we will not have fear of judgment with God coming, conflict, or guilt. We have assurance that whatever we go through now or later, we are not alone. God's Peace is with us. What assurance!


Thank You, Father, for Peace being with us all day, every day, and forever. No one can take away our peace unless we permit it.

Let peace begin with us.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Need Strength and Provision?

O. T. #2190  "Need Strength and Provision?"

May 12, 2022

Micah 5-Part 2


This morning after breakfast and clean up, I took my Dr. Pepper and sat on my porch swing. I soaked in the quietness of the day. Birds were praising their Creator. My cats were playing. A gentle breeze was blowing. I wish you could have been with me. You could share what is going on in your world. Thank You Jesus for Your provisions!

In the midst of a prophecy of decadence, doom, and destruction, Micah proclaims a vision for the people of God.(Tony Evans)

In verse 2, we read of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and His birthplace in Bethlehem. He is eternal and will reign as King of kings during the millennial reign. He will sit upon the throne of David then. (Isaiah 6:13) Since captivity was coming for them, Israel and Judah needed to keep that in mind.

We read of Jesus:

     * His coming predicted (verse 2)

     * His rejection (verse 3)

     * His exaltation (verse 4)

What a clear prophesy. Of course, they had faith that this would happen and we have faith that it did happen. Not only is Jesus with us throughout our life here on earth, when we become a Christian, but He is always going to be with us. Since Jesus is the Way, we believe that He is the way to heaven, too.

Are you prepared for death, friend? Jesus has already provided the Way for you. It only takes a faith the size of a mustard seed. Now that is tiny.



Look in verse 4 and what Jesus will be for Israel and us:

And He shall stand and feed in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD His God; and they shall abide: for now shall He be great unto the ends of the earth.

Jesus will:

 *stand and feed, giving provision of food and security;

 * perform in the strength of the LORD God;

 * do all in the majestic name of His God;

 * cause them to abide, which means to sit down, in quiet; dwell; inhabit; remain.

 * be great unto the ends of the earth.

Is Jesus your Provider, Jehovah Jire? Do we give thanks to Him for all He gives us? Is He our strength and Majestic God? Do we take a few minutes each day to have a quiet time with Jesus and His Word? Is He abiding with us? How great is Jesus to us today?



Jesus, You are high and lifted up and all the world will praise Your Great Name!

Majesty, worship His majesty! Unto Jesus be all glory, honor, and praise.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Look Who's Coming

O. T. #2189  Look Who's Coming"

May 11, 2022

Micah 5


My grandmother must have been quite a strong Christian lady. (She passed away 7 months before I was born.) She played the guitar and sang hymns on our local radio station, along with some of her children. If my aunts were a tenth of how she was, she was a pillar of faith in my dad's family. I am looking forward to sitting down and talking with Grandma Mary in heaven!

Micah was prophesying a promised kingdom, a promised deliverance, a promised conquest, and a promised King. The Babylonian siege of Jerusalem lay ahead. Babylon would take captive Zedekiah, the last king of Judah. His son's eyes would be put out, so this looked like the end of the Davidic lineage, but not so. (2 Kings 25:2) Zed was not in the direct line.

According to McGee, Jehoiachin was put on the throne, taken captive, as well as his family. He was installed as king of Jerusalem while in Babylon. He was of the Davidic lineage, so out of this line came a couple from Nazareth. Guess who.

Do we see how God preserved the lineage of David so He could fulfill His promise to David, that a King would reign on the throne forever? How exciting!

Do we realize that God has put us in our family because it is His will? Do we understand that we are important to our Everlasting Father? Don't say how insignificant you are, for God can use your family to share the gospel.



Who is Micah speaking of in verse 2?

But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come forth unto Me that is to be Ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

Micah foretold of the birthplace of Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Savior to be born in Bethlehem, so God had to work on Caesar Augustus to call for a census. That meant Joseph, with Mary, had to travel from Nazareth, uphill to Jerusalem, and downhill 6 miles south there. It was because Joseph was of the house and lineage of David. Recall that David was from Bethlehem.

Now this prediction was about 700 years before it actually occurred. God had revealed it to Micah. What a privilege! Can we see the hand of God in the circumstances surrounding Jesus?

