Monday, October 31, 2016


O. T. #861 "Questions"
Oct. 31, 2016
2 Kings 18-Part 2


How has not asked or wondered if God would deliver us or our loved one or our nation? A king warned his men about questions in our reading today.

Finally Judah had a godly king, Hezekiah.
What did we see happen in Judah?
  • Reformation-Immediately he set out to reform the nation by repairing the Temple, ridding it of rubbish, and reestablishing services. He proved that his love for the LORD and God blessed him.
  • Rebellion-Next, the king rebelled (a good rebellion) and refused to pay tribute to Assyria. Instead of running to God when the Assyrian army came to Jerusalem, he was afraid and gave in. He even robbed the Temple to pay Assyria. Even though the Assyrian king took the money, he invaded Judah anyway.
Events in verse 13 occurred in 701 B.C., 4 years after Sennacherib became king of Assyria. He was the son of Sargon II, the king who deported Israel into captivity. In order to prevent Assyria from attacking Judah, they paid tribute annually. He took silver from the Temple, stripped its gold doors, and treasures from the palace.  Hezekiah hoped King Sennacherib would ignore him as he stopped paying.  They retaliated.

What a mess, again. do we keep getting our self in messes repeatedly when we don't run to God for guidance?


The Assyrian king sent 3 messengers along with his army to Judah. They were warned to not listen to King Hezekiah for he would deceive them and try to persuade them by saying:
  • The LORD will deliver us.
  • Has any of the gods of the nations ever delivered his land from Assyria?
  • Where are the god of those named in verse 34?
  • Have they delivered Samaria from Hezekiah?
  • Who among the gods of the lands has delivered his land from Hezekiah?
  • So will the LORD deliver Jerusalem?
The people kept silent and did not answer the 3 men, since Hezekiah had told them not to do so.
(We know Judah eventually fell into Babylon's captivity later.) Hezekiah was told what transpired.
I don't like to leave the story there, but we will pick it up tomorrow in the next chapter.

Hang on, friends. The omniscient God knew every movement of Sennacherib, his rage, his blasphemy against God, a his tumult, his arrogance. (19:27-28) He has a hook in his nose coming and a bridle in his lips. (Falwell)

God always has the last word in situations. We must trust Him. God will deliver us.


Trust God's deliverance.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Good Among the Bad

O. T. #860 "Good Among the Bad"
Oct. 28, 2016
2 Kings 18


The reign of the godly King Hezekiah is described as one of the most exciting periods in Judah's history. I say the good was among the bad in the lists of kings of this divided kingdom. Israel had fallen into the hands of the Assyrian Empire, but now their enemy was attacking Judah. (They have 7 more kings before Babylon conquers Judah, about 129 years after Israel fell.)

Now this is a relief after reading about all those wicked kings of Israel and Judah.
Here is some insight as we look into the deeds of this man who became king of Judah next:
  • At age 25, Hezekiah became king of Judah while Hoshea was reigning his third year as king in Israel. He reigned 29 years in Judah. (verse 1)
  • He did what was right in the Lord's sight. (verse 3)
  • He trusted in the LORD God of Israel. (verse 5a)
  • Not one of the kings of Judah was like him, either before or after him. (verse 5b) This refers to the time of the divided kingdom.
  • He remained faithful to Yahweh and did not turn from following Him but kept the commands the LORD had commanded Moses. (verse 6)
  • The LORD was with him, and wherever he went he prospered.
  • He rebelled against the king of Assyria and did not serve him. (verse 7)
  • He defeated the Philistines as far as Gaza and its borders, from watchtower to fortified city. (verse 8)
Judah was sandwiched between two world powers, Egypt and Assyria. Controlling both Israel and Judah meant controlling the vital crossroads of trade in the ancient Near East. Judah's control would be an economic and military advantage over its rivals. Due to Ahaz, Hezekiah's father, and his submission to Assyria, they controlled Judah when Hezekiah began to reign. Maybe knowing Israel's fate resulted in Hezekiah's reforming his own nation.

Being a good king, a faithful king, and a devout believer is a good reputation and legacy to leave. He trusted in God, kept His commands, and didn't turn away. Thus, God blessed this king.
Will He also bless us for those same ways?


Life Application Study Bible gives a summary of Hezekiah's accomplishments:
  • a devout follower of God, with a powerful prayer life,
  • wrote several chapters in the book of Proverbs,
  • reopened the Temple doors,
  • purified the Temple, as well as destroyed the altars, idols, and pagan temples,
  • reinstated priest and their duties,
  • organized an orchestra to aid worship,
  • destroyed idols (including Moses's bronze serpent),
  • celebrated the Passover and invited northerners to participate,
  • constructed large public waterworks,
  • was given 15 extra years of life,
(Although, King Hezekiah did something foolishly, which we will get into later.)


Be a faithful follower of God, in spite of those around me.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Fall of Israel

O. T. #859  "The Fall of Israel"
Oct. 27, 2016
2 Kings 17-Part 2


During Solomon's reign as king, Israel became a divided nation-the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Both had 20 kings who ruled over them and both fell into idolatry.
Israel was conquered by the Assyrian Empire in 722 BC when its capital of Samaria fell. Had Israel's first king Jeroboam walked in the ways of God and led his nation to obey the Law, their history could have been different.   Baal worship and Molec worship (pagan idols) were continued throughout the 209 years. Although God had sent several prophets to warn Israel of His judgment-Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Hosea, and Isaiah warned them of captivity unless they repented of their sins, Israel did not heed. Their sins caught up with them.

Sins always bring discipline, and the consequences of that sin are sometimes irreversible. God's patience and mercy are beyond our ability to understand. He will pursue us until we either respond to Him or, by our own choice and hardness of heart, make ourselves unreachable. Then God's judgment is swift and sure. The only safe course is to turn to God before our stubbornness puts us out of His reach. (Life Application Study Bible)

Verse 23 says, ...the Lord removed Israel out of His sight.
After the Israelites were deported, foreigners from the Assyrian Empire were sent to resettle the land. This policy helped Assyria in keeping peace in conquered territories. (LASB, verse 24)


What happened next?
  • The Lord sent lions among the foreign inhabitants and killed them. (verse 26) There was no religious faith in Samaria.
  • They recognized the lions as God's judgment, so they requested from the king that he send a Jewish priest  from Jehovah to teach them the manner of the God of the land. (verse 27)
  • Then the unusual request was granted as the Assyrian king sent an Israelite priest back to Samaria to teach them to fear Jehovah, where contaminated calf worship was. (verses 27-28)
  • Well, it was a compromised religion in the land and nations that was once Israel's land. They feared the LORD and served their own gods (verse 33)

Sadly, Jehovah was worshiped merely as another god. All the transplanted peoples still worshiped their local deities.  (Falwell)

Did Israel loose sight of the only One True God and the importance of following Him? Since they never completely destroyed the pagan influence, Israel came to ruin. Some worshiped God to appease Him rather than please Him. He was one of several gods, just another, instead of The One and Only God.

