Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Submission and Service

O. T. #2194  "Submission and Service"

May 18, 2022

Micah 6-Part 2


After giving Israel a picture of their future hope, Micah returns to the issue at hand, Israel's spiritual and moral decline. The Lord has a case against His people and he will argue it here. It is as if He presents His case before all creation and his point is solid. Let's listen in as God argues His case:

1. God brought Israel out of Egypt and redeemed them from slavery. (verse 4) Nothing compares with God bringing plagues  on the Egyptians, which showed His mighty power. (Israelites were not effected.)

2. God gave Israel great leaders: Moses, who spoke directly with God, Aaron, who became their high priest interceding for them with offerings, and Miriam, who led Israel in songs of praise after the deliverance. (verse 4)

3. God protected Israel on their journey to the Promised Land, as well as intervening in the matter of King Balak of Moab. Balak tried to buy off Balaam to curse Israel. Instead, God used a donkey to speak to Baalam so he would pronounce a blessing instead. (Numbers 22:24)

[Resource: The Tony Evans Bible Comentary]

How can the people answer God's questions: What have I done to You? What have I done to make you tired of me?

Israel turned to worshiping pagan, false gods, idols. Why did they turn from God and reject Him? He did everything to teach His faithfulness. God didn't treat Israel ugly, mistreat them, leave them, nor forget them; He loved His chosen people back then and now.

Bring it on down to us-have we turned our heart, given our time and thoughts to other things instead of God? Are we rejecting His leading, His will, His plans for us and doing our own thing?

Or are we faithfully serving our God? Do we ask Him what He wants us to do today, then do it? What about you and me, friend? Are we loving God with all of our heart? Something to consider



Ladies, we must be careful to not usurp authority over men. Just as Moses was in charge of the great nation Israel, He was leading under God's authority.

Miriam was the first women's liberationist. Although she was chosen of God to be a leader, she thought she knew more than Moses, her brother. Well, God put her in her proper place, as she got leprosy and had to spend time outside of camp.

So we must be careful of pride, remain humble before God and men in authority, such as our husband, pastor, deacons. They are to seek God's will and share it with us. this is the order that God established and must submit to it.

Another thing, we must be careful that money and material things do not take priority over our husband, family, God, and those in authority over us. However, we do have direct access to God through Jesus Christ to seek His will for us individually. Submission can be a difficult thing to practice. But when we submit to those over us, things go well and God blesses it and us



Thank You Father for all You provide for us.

Thank You for the order of things You give so our lives go smoothly.

Help us to learn submission.

May you be glorified as we serve others and You today.

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