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:11)

Friend, not only is your family lineage planned, but where you are born and live now. That ought to make us shout, Praise the Lord!


Dear one, are you a part of the family of God? That family is the only one that will last throughout eternity!

Jesus came to provide eternal life for us, because we could not meet God's standard of perfection. Jesus knew no sin, the perfect Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.

It is by faith that we are saved, not of works, not of family name. Will you ask Jesus to be your Savior today, if you have not yet done so? Then we will meet in heaven one day.

Source of Help

O. T. #2188 "Source of Help"

May 10, 2022

Micah 4-Part 3


Had the leaders in Judah listened to Prophet Jeremiah, peacefully surrendered to the Babylonian army, then Jerusalem and the Temple would not have been destroyed. However, they resisted God's will and none were saved. Also, the prophet said their exile would last 70 years, it did, as well as  remnants returned to rebuild the Temple and city.

Verse 10 says, ...there the LORD shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.

Not only was there a promised deliverance, but a promised conquest. Look at verses 11-13. As Micah looks down to the end times, he saw:

  • The Jews attacked by Gentile nations, gloating over Israel because they are so sure of defeating them. (Zech. 12:1-9)
  • Since their enemies ignored Scripture and didn't know God's plans for His people (Jer. 29:11), they were gloating. (verse 11-12)
  • God will give the Jews horn of iron and hoofs of brass. (verse 13)
  • Although Israel will look weak and defenseless, the Lord will make their soldiers sharp threshing instruments to harvest the nations. (Rev. 14:14-20) The Battle of Armageddon will result in a victorious Jewish army devoting the spoils to the Lord's service.

[Resource: The Wiersbe Bible Commentary]

What a day and time! Not only was Babylon defeated by the Persians and the Jews freed, but the Jews will believe in Jesus as the Messiah in the future.


The nations of the world well be as sheaves fro the threshing floor, and Israel will do the threshing. Although Israel is weak now, it will depend upon the Lord and be victorious.

Psalm 75:6-7 tell us, For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. but God is the Judge: He putteth down one, and setteth up another.

Israel's help will not come from Russia on the north, Egypt on the south, Europe or USA on the west, or China and Arabs on the east. Where will their help come from? God is and will be their source of help, just as He is ours.

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber. (Psalm 121:1-3)

Friend, where does your help come from today? Do you turn to the One who made heaven and earth? He waits for us to ask for His help and is ready to give it.


What a mighty God we serve, angels bow before Him, heaven and earth adore Him, what a mighty God we serve!


Monday, May 9, 2022

It's Going to All Work Out!

O. T. #2187 "It's Going to All Work Out!"

May 9, 2021

Micah 4-Part 2


I am speaking to the Mamma now. Do you remember the excruciating pains you had before that beautiful baby of yours was born? Who can forget, huh? They were so strong and hurt so badly that you could not breath or speak.

Well, Micah is referring to those kind of pains, which are like no other, right?  He is referring to the Jews in Jerusalem being led off to Babylon in captivity, crying their eyes out because they had no king to rescue them. Nebuchadnezzar went 3 times into the city, and on the third time he destroyed the Temple area, left the city leveled, and burned it. (I can't imagine that happening in my city, can you?)

However, the suffering and travail of God's people will end in joy. The end of verse 10 says, there the LORD shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.

History tells usthe exile of the Jews only lasted 70 years, and that God did deliver them by the hand of King Cyrus. (Isaiah 44:28; 2 Chronicles 36:22-23) What joy there must have been in the hearts of the remnants who went back to rebuild Jerusalem!

Has God rebuilt something in your life that was in ruins? His wonders never cease! Grace and mercy. Or are you standing in ruins now? Look up, for your Redeemer liveth!



God still forgives sin. Scriptures remind us that:

  • God removes our sins as far as the East is from the West. (Ps. 103:12)
  • God completely cleanses us from the stain of our sins. (Is. 1:18)
  • God throws our sins behind His back. (Is. 38:17)
  • God remembers our sins no more. (Jer. 31:34)
  • God treads our sins underfoot. (Micah 7:19)
  • God casts our sins into the depths of the sea. (Micah 7:19)

[Resource: The MacArthur Bible Commentary]

The good news went from good to better and best. Such love the Father has for us. If we only admit our sins and mistakes, He can heal us and set our feet on the Solid Rock, Jesus. He will help you rebuild your life, or someone else's life that we know is there.