Do we need reminding that God requires being first place in our life? He will be the only God in our life.

Blessed is the nation whose god is the Lord.


Search my heart and life to see if there be any gods other than Jehovah.

Fear God and only serve Him.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Oh, the Nation

O. T. #858  "Oh, the Nation"
Oct. 26, 2016
2 Kings 17


Jumping again back to Israel, like jumping from one trampoline to another. I will be using Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament to help better explain this long chapter.
Israel's last king, Hoshea, led the Northern Kingdom into captivity. Assyria captured Samaria, its capital city, in 722 B.C., after subduing the nation. What could have been a great victory to the glory of God turned out to be a defeat that brought the worship of the true God to a new low.

I was during Pekah's reign that Hoshea conspired to kill the king and was successful, taking over Israel. (We read of it back in 15:27-31.) Hoshea was one of the 20 evil kings of Israel, just not as bad. He permitted his citizen to participate in the "great Passover" called by Judah's King Hezekiah.

Had Israel's first king, Jeroboam, walked in the ways of the Lord and led his nation to obey the Law, the history of Israel would have been different. Instead, he disobeyed God and led his nation to sin with golden calves at Dan and Bethel (1 Kings 12:25-33).

Are we following after others in their paths of sin? Or do we follow God in His path of righteousness? Which path do we walk down? God is merciful when we stray off the right path of faith.


What were the causes of Israel's captivity by Assyria?
  1. First, there are no accidental events in history, but God's plans and purposes are behind every nation. (I agree with Wiersbe.) Let us note that God chastised His people in history and wil do to nations today who rebel against Him.
  2. The nation forgot God. (v. 7) God had delivered and redeem them as slaves from Egypt. the Passover should have reminded Israel of that, as well as God's grace and mercy.
  3. The nation secretly disobeyed. (v.8-9) In Deuteronomy Israel was warned to not mingle with the heathen nations in Canaan, yet they did secretly disobey.
  4. The nation openly rebelled. (v. 10-12) They set up idols to worship.
  5. The nation resisted God's call. (v. 13-15) God sent prophets to warn both Israel and Judah to repent of their sins as and turn to God, but their necks were stiff and refused in stubborn rebellion.
  6. The nation sold itself to do evil. (v. 16-23) Israel became slaves of sin. Their kings were evil in God's sight.
It took about 250 years for the kingdom of Israel to fall into ruin. They heard preachers like Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Hosea, and Isaiah, yet refused to bow the knee to the Lord. There is no cure for apostasy. All God can do is judge, and then take a "believing remnant" and start over again.

Are we Americans prepared to be a remnant that believes God and His Word, then follows it? It has been 240 years, friends, since we became independent to worship God as He leads. What is next? Is she on the path of self worship, pagan god worship, materialism, immorality, not needing God?
Will we be the ones to intercede for her?


Pray for God's mercy and pit upon myself, my family, my church, and my nation.

Repent of sins for all, agreeing with God.

Trust Him to do what He deems right and best.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Buying a Way to Vctory?

O. T. #857  "Buying a Way to Victory?"
Oct. 25, 2016
2 Kings 16


God told Israel through His prophet Amos: For I know your crimes are many and your sins innumerable. They oppress the righteous, take a bribe, and deprived the poor of justice at the gates. Seek good and not evil so that you may live, and the LORD, the God of Hosts, will be with you, as you have claimed. Amos 5:12

The Prophet Isaiah warned the destroyer, Assyria was coming to Judah, too. But the righteous remnant would waited for God to deliver them from their oppression.

The sinners of Zion are afraid: trembling seizes the ungodly. "Who among us can dwell with a consuming fire? Who among us can dwell with ever-burning flames?" The one who lives righteously and speaks rightly, who refuses gain from extortion, whose hand never takes a bribe, who stops his ears from listening to murderous plots and shuts his eyes to avoid endorsing evil-and he will dwell on the heights; his refuge will be the rocky fortresses, his food provided, his water assured.  (Isaiah 33:15-16 NIV)

Folks, we ain't seen nothin' yet. Hold onto your hat. Judah had some bad kings, Manasseh, Jehoiakim, and Zedekiah, but now comes Ahaz. It had been about 10 years since they had a bad king ruling. (The defeat and exile of Israel by Assyria is coming.) The reigning of Ahaz as king of Judah was a dual rule. While his father King Jotham was still alive, Ahaz was the sovereign authority in Judah. He was 20 when he began to reign alone and ruled for 16 in Judah. The prophets Isaiah and Micah continued to minister to Judah during the reign of Ahaz. God was trying to warn the people in Judah what was coming and their need of repentance, less it occurred. Yet, King Ahaz did not what was right in the sight of the LORD.

Are we listening to God's Word when it warns us? Are we using bribes for our gain, victory? Do we refuse to take bribes from another? Are we refusing to participate in evil plots? God will provide for us when we do.


Ahaz did a horrible things and detestable things:
  • He offered his own son as a burnt offering to the god of Molech, an idol. 
  • Ahaz walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, which did not please God.
  • He walked the ways of the pagan nations, whom God had driven out of their lands for His children.
  • Ahaz even offered sacrifices and burned incense at the high places, on the hilltops, and under every spreading tree to idols.
What was gong on in the world during King Ahaz's reign?
Israel and Syria joined forces and were attacking Judah, so Ahaz sent messengers with a bribe to get the king of Assyria's aide against them. He took silver and gold out of the Lord's Temple, royal treasuries from the palace, and sent them as gifts to the king of Assyria.

The king of Assyria complied and attacked the city of Damascus in Israel and capturing it. He deported the inhabitants and killed their ruler. Friendship with Assyria led Ahaz to build a new altar in Jerusalem, duplicating the one used in idol worship  in Damascus set up by the king of Assyria. It replaced the God-ordained altar in the Temple. Assyria's king took the bribes from Ahaz but in the end failed to help Judah at all. Ahaz even sent extra decorations of gold, without any success.

Ahaz compromised, bribed, and was an idolater. He tried to buy his way to victory, which only led to defeat and shame.

Do we know people who try to buy their way to power? They use whatever means available to bribe the favor of others. Even when it is underhanded and beneath standards of integrity. I can think of a few in our world right now. Eventually their scheme is seen through and their intended victory becomes a loss.  Money does not buy everything, especially happiness.


Don't try to bribe people to get my way.

Stand on integrity and let it support my back.

Refuse bribes and show the right way to live.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Good Role Models

O.T. #856 "Good Role Models"
October 24, 2016
2 Kings 15


Isn't it hard for young people to see good role models in our society now days? Rebellion, materialism, and sensuality is so ramped. Secular music and movie stars portray sinful lives and it is no big deal to them.  I want to encourage you to remain faithful to serving God. Elijah and Elisha had a similar problem in their societies and nation. Be a good role model of morality and a servant of Jesus Christ. Out of 6 kings we read about today, one was good-Jotham.

