Monday, July 8, 2024

Helping Others in Need

N.T.#343 "Helping Others in Need"

July 9, 2024 

Mark 3


Have you ever been in need? Perhaps it was a physical need, or encouragement, help with chores around the house, or just a listening ear. We are to show compassion to those in need, like Jesus did.

Earlier, Jesus and His disciples picked ears of corn on the Jewish Sabbath, which was against the Jewish law.  Exodus 20:10 prohibited working on the Sabbath, yet Jesus disciples and He did so. They were hungry, plain and simple. The Sabbath was established for people to rest and worship God. What will He do this Sabbath? 

Well, Jesus healed a man's withered (shriveled up, dried up) hand on the Sabbath. The condition was atrophy, the decreasing in size of a member of the body because of its lack of use. Jesus showed compassion by healing those with physical problems.

The Pharisees watched (to inspect alongside scrupulously) Jesus to see what He would do. They looked for a chance to accuse Jesus, critise Him in public. (verse 2)

Jesus wanted to do good on the Sabbath while the Pharisees conspired to do evil, plotted to kill Jesus. (verse 6) Since Jesus could see into the hearts of the Pharisees, He told the man to stand, then asked :

Jesus turned to His critics and asked, "Does the law permit good deeds on the Sabbath, or is it a day for doing evil? Is this a day to save life or to destroy it?" (verse 4)

How did the Pharisees answer Jesus? They didn't for they were silent. Gotcha boys!

What is our intent? Is it to do good or take revenge? Is it to show our superiority or to be humble?


How did Jesus react? Verse 5 says He had anger, was grieved for the hardness of their hearts.

 Anger means indignation;  grieved means sorrow at (on account of) someone; hardness refers to stupidity or callousness, blindness.

Could we describe these spiritual leaders as being hard-headed and hard-hearted, spiritually blind?

Inspite of all of that, Jesus restored the man's hand, making it whole again.

 Deeds reveal one's true beliefs and a litmus test of true versus false religion is its response to injustice (James 1:27) the primary test of all theology and morality is one's response to the weak and defenseless members of society. (Swindoll)

We know how this all turned out-the Pharisees remained a thorn in Jesus side, then eventually a sword in His side while He was on the cross. the man's suffering was only temporary, but theirs would be for all eternity for not believing in Jesus to be God's Son.

Are you a believer in Jesus? What about your family members?  Are we sharing the love of Jesus with others?


Lord Jesus, open our eyes to see the need of others.

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