Release it to God!

He is still Sovereign God!

He can do exceedingly abundantly beyond all we can think or ask!

Trust Him, it is going to all work out, according to His plan, for our good, and for His glory.

When He does, praise Him everyday!

Friday, May 6, 2022

Looking Beyond

O. T. #2186 "Looking Beyond"

May 6, 2022

Micah 4


Micah was privileged to look beyond the upcoming captivity of his kin. He knew there was restoration after the Babylonian captivity, 70 years later. Also, beyond that would come the Messiah's reign on earth as King Jesus, after the 7 years of the Great Tribulation.

What will happen then?

  • Jesus will reign on the mountain as King in the city of Jerusalem, as a great world power.(verse 1) It will be the most important place on earth where the Lord's house will be.
  • It will be above all other hills where people will come from all over the world to worship God there.
  • Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of Jacob's God, the people from many nations will say and come there. (verse 2)
  • There He will teach us His ways, and we will walk in His paths.

What a promised kingdom! The people (Jews) will want to know God/Jesus in their hearts. The will desire to learn His ways so they can live in them.

Oh that we would have a hungering for God today and His Word. Instead of living for our fleshly desires, we would want to live for Jesus and His teachings.

Especially now, may we pray for each Supreme Court Justice as they vote to abolish abortion, and in our each state, too. If we do not stop killing millions of innocent babies, we will be judged and an end of America will be without freedoms. It is not an issue about the mother's rights of sin, but about the babies' right to life. Where would we be if our own mother had aborted us?



Military hardware will no longer be needed during the Millennial reign of Christ as King. He will rule in Jerusalem with a rod of iron. Their swords will be turned into plows. (verse 3)

There will be universal prosperity and security, so money will not be used to make weapons. Peace will reign among the people. There will be fellowship under the fig tree. (verse 4)

It will happen when God's king (Jesus) will rule in God's world from God's nation in God's time! (J. Falwell)

The Jews will walk in the name of the LORD our God forever and ever. (NASB) The godly remnant of Israel will no longer pursue other gods, but walk after the True God during this time.

After God has punished Israel for her sins, is scattered, and afflicted, Jehovah's purpose will be completed and they will repent of their sins. The Messiah will reign over His people.

Since we can look back, we know that David was born in little Bethlehem and so was Jesus. It is about a mile from Jerusalem. Although now an Islamic temple is on the site of the old Temple and inner court, it will be brought down and replaced. The kingship will be restored to my precious Jerusalem. (NLT)

Can we look beyond our circumstances and have hope in Jesus, our King and Savior?

One day this will all be over, fighting for what is right and God's Ways. Keep the hope in Jesus, friend. Let Him reign as King in your heart today.


Our God is still the same, in control, has it all planned out, never breaks His promises. He never looses His power. He will reign as King!

Jesus, You are my King!

Amazing love, how can it be, that You my King should die for me!

Amazing love, I know it's true, and it's my honor to honor You, Jesus!

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Witnesses of the Truth

O. T. #2185 "Witnesses of the Truth"

May 5, 2022

Micah 3 Part 4


For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. (1 John 5:7-8)

A matter is established by the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses. (2 Cor. 13:1) Here we have the testimony of God that Jesus Christ is His Son.

Twice the Gospels record God's clear declaration that Jesus was His Son: at Jesus' baptism (Matthew 3:16-17) and at His transfiguration (Matthew 17:5).

The thing is, do you believe the testimony of God instead of men? Do you know in your heart that Jesus is God's Son, the Savior, the Messiah, who has provided our way to heaven? Do you believe that the Word of God is Truth? When we believe in Jesus, then heaven is our home for all of eternity! The Way has provide our way.

Meanwhile on earth, Jesus is our Life. He gives His Holy Spirit to confirm all of this. Simply take it by faith. Our sins have been paid for already by Jesus dying on the cross, the Perfect Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.

Truth is, there is no other way to heaven but through Jesus Christ.(John 14:6-7)

Now Christian, are we busy sharing this good news? We don't have to work for our place in heaven.


Shall we take a closer look at verse 12?

Therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed as a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest.

The Jews assumed that God was on their side and concluded that no disaster would overtake them. Previously, we read how their leaders were corrupt and false prophets and priests told lies, and exchanged their roles for money. God's judgment is impartial and must fall on all wrongdoers, whatever their position. The city of Jerusalem which had been built up with blood and sin was going to be utterly destroyed. 

Jerusalem's destruction occurred in 586 BC when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed it. After 70 years of captivity, Nehemiah and others went back to it and they found it in a mess. It was debris, ashes, rubble, and ruin. However, he and others Jews rebuilt their city  of Jerusalem, the Temple, and homes.

Then in 70 AD, Rome destroyed Jerusalem. Tradition says that an officer of the Roman army, Rufus, actually plowed up the foundations of the Temple with a plowshare. Jerusalem's buildings became rock piles (heaps). the mountain on which it had sat became desolate.

The prophet Jeremiah recorded that in his book 26:18. He saw the fulfillment of Micah's prophecy and painfully recorded it. He lamented over the Beloved City of God.

Why did this happen? You will recall that it was due to the Jews worshiping false gods and treating others like slaves, doing their duties as leaders for money. This was not what God had desired for His people. The remnant of the faithful people did repent and return to worship God for a while. Even today Jerusalem bears the scars of the accurate fulfillment of Micah's prophecy. The Jews have no Temple in which to worship. Although, a dome sits where the inner court was, and a pagan god is worshiped there. This too, will come down when the Messiah returns to earth to establish His kingdom for a thousand years to reign as King Jesus.

Are you ready for the return of Christ today, dear one? I believe that He will take His children out of her first, raptured out of this mess, and then the horrible Tribulation will come on as the Antichrist reigns.

Consider this, when God's prophets are speaking Words of God, they come true, happen as He said. He gives us warnings, though.



Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Tickling Ears for Money

O. T. #2184 "Tickling Ears for Money"

May 4, 2021

Micah 3-Part 3


What a week! I was trimming my holly bush, the dead stems, and did not see any poison ivy in it. It sure made it's presence known, though. Steroids are keeping my brain in a fog, so I am sorry for being late today with the post.

1 John 5:6 says, this is He that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is Truth.

What are the three witnesses about Jesus?

  1. The Spirit validates on the inside what God does on the outside.
  2. The water refers to Christ's baptism when the Father Himself praised His Son and the Holy Spirit descended on Him.
  3. The blood refers to Christ's sacrificial death on the cross when darkness covered the land, the earth quaked, and the Temple veil split in two. (See Matthew 3:16-17 and 27:45,51)

Have you believed in Jesus as Savior? He loves us so much that He died for us so we don't have to pay for our sins. Such love!

Are we living selflessly like Jesus?



Micah told it like it was. In verses 9-12, he condemns all three level of spiritual leadership- rulers, priests, and false prophets. They exercised their roles in exchange for cash. (verse 11) The sins of the leaders in Jerusalem were these:

  • They had done this for the public good, but went about it in the wrong way. They made the citizens miserable as the result of the nation was filled with sin instead of righteousness.
  • The heads performed their duties for personal gain and bribery.
  • The priests taught for financial gain, which was forbidden. (Exodus 23:8; Deut. 16:19)
  • The prophets performed their function for financial gain, so it was evident they were false prophets. (verse 11)
  • The problem was that they divined, which meant soothsayer, use of divination.
  • They boasted that Lord was with them, so nothing bad could come upon them, and had a peculiar national relationship with Him.
  • Their fatal mistake was to mistake God's favor for favoritism. (Romans 3:17-24) They had no fear of God, did not admit that all are sinners, and did not proclaim the law.
  • Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC. All of those sins were idolatry, putting themselves and money, greed and covetousness before God.

Judgment is impartial and falls on all wrongdoers, no matter what position they hold. Jerusalem's disaster was coming later when Babylon conquered them. They couldn't be more misguided, for Jerusalem was heading for ruins. (verse 12)

Folks, we must be careful because the love of money is the root of all evil. (1 Timothy 6:10) 

Be ye holy for I am holy. (Leviticus 11:44)

We must be careful to choose all our leaders who do not tickle the people's ears and tell them what they want to hear. Do sermons proclaim the Truth or do they give us what we want? Are our church leaders careful not to rock the boat? Are our teachers denying God's ways while professing they know Him?