There were a few things I did not say previously about Judah's King Azariah. is name means strength of the Lord. He was also called Uzziah, which means helped of Jehovah. Perhaps the name Uzziah rings a bell. It was in the year that he died that the Prophet Isaiah received his call to service, found in Isaiah 6. I felt that was important for us to know. Later on when we get to Isaiah's book, we will be able to place him in this time frame.

Here we go again, jumping from Judah to Israel. Have you picked up on the fact that there was a corresponding reign of the kings of Judah and Israel, reigning during the same time? Are you ready for more history?

Here we have a brief recording of 5 kings of Israel (in verses 8-31):
  1. Zachariah ruled in Israel for only 5 months and was assassinated by Shallum. He was the fourth and final generation of the dynasty of Jehu. Prophet Amos warned him of his death and Jeroboam's dynasty ending.
  2. Shallum reigned 1 month and was killed by Menahem.
  3. Menahem reigned 10 years, doing wicked deeds even surpassing the heathen. Apparently, he had been commander in chief in Jeroboam II's army, so he thought he deserved Israel's throne. That could have been the reason for his killing Shallum. In verse 19 we have the first mention of Assyria, which was on its way to becoming a world-power and empire. the first of 3 invasions upon Israel, King Menahem bribed King Pul of Assyria with riches in the Temple of God.
  4. Pekahiah ruled for 2 years, up to the time of Ahaz. H was killed in a conspiracy by Pekah, his captain.
  5. Pekah became sole ruler of Israel for about 20 years. Assyria made its second invasion upon cities in northern Israel, north and west of the Sea of Galilee and took captives (the first of 2 deportations). Again, another king of Israel's reign ended with his death at the hand of another conspirator, Hoshea.
[Resources: Liberty Bible Commentary, Life Application Study Bible]

These kings were poor role models for he next generation and ruler. Jesus is our perfect model for our life. No matter how we were raised, we can strive to live as He did.


Now the Scripture travels over to Judah. We read about Jotham, the godly son of Uzziah (Azariah) and his wicked son Ahaz.
What do we know about Jotham?
  • Jotham was age 25 when he took the throne of Judah.
  • He reigned 16 years in Jerusalem.
  • He did that which was right in the sight of the LORD. (verse 34)
  • He built the higher gate, which was probably the Benjamin Gate that faced the territory of Benjamin.
  • However, Jotham did not destroy the pagan hilltop shrines.
We can spend a lifetime doing good, yet not following God with all our hearts. Are we putting God first in all areas of our life?


Be a good role model for young Christians.

Friday, October 21, 2016

No Wipe Out

O. T. #855  "No Wipe Out"
Oct. 21, 2016
2 Kings 14-Part 3


There were a few bits of information which I neglected to say about Azariah. Azariah's name means helped of Jehovah. He was also called Uzziah, which means strength of the Lord. He was Judah's great king, for he accomplished much, such as:
  • God gave him victory over the Philistines and Arabian nations;
  • he lead in great building programs and developed a water supply;
  • his military was remarkable;
  • he used the latest machinery for waging war.  (Wiesbe)
One thing which is notable is during his last year as king that the prophet Isaiah received his call to service for God. (Isaiah 6)

Azariah reigned 52 years in Judah. He became leprous when he functioned as a priest in the Temple by making an offering.

Now in verses 23-29, we jump over to Israel again. Jeroboam II was king during the same time Azariah's father, Amaziah, was king in Israel (his 15th year). That is our time frame.

Let's skip down to verses 26 and 27 and see the Lord's mercy upon Israel: For the LORD saw the bitter suffering of everyone in Israel, and that there was no one in Israel, slave or free, to help them. And because the LORD had not said He would bot out the name of Israel completely, He use Jeroboam II, the son of Jehoash, to save them.

Let me throw in this information. It was during Jeroboam's reign as king that Jonah served as his prophet. Also during this time, the great heathen and powerful Assyria was an eminent threat to Israel. As a result of Jonah's preaching in Ninevah, many had a change of heart and Assyria's captivity of Israel was postponed some 130 years. Folks, if we pray and ask God, I believe that He can and will be merciful to America. Please join me in interceding for America as we count down the days to vote for our new president.

Also, it was during Jeroboam II's rule of Israel that God raised up the prophets Amos, who was a hillbilly and shepherd, as well as a fig gatherer, who was used of God to warn of God's judgment if the nation of Judah did not repent of its national sin of idolatry. Amos was also a prophet whom God used to warn Israel by showing how they left God and played the harlot of worshiping idols-Amos was told by God to marry Gomer the harlot. Israel was in spiritual adultery, and if they didn't repent then Assyria would conquer them, which happened. We will study those prophets toward the end of the Old Testament.

Do we listen to God's warnings to repent of our sins and turn back to Him?


Jeroboam II's greatest accomplishment was expanding the boundaries of Israel. It was due to Syria being weak from waring with Assyria. The cities of Damascus and Hamath were recovered by Israel.

Did you notice that the Lord did not decree that He would wipe out Israel in verse 27? We know that to be true because in 1948 Israel became a nation once again. (But it was through Judah that Jesus came.)

Whew! Pray one more time for your loved ones, neighbors, and nation, please. Ask God to not wipe out America so we can support His Beloved Israel.


As for mercy.
Pray for repentance of sins.
Believe God will show pity on America.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Giving Credit to Others

O. T. #854  "Giving Credit to Others"
Oct. 20, 2016
2 Kings 14-Part 2


Give credit where credit is due. Have you heard that? I couldn't have pulled off a successful Vacation Bible School the past 3 years without so many teachers, aides, and other helpers. I let them know how much they are appreciated for all they do. I could not do it alone. Especially God lead and gave strength through those 3 weeks of intense work.
Today's king achieved many good things and for a while he served the Lord. Then he did a forbidden and that was that. Do we give others the credit for their help in our success?

We are still reading about Judah. King Amaziah attacked Israel and lost. Also, he was taken captive for a time. During the time of his absence, his 16 year old son, Azariah (Uzzah), probably began to reign in Judah. Then upon his father's return, the youth co-reigned with his father about 15 years. Azariah took complete rule when a conspiracy ended  his father's life.

Not much is told about this king in this chapter. Yet, in 2 Chronicles 26, we can read more:
  • One thing Azariah accomplished was to restore the seaport city of Elath. It had been Solomon's important Red Sea naval base. (1 Kings 9:26; 22:48) 
  • He reigned 52 years n Judah.
  • As long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper. (2 Chronicles 26:5b)
  • He had a good beginning, like Asa, Joash, and Amaziah, but became preoccupied with their successes and prosperity, instead of giving God the glory, they sinned against Him.
Who wouldn't like to be prosperous and successful? However, so many times we read of those who strayed from God. One has to keep it all in the right perspective-serving God with our all, rich or poor.


Other things King Azariah is noted to have achieved was:
  •  providing for his cattle by building towers to defend them from raiding Bedouins;
  • digging many wells for collecting and storing rain;
  • Carmel became a fruitful mountain;
  • his army became 307,500 warriors;
  • he developed war machines used for launching arrows and stones;
  • Azariah was marvelously helped by God;
  • After all of that, he was filled with pride and burnt incense upon  the altar of incense in the Temple, which was reserved exclusively for the priests, so he was sent out of the sanctuary;
  • While Azariah was standing there in the midst of the priests, leprosy came upon the king. He was quarantined according to the Law and cut off from the House of the Lord until his death. Jothan carried on the royal duties during Azarih's last 11 years.(Liberty Bible Commentary)
This king took on a role which was God did not intend for him to have-a priest. His strength led to arrogance, and eventually his own destruction. He had been successful in war and peace, in planning and executing, in building and planting.
What are we going to be remembered for when we are gone? Will we remain a faithful servant? Do we realize the power of God, who could snap His fingers and poof we cease?
Our accomplishments may not compare with this king, but we owe God our very life. Is He given credit for our successes?


Keep walking by faith in Jesus.

Give God the credit for my achievements.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

If Only

O. T. #853  "If Only"
October 19, 2016
2 Kings 14


Chapters 14 and 15 focus on the kings of Judah. You will recall the woman who ruled Judah and her step son Joash pleased the Lord and restored the Temple. Priest Johoiada advised him most of his 40 year reign. We skipped over to Israel and now that brings us back to Judah. With so many kings mentioned, 20 in each nation of Judah and Israel, I have a chart to help me keep everything straight.

The new king is 25 year old Amaziah, who reigned 29 years. He served the Lord but not like his ancestor David. This king did not destroy the pagan shrines so the people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense there.
What were some of Amaziah's deeds as king of Judah?
  • He killed his father's assassins, except for the children. The book of Moses instructed the children to not be killed for the crimes of their fathers. (Deut. 24:16)
  • He regained control of Edom, killing 10,000 in battle at the Valley of Salt, which was below the Dead Sea.
  • He also conquered Selah, which may have been the Nabatean capital Petra, a city carved out of the rocky cliffs. (Falwell)
  • These victories must have made Amaziah cocky, for he sent a message to the king of Israel, Jehoash, challenging him in battle.

Did Amaziah give God the credit for those two victories? I do not find it so.
Do we get the same attitude when we have a victory in our life? Or do we give God the glory for it?

I describe King Amaziah as a cocky young king.
Webster's Dictionary describes cocky as being bold, brashly self confident.
Amaziah defeated two armies. Bring it on Israel and I'll defeat you, too. That may have been his cocky attitude. This young king did not stop to consider that Israel's king was just as successful in battle as he was.

What was King Jehoash of Israel's response?
  • He sent a "thistle fable" in response.
  • Amaziah was the thistle and Jehoash was the cedar. The thistle requested the cedar to allow his daughter to marry the thistle's son. A wild animal came and stepped on the thistle, crushing it.
  • Jehoash was telling Amaziah t be content with his victory and stay home. Why stir up trouble that would only bring disaster upon him and Judah? 
Amaziah refused to listen to this advice and warning. The two armies met in battle and guess who won-Israel. I'm not surprised, are you?
So Amaziah was temporarily taken captive; Jerusalem's wall was broken; the palace and Temple had their valuable cleared out; hostages were taken to Samaria.

Amaziah was the second king of Judah to die by a conspiracy (2 Chron.25). He had fled and was killed in a city called Lachish. His son became a new king of Judah-Azariah (Uzziah).

Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18)

If only Amaziah had stayed home, given God the glory for his victories, he would not have been captured by Israel.

Do we have some "if only's" in our life? We can look back and see a decision or action or word was not the best for us. Do we consider advice when we receive it?


Watch out for pride.

Listen to advice.

Seek the Lord for His will.

Give Him the glory for victories experienced.

*How merciful and powerful is our God! He has sustained my sil. she was able to return home last Friday and doing fairly well considering her condition. Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

An Arrow of Victory in a Vote

O. T. #852  "An Arrow of Victory in a Vote"
Oct. 18, 2016
2 Kings 13-Part 2


For a little overview, King Jehoahaz's son, Jehoash who is called Joash, becomes king in Israel and rigned 17 years. (Joash is not to be confused with the Joash who was Judah's king at the same time.) Joash did what was evil in the Lord's sight, like his father and grandfather, yet he did visit Prophet Elisha.

Jumping ahead, we read of an encouraging event when the Lord was gracious and merciful to the people of Israel. They were not totally destroyed by the Syrians. God pitied them because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And to this day He still has not completely destroyed them or banished them from His presence. (verse 22)

Dear ones, let us pray for God's grace, mercy, and pity upon America as our future is at stake with the votes of its people on November 8. Our religious freedom, protecting our family with firearms, our Constitutional freedoms, and women's freedoms are all at stake.


Prophet Elisa became sick, which eventually led to his death. He had faithfully served the Lord for 45-55 years and known a lot of kings.

What happened next?
  • King Joash went to visit Elisha on his deathbed. Elisha had been only point of contact with Jehovah in time of emergency for the kings.
  • Elisha gave Joash a golden opportunity to defeat Syria once and for all, but he failed to use his opportunity.
  • Elisha instructed Joash to put his hand on his bow, which was a means of defense. Then Elisha put his hands on Joash's hands. This was symbolic of Joash exerting power against the Syrians that came from the Lord through His prophet. (McArthur)
  • Next, Elisha told the king to open the window and shoot his arrow. An arrow was a symbol of God's deliverance over Syria, called an arrow of victory.
  • Joash shot the arrows only 3 times instead of 5 or 6 times. A partial victory was symbolized here.
  • Elisha was angry at what Joash had done, rather neglected to do. This indicated that Joash knew what he was doing. He deliberately chose not to comply with God's plans. With Assyria gaining in strength, Joash did not want Syria destroyed altogether.
Folks, I have not been political here, but this story has shown me the seriousness of our nation's situation and future being decided. Could we be in a similar situation in our nation at the present? If one candidate becomes our president, they  said there would be no closed boundaries for our nation. That would result in the enemies of Christians to be allowed to come in here. Eventually, we would loose our freedom of worship and Islam could become a national religion. (Allah is not our God nor the God of Israel.) It could be another Holocaust, only on our soil.
I had to share this. So please pray about who you vote for on November 8.  Let our arrow of victory be shot in the form of a vote. What will we do?

Getting back to our story now, Elisha died and was buried in a sepulchre. Then an unnamed man died and before he could be buried, the men doing so spotted a band of Moabites approaching. In desperation the men placed the dead man in the same sepulcher with Elisha. When he was let down and came in contact with Prophet Elisha's bones, the man came alive. Wow!

In his life and death, Elisha had 14 miracles attributed to him, which was twice as many as Elijah.
Later on, Judah and Israel will become a united nation.