It is always good to evaluate ourselves and others when we are doing duties and work for the Lord Jesus.

Remember, we are Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. (Romans 3:24)


Love Jesus more than money, things, and position.

Grow more in faith, trusting Him to meet our needs.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

What is True?

O. T. #2183 "What is True?"

May 3, 2022

Micah 3-Part 2


1 John 5:10-12 says, He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made Him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of His Son.

And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.

He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

We are told to believe  a matter is true when their are 2 or 3 witnesses of it. God's testimony is the greatest. God gives believers in Jesus eternal life. We know this because God proclaimed it, so it is true. However, those who do not believe in Jesus does not have heaven to look forward to, because it is God's ticket into heaven-Jesus who shed His blood for us.

Have you believed in Jesus as the Messiah and Savior? Have you asked Him to forgive your sins? If so, then you have eternal life ahead in heaven!

It is not what we have done, but what Jesus did for us. He gave His very own life for us. No greater love is this.


Punishment was coming for two groups of people in Israel, the leaders and prophets.  The leaders hated good and loved evil, thinking only of themselves. The prophets were false prophets, who:

  • lead the people astray;(verse 5)
  • promised peace to those who gave them food, but declared war upon those who refused;
  • instead of pleasing God, they sought to please the people;
  • would have no message nor vision from God; (verse 6)
  • gave their own message of self-interests and self-preservation.

We need to be careful as to whom we listen and study under. Be sure to check their words with The Word of God. Do they match or are they different?

In verse 8, Micah says, but truly, I am full of power by the Spirit of the LORD, and of judgment, and of might, to declare unto Jacob his transgressions, and to Israel his sin.

Micah was called by God to speak with authority, calling sin what it was-sin. A kingdom man relies upon the Holy Spirit's power and hears His message.

Jesus told His followers they would receive power to witness about Him when the Holy Spirit came on them. (Acts 1:8) We cannot witness effectively by relying on our own strength, for fear will keep us from speaking out for God. Only by relying on the power of the Holy Spirit can we live and witness for Him.

Are we?




Monday, May 2, 2022

Be an Overcomer

O. T. #2182  "Be an Overcomer"

May 2, 2022

Micah 3


Life is not always easy. Problems, temptations, trials are just around the corner for us. How do we overcome the world? Live above our circumstances?

I John 5:4-5 says, For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God.

If we have trusted in Jesus by faith, then we have already conquered the world. The faith that save us, gave us positional, spiritual victory at conversion, will continue to give you victory through what you do. Why? Because the faith that acts-loves one's neighbor-is placed in the same Jesus. (Tony Evans)

So turn to the immeasurable and everlasting love of Christ. He gives strength that is needed, quieted fears, and gives us confidence to face whatever. Ask by faith.


Previously, we studied about the trial of the capitals in Israel and Judah. Micah made it clear that God hates unkindness, idolatry, injustice, and empty ritual. (He still hates those today.) Now we read about the trial of the leaders in their spiritual and moral weaknesses. We see what God had against them:

  • They don't know what is just, nor do they practice justice, doing what is right. When a person or kingdom strays away, they are to stand fast and reveal it. How can they judge? (verse 1) God's guidebook shows us right and wrong, but those leaders did not know what it said.
  • They hate good and love evil.
  • They had no compassion or respect for those they served. They treated people terribly in order to satisfy their own desires. They would cry to the LORD when in trouble, but He would not hear them.
  • They behaved themselves ill, which means good for nothing; do harm. So God will hide His face from them.

Leaders have a greater responsibility to God, giving an account to Him. The poor, innocent, and righteous are the object of God's love. By persecuting the helpless and pursuing evil, Israel brought judgment upon themselves. God is not like  a light switch that can be turned on when needed.

Amos 5 told us to hate evil and love good. Do we know what the Bible says about He hasn't changed His mind about homosexuality being sinful. We read what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. They were destroyed. 


Jesus, You are our victory that overcomes the world.

You are our faith in us.

Teach us what is right and wrong, sin.

Help us to practice justice toward others, and mercy, for we need mercy, too.