Are we living in the last days that Revelation speaks of? Is the Antichrist preparing a one world government?


Pray and vote.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Who Do We Call For Help?

O. T. #851  "Who Do We Call For Help?"
Oct. 17, 2016
2 Kings 13


In this chapter we  read of two kings ruling in Israel and Elisha's death. When we jump back to Israel, what do we find?
  • Jehoahaz was Jehu's son who reigned as king of Israel for 17 years. Unfortunately, his religious policies supported Jeroboam's calf-cult like his father. This was evil in the Lord's sight, idolatry.
  • The Lord subjected Israel to invasions and harassment by 2 Syrian kings, Hazael and his son Ben-hadad, because of Israel's sin. The Lord was angry.
  • Look at verses 4-5: Then Jehoahaz prayed for the LORD's help, and the LORD heard his prayer, for he could see how severely the king of Aram (Syria) was oppressing Israel.
David said in Psalm 18:3, I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.

In verses 6, he said, In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: He heard my voice out of His Temple, and my cry came before Him, even unto His ears.

Psalm 33:20 say, Our soul waiteth for the LORD, He is our help and our shield.

David was delivered from his enemy Saul. God worked it all out for him and Jehoahaz. He can work it all out for us. Are we learning to call on God for help?

So the Lord provided someone to rescue the Israelites from the tyranny of the Arameans (Syrians).
Then Israel lived in safety again as they had informer days. (NLT)

Because Jehoahaz sought the Lord in his oppression, an unidentified savior was sent. King James uses the word savior instead of someone
In the Hebrew language, the word savior means deliver, save, get victory, defend.

Some say it could have been an Assyrian king who diverted Syria's attention from Israel; or a military force who won a victory against Syria; or Jehoahaz's son, Joash, who was successful against the Syrans; or Jeroboam II. (Falwell)

Some historians say the deliverer was a new king of Assyria, Adad Nirari III, who attacked the west in 805 BC and diverted the Aramean power from Israel. Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary)

Although Israel had periodic breaks in their idol worship, they rarely showed genuine faith. It is not enough to say no to sin; we must also say yes to a life committed to God. An occasional call for help is not a substitute for a daily life of trust in God. (Life Application Study Bible)

I suppose it was not intended for us to know for sure who the deliverer was. It could have been Jesus Himself, although He was probably directing the situation. His merciful hand was working back then and is still now. Do we call upon Him for mercy?


Call upon Jesus for help.

Ask for His mercy.

Friday, October 14, 2016


O. T. #850  "Bribes"
Oct. 14, 2016
2 Kings 12-Part 2


So many down through the ages have resorted to bribing officials to get what they want, get their way, or get out of something. Sometimes it is money that buys special favors. We see it in today's lesson. It was a king who did the bribing.

Hazael, the energetic Syrian king (10:32-33), invaded Philistia, took the city of Gath, and then set his sights on Jerusalem. After first suffering defeat (2 Chronicles 24:24), Joash followed the precedent of Asa (1 Kings 15:18) and paid tribute to Hazael. (Falwell)

Gath was one of the 5 major Philistine cities (1 Sam. 5:8), located about 25 miles southwest of Jerusalem. Gath had previously belonged to Judah.  (MacArthur)

Being spiritually backslidden, Joash was unable to cope with the Syrian invasion, so he tried to bribe Hazael by giving him the wealth of God's house. How often God's people rob the Lord, in trying to solve their problems, instead of turning to the Lord in confession. (Wiersbe)

In verse 18, King Joash collected all the sacred objects and gold which he and his previous kings had dedicated in the Lord's Temple and sent them to Hazael. It was a bribe. Haael called off his attack on Jerusalem.

That turkey! Here he had been so committed to serving the Lord and rid Judah of idol worship and he turns away from God. Of course, his mentor, Jehoiada, was gone by this time. That's no excuse. He knew better. He did it anyway.

So many people I know fall away from the Lord and turn to a life of sin, even when they know better.
Do we help their family pick up he pieces and carry on?


How does Priest Zechariah's death by stoning, which was ordered by King Joash, get avenged?
  • Joash's officers plotted against him and assassinated him on the road to Silla.
  • His assassins are named in verse 21. They were both trusted advisers of Joash.
  • The king was buried in Jerusalem, the city of David, but not in the sepulcher of the kings (2 Chron. 24:25).
  • Joash's son Amaziah became the next king.
  • The people of Judah had abandoned the LORD, the God of their ancestors, so judgment was carried out against Joash. (2 Chronicles 24:24)
What a promising future Joash had under the tutorship of Jehoiada. He fell short of the expectations of his people, and us who read the story.


Watch out for those who try to bribe others to get their way.

Don't be like them.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Is Anyone Listening?

O. T. #849  "Is Anyone Listening?"
Oct. 13, 2016
2 Kings 12


So many times people grow up attending church services, then they drop out as they get older, and God is no longer an important part of their life. They receive warnings, but is anyone listening? Our faithful young king, Joash, does not listen to the warnings in today's lesson.

*Thank you dear ones for  faithfully joining me in studying God's Word. What an encouragement to know you are there with me and we can listen to God's instructions together.

At age 7, Joash became king over Judah. He reigned in Jerusalem 40 years. All his life Joash did what was pleasing in the LORD's sight because Jehoiada the priest instructed him. However, he did not destroy the pagan shrines, and the people still offered sacrifices and burned incense there.

Young King Joash was willing to follow Priest Jehoiada as his spiritual mentor. The house of the Lord had deteriorated during the previous reign of Athaliah, a Baal worshiper. So the king implemented a finance program:
  • The offering money was collected and the priests took some of it to pay for the repairs needed at the Temple, yet after 23 years, it was not completed.
  • Evidently, that money was used to provide for the priests instead of repairs. There wasn't extra.
  • Joash confronted the priest about this.
  • So the priests agreed to not accept any more money from the people and agreed to let others be responsible for repairing the Temple.
  • The high priest, Jehoiada,made an offering box at the bronze altar at the gate of the house of the Lord.
  • With this, the people responded so well that they had enough money to complete the work. The Temple was restored.
Verse 15 tells us No accounting of this money was required from the construction supervisors, because they were honest and trustworthy men. (NLT)

Are we honest and trustworthy people? Do others trust us? Do we have a proven record?


Sounds like everything is going good in Judah. The priests were given money from the offerings (guilt and sin) for their needs, according to verse 16.

Well, Jehoiada lived to a very old age of 130. Then things changed:
  • Leaders in Judah persuaded Joash to abandon the Temple of the LORD, the God of their ancestors, and they worshiped Asherah poles and idols instead! (verse 17) REALY?!
  • Because of this sin, divine anger fell on Judah and Jerusalem.
  • The Lord sent prophets to bring them back and warn them, but still the people would not listen.
  • Zecharaiah, son of Jehoiada the priest, announced what the Spirit of God said, ...You have abandoned the LORD, and now He has abandoned you!
  • Kin Joash had Zechariah stoned to death in the courtyard of the LORD's Temple. That is how Joash repaid Jehoiada for his loyalty-by killing his son. How pathetic!!
  • Zechariah said, "May the LORD see what they are doing and avenge my death!" So it will be, brother.
2 Chronicles 24:25 tells us how Joash dies. Syria attacks Judah and King Joash is wounded. His servants killed Joash while on his bed.

This shows how people can be faithful to God for a while, then turn away. Folks, let us be found faithful to the end of our life. God is faithful to us.


Daily study God's Word and pray.

Be trustworthy and honest.

Love God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Rose Update: She was scheduled to leave the hospital Thursday, but the port was not put in, so hopefully Friday. I ask for prayer as they travel home for 2 days.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Revolt and a Reform

O.T. #848 "A Revolt and a Reform"
Oct. 12, 2016
2 Kings 11-Part 2
And all the people of the land went over to the temple of Baal and tore it down. They demolished the altars and smashed the idols to pieces, and they killed Mattan the priest of Baal in front of the altars.  2 Kings 11:18 NLT


A woman named Athaliah, the mother of King Ahaziah whom Jehu had killed earlier, ruled 7 years over Judah. She thought that she killed all the heirs who would be competition to take over her kingdom. But, God protected baby Joash using his aunt and Uncle Jehoiada, who was a priest in the Lord's Temple, to hide the baby during Athaliah's reign. When it was time, Joash was anointed and crowned as Judah's king. That's where we pick up the story, starting with verse 13.

Do you see the faithfulness and obedience of God's priest, even to the point of risking his life?

Athaliah heard a commotion made by the palace guards and others, so she went to the Lord's Temple to investigate. There she saw the newly crowned King Joash standing in his place of authority by the pillar, which was a custom at times of coronation. Joash was surrounded by the trumpeters and commanders. People from all over the land of Judah were rejoicing and blowing trumpets. What a victory!

Do we follow the Lord as faithfully as those commanders did their priest?


Then Priest Jehoiada ordered the commanders in charge of the troops to take Athaliah out to the gate where horses entered the palace grounds and away from the Lord's Temple. That is where she was killed.
The revolt was successful. Then Judah's religious system was reformed.

In verse 17, we read of Jehoiada making a covenant between the LORD and the king and the people that they would be the LORD's people. He also made a covenant between the king and the people.

Jehoiada mediated a covenant between Joash and Judah and Jehovah. He was probably the power behind the throne, while Joash was a figurehead. (Falwell)

After this, all the people demolished the altars and smashed the idols to pieces, as well s tearing down the temple of Baal. They killed Mattan the priest of Baal in front of the altars.
I can see them clapping their hands together as they rid themselves of the dirty job and idolatry.

Seven year old King Joash took his seat on the royal throne. All the people of the land of Judah rejoiced and there was peace in the city.

Let us pray for America to be a nation that worships the Lord God, not a false pagan god.


Recommit myself to serving the Lord God and His Son Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Wherever He Goes

O. T. #847  "Wherever He Goes"
October 11, 2016
2 Kings 11
Stay with the king wherever he goes.  2 Kings 11:8


We are trying to get prepared in case our sister in law has surgery this week to replace her heart valve. We are staying with the King Jesus wherever He goes. If He leads us to Nashville to a waiting room, we will follow. Love takes us wherever we are needed.

In the following chapters ahead, there are 13 different kings mentioned, with 5 from Judah and 8 from Israel. Previously, Baal worship was overthrown in Israel, and now we will see it overthrown in Judah.

Now we read of a woman named Athaliah, rising up to overthrow the throne in Judah.
What do we know about her?
  • This Queen Mother is the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel.
  • Her son, Ahaziah, was dead, and she was zealous to rule Judah.
  • She was determined to  see the worship of Baal the official religion in Judah.
  • She reigned 6 years, with the death of most male relatives, most of  the Davidic line, through which the Messiah Jesus would come, was destroyed.
  • Back in 2 Samuel 7:16, God promised  the house of David would rule over Israel and Judah forever. Athaliah was bringing it to the brink of extinction. Only her grandchildren were left.
Now we turn our focus on another woman named Jeosheba. What did she do?
  • She was probably the half-sister of Ahaziah, the previous king before Athaliah.
  • She was married to the high priest Jehoida.
  • Aunt Jeosheba saved Ahaziah's infant son, Joash, from death by taking him away from the rest of the king's children, and hiding the baby in her bedroom.
  • Then for 6 years she hid Joash in the Temple of the LORD while Athaliah ruled over the land of Judah.
The bedroom was the room of beds where either the servants slept or a room in the living quarters of the temple priests. (MacArthur)

This reminds me of the story of baby Moses. His mother hid him for 3 months because the Pharaoh was trying to kill all male Hebrew babies in order to prevent them from taking over Egypt. Yet God was in control of both situations and protected both babies.


Next, there was a revolt against this ruling woman, Athaliah. How did it happen?
  • It was in her seventh year reigning over Judah, that the Priest Jehoiada fetched  the captains and palace guards and had a meeting in the house of the LORD. (It took that long did it?)
  • A covenant and oath was made there with those present. Joash was revealed to the men at that time.
  • The priest had a plan as to where the commanders were to stand guard around Joash.
  • They were to keep their weapons in their hands, kill anyone who tried to break through the guards, and stay with the king wherever he goes.
  • The armed guards surrounded Joash, and the priest got the crown, the placed it upon Joash's head. Also, he presented Joash a copy of God's laws.
  • Priest Jehoiada anointed Joash and proclaimed him king of Judah.
  • Everyone clapped and shouted, "Long live the king!"
How faithfully are we armed with the armor of God, friends?
Are we staying with the King Jesus wherever He goes, leading us in His path?
Do we proclaim Him to be our King?


Serve King Jesus faithfully doing what He says and going where He goes.
*Update on SIL Rose: She is walking now and moved from ICU to a room on the pulmonary floor. Thank the Lord for the medicines and doctors. Still praying for her enlarged heart to go down and her arteries to improve so she can have surgery. Thanks for all your prayers, dear friends.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Another Plot

O. T. #846  "Another Plot"
Oct. 10, 2016
2 Kings 10-Part 2


So far, God has used King Jehu to avenge the lives of his servants which were killed previously by King Ahab and Jezebel by the slaying of King Joram of Israel, King Ahaziah of Judah, Queen Jazabel, and Ahab's descendants. Now one group is left to eliminate in Israel-Baal worshipers.

If Jehu remained faithful to the God of Israel, obeying the Law of the LORD, with all his heart, then his descendants would have been blessed to be kings of Israel to the fourth generation. (verse 31)
What a promise! Shall we see it occurred?

Jehu had a cunning plot in order to kill the priest of Baal, the false idol.
What did he do?
  • He summoned the Baal worshipers and prophets and priest in Samaria's temple, with messengers sent throughout all Israel.
  • There Jehu was going to pretend  to offer great sacrifices to Baal.
  • His threat was, death to anyone who failed to come.
  • Then every worshiper of Baal was given a robe to wear.
  • Jehu was joined by Jehonadab in this plot.
  • Not one worshiper of the LORD was to be in attendance.

Will we continue to worship only God? Will we love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength?


Inside the temple of Baal worshipers apparently did not suspect it was a plot to get them there so Jehu could have them killed. They had believed Jehu when he announced that he was going to establish Baal worship in Israel.
What happened next?
  • Outside the building, Jehu stationed 80 of his men, warning them that if anyone escaped, they would pay for it with their own life.
  • Jehu did not participate in worshiping of the false idol inside the building.
  • All who were inside the Baal temple was killed with the sword, and dragged outside.
  • Then Jehu's men went into the innermost part of the temple and drug out the sacred pillar used in worship of Baal and burned it.
  • They smashed it and wrecked the temple of Baal and burned it, converting it into a public toilet.
These were the methods which Jehu used to destroy every trace of Baal worship from Israel.
However, he did not destroy the gold calves at Bethel and Dan, with which Jeroboam had caused Israel to sin. (In Revelation 7, we see where the tribes of Dan and Ephriam are omitted.)

Jehu had been anointed by God, and  Jehu torn down the pillars to Baal, he did not completely walk in God's ways.  His was a bloody legacy.

Since Jehu did not obey the Law of the LORD with all his heart, and he refused to turn from the sins that Jeroboam had led Israel to commit-idol calf shrines.
Because of sin in both kingdoms, God used Hazael, king of Syria, to seize all Hebrew territories east of the Jordan River.


Stay faithful to Jesus, the Savior which God has provided for us.

In spite of what others d, remain faithful to worship only God.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Overstepping Boundaries

O. T. #845  "Overstepping Boundaries"
Oct. 6, 2016
2 Kings 10
When Jehu arrived in Samaria, he killed everyone who was left there from Ahab's family, just as the LORD had promised through Elijah.  2 Kings 10:17


The killing of Ahab's family was sanctioned by King Jehu. So far he killed 2 kings, Joram of Israel and Ahazia of Judah, and 1 queen, Jezebel. It would be expected that this would happen because back in 1 Kings Prophet Elijah predicted it. Today, we rad of the fourth group killed-Ahab's family.
If you have not been previously following along with us in this study, let me bring you up to date as to why this killing occurred. King Ahab of Israel was married to Jezebel, who worshiped an idol called Baal, which resulted in the country following along, leaving God. They killed several of God's priests and an innocent man named Naboth, who refused to sell his land to the king, so Jezebel had him killed. God promised revenge upon them, and we read of it here.

Jehu overthrew the king of Israel, Joram, and we pick up the events there. Ahab had 70 sons living in Samaria. What did Jehu do?
  • He sent two letters to the officials of the city.
  • The first one challenged the Ahab's sons to prepare to fight for Ahab's dynasty.
  • The second letter instructed the leaders of the city to kill those 70.
  • That is just what happened-The placed the 70 heads in baskets and took them to the city gate at Jezreel. This horrible sight would discourage a revolt.
  • Jehu told the crowd they were not to blame, for he conspired against Ahab's family.
Sometimes we consider things like this as such a crewel thing. However, it was God's way of taking revenge for the lives of His servants. He knows who will not repent and surrender to Him. We leave His judgment in His hands.


Some say Jehu was overstepping the bounds of God's judgment when he killed Ahab's officials, personal friends, and his priests. It is said that Jehu used his God-given power to meet his own selfish desires. It may very well be according to verse 31.
Then there were the relatives of King Ahaziah, going to visit the 70 sons of Ahab and Jezebel who were killed. Jehu had all 42 of them killed. Could be that Jehu was trying to wipe out any potential heir of the house of Ahab since they were related to Ahaziah.

Hosea 1:4-5  later announce punishment upon Jehu's dynasty for this senseless slaughter. Many times in history, "religious" people have mixed faith with personal ambition, power, or cruelty, without God's consent or blessing. (Life Application Study Bible)

Have we experienced folks who have overstepped their boundaries? They go a little too far. And it's not a good thing.  As Christians, we need to seek Go's leadership in situations before we get wrapped up in a cause.


Seek the Lord Jesus' will before overstepping mine.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Look What the Dogs Ate

O. T. #844  "Look What the Dogs Ate"
October 6, 2016
2 Kings 9-Part 3


*Update on my SIL: Tonight we will find out the plans by her doctors. Please pray for their wisdom and guidance.

I have seen evidence that coyotes have eaten dead cows. Bones are all that are left. It wasn't a pretty sight. Gruesome, too. Today, we will look what the dogs ate. And it isn't a pretty sight. No need for her to paint up her eyes and fix up her hair. She wasn't leaving a pretty corps that day.

Two kings are kill, Joram and Ahaziah. Who is next for God to avenge? Why it is a queen name Jezebel. Though she had lived 15 years longer than her husband.

Queen Mother still exercised a great deal of power in Israel, but her hour of judgment had arrived and nothing could protect her. (Wiersbe)

When she heard the new king Jehu was coming to her city of Jezereel, Jezebel got all togged up, as my dad used to say. She painted her eyelids and fixed her hair, then sat at the window.
MacArthur says that eyelids were painted with a black powder mixed with oil and applied with a brush. This darkened them to give an enlarged effect.

When Jezebel saw Jehu at the palace gate, she called down to him, asking if he came in peace. Then she called him a murderer. (It was her son Joram that he killed with an arrow.) accusing to be just like Zimri who murdered his master (1 Kings 16). She sarcastically mentioned a king who only lived 7 days as a king, implying the same fate for Jehu. Did she suspect why he was coming-to kill her?


What happened next?
  • Jehu asked the 2 or 3 eunuchs who looked down on him, "Who is on my side?"
  • Throw Jezebel down was his directions, and they threw her out of the window.
  • Her blood spattered against the wall and the horses.
  • Jehu trampled her body under his horses' hooves.
  • Jehu went into the palace and ate and drank.
  • Then he ordered someone to go bury that cursed woman, for she was a daughter of a king.
  • As they went to get her body, all that was left of it was her skull, feet, and hands.
  • When Jehu was told, he said, This fulfills the message from the LORD, which he spoke through His servant Elijah from Tisbe: 'At the plot of land in Jezreel, dogs will eat Jezebel's body. Her remains will be scattered like dung on the plot of land in Jezreel, so that no one will be able to recognize her.
In the end, her life of luxury and treachery amounted to nothing. Power, health, and wealth may make you feel as if you can live forever. But death strips everyone of all external security. The time to set your life's course is now, while you still have time and before your heart becomes hardened. the end will come soon enough.  (Life Application Study Bible)

Knowing and trusting Jesus as one's Savior is our only eternal security when we die. Friend, have you asked Him to forgive you of your sins? He loves you so much that He died for you.


Place my trust in Jesus throughout the day.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Driving Like a Madman

O. T. #843  "Driving Like a Madman"
October 5, 2016
2 Kings 9-Part 2


There has been a few times that I rode with a man who drove like a madman. Wow! I have not desired that experience since. So you know anyone who has that reputation? Today, our hero is known for driving like a madman. He was identified a ways off because of it. Let's find out who it is.

We last read of Jehu being anointed the new king of Israel, secretly, that is. Elisha sent a prophet to do so in a private room. Now we pick up on the overthrow of Baal (pagan idol) worship in Israel, in 9:14-10:36.
There are 5 slayings here:
  1. King Joram
  2. King Ahaziah
  3. Queen Jezebel
  4. King Ahab's descendants
  5. Baal worshipers.
Jehu (the good guy) led a conspiracy against King Joram first, since he was currently reigning. Joram had been wounded in a battle against King Hazael of Syria, and returned to the city of Jezreel to recover. So Jehu told his men, all captains in Israel's army, to not let anyone leave town and go to Jezreel to report what was taking place, if they wanted him to be king.

Jehu goes to visit King Joram in his chariot, and found King Ahaziah of Judah there visiting. Before Jehu actually reaches Joram, the watchman on the tower of Jezreel announces a company of troops was approaching, a long way off. Two different times a horseman was sent by the king to inquire if Jehu and his troops came in peace. Jehu told both men to fall in behind him. (There would be no peace as long as Israel worshiped idols, for it came from God.) So neither messengers returned to Joram, and it was deducted that the troops must  be Jehu's, for he was driving like a madman.
(I find this funny, that even back in the days of chariots, men drove crazy.) Jehu must have been known for his furious driving.

I think the two kings figured out what was happening, because they personally went out to meet Jehu. "Do you come in peace, Jehu?" they asked. In other words, is all well in my kingdom?
Jehu replied, How can there be peace as long as the idolatry and witchcraft of your mother, Jezebel, are all around us?

God hates those two things, as well as others.
In Deuteronomy 18:10-12, the Lord warned the Levites, There shall not be found among you... a witch...a wizard... are an abomination to the Lord.
1 Samuel 15:23 says For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
In Proverbs 16, we read of 6 things God hates (sane, pronounced saw-nay', in Hebrew, means to hate personally, an enemy, foe):
  1. a proud look,
  2. a lying tongue,
  3. hands that shed innocent blood,
  4. feet swift in running to mischief,
  5. a false witness that spreads lies,
  6. and he that sows discord among the brethren.
The first commandment in Exodus 20:3 is Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.

There we have it folks. There is no peace of God when we are surrounded by idolatry and witchcraft.
Sadly, young folks are enticed to dabble in both. Are we warning them and teaching them as children what displeases God?


Back to Jehu. The kings Joram and Ahaziah fled due to treason of Jehu. As Joram's chariot fled away, Jehu shot the king in the back and through his heart with an arrow. This happened on the very land which Ahab had taken from Naboth and his sons. God's revenge was done (1 Kings 21).
Jehu's men shot King Ahaziah of Judah.

With the Lord's help, anyone can break a generational cycle, such as was in Israel during that time.


Help me Lord Jesus to love others, tell the truth, and be humble.

Let me warn others of effects of evil practices.

*Update on my sister in law Rose: She has a disease called Pulmonary Hypertension, which is basically high pressure in the lungs. Her heart is now very enlarged, making it difficult to breath. They flew her to Nashville where her specialists in that field are and her doctors. She is stable now, since they are giving her a new medicine through an IV.  Thanks for your prayers. Please put her on your church prayer list, if you would. The Lord is blessing and providing each day our needs.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Please pray for my sister in law, Rose. She is having some very serious health problems. They flew her to Nashville Monday night where her specialist doctors are located. We know she is in good hands and God is taking care of everything.
Also, I am having a CT done this morning, so we will continue our study tomorrow.
Have a blessed day everyone.
In His Love,

Behind Closed Doors

O. T. #842  "Behind Closed Doors"
October 3, 2016
2 Kings 9
Call him into a private room away from his friends and pour the oil over his head. 2 Kings 9:2


Some say it doesn't matter what goes on behind closed doors, yet God sees all.

The next two chapters deal with history of both Israel and Judah, violence which occurs due to the Lord's executing His wrath on those who despised and disobeyed His Word. We will see how the long effect of the idol worship of Baal continued in the family of King Ahab and Jezebel.

First, let's look at the kingship of Israel, and the time they reigned according to The MacArthur Bible Commentary:
  • Omri in 885-874 BC 
  • Ahab in 874-853 BC (Jezebel was his wife)
  • Ahaziah in 853-852 BC
  • Joram (also called Jehoram) in 852-841BC
  • Jehu in 841-814.

God had not abandoned Israel, though Israel had abandoned God. He chose their kings to either bless Israel's obedience or curse a disobedient nation according to His covenant with them.
In verses 4-10, Jehu is anointed king by an unnamed prophet which Elisha sent to perform the task. Although, the anointing was done privately, behind closed doors, it was so at the right time his revolt would be a surprise against Jehoram, who would not have time to prepare for it. Jehu was the only king in the Northern king of Israel to be anointed after Saul ad David were anointed by Samuel. He had previously been a commander in King Ahab's army.

God's message to Jehu was:
  • Jehu was to destroy the entire family of Ahab, a method of God avenging the murder of His prophets and servants by Jezebel, who lived 15 years after her husband Ahab; (1 Kings 21)
  • Every male descendant, slave and free, would be destroyed.
  • Dogs, considered scavengers, would eat Jezebel at the plot of land in Jezreel which she obtained for her whinny husband Ahab and killing innocent people, including Naboth, God's servant. She was not buried as a queen, indicating her disgrace.
  • The young messenger opened the door and ran. It was a dangerous assignment, a prophet being in the midst of Jehoram's army officers.
The officers suspected something going on behind closed doors so they inquired of Jehu. His head would have been drenched with oil, obviously seen. At first, he told then, "You know how a man like that babbles on."

There are times that God speaks to us behind closed doors, in private. Do we get alone with God and listen for Him to speak? We are admonished to pray privately in our closet, so to speak.


What happened next would determine Jehu's success. These officers in King Jehoram's army could reveal what was going on to the king could stop a revolt from happening or they could support Jehu as their king.
Not believing his statement, they insisted Jehu tell them what he was hiding. So he revealed what went on behind the closed door-the Lord anointed Jehu to be king over Israel. The men proclaimed Jehu as king in Israel, demonstrating their support by spreading their cloak on the ground, and the blowing a trumpet. The word was out now.

Next, we will see how it all comes down and if Jehu is successful. However, if we think about it, what God says He will do, He does.


Trust God to keep His Word.

Keep praying in private.