Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Meeting Other's Needs

N.T.#344  "Meeting Other's Needs"

July 10, 2024

Mark 3-Part 2


The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. (2:27, NLT) Apparently, what Jesus said did not soak in to the brains or hearts of the Pharisees. They complained when Jesus and His disciples picked corn to eat on the Sabbath. Also, they were soured whenever Jesus healed the withered hand in the Synagogue on the Sabbath. They just didn't get it, did they? Those religious leaders turned against Jesus and became His enemies. They were jealous of His popularity, His mireacles, and the authority in His teaching and actions. They valued their status in the community and personal gain from it. Didn't those Pharisees loose sight of their goal-to point people to God.? Of all people, they should have been the ones to recognize Jesus as the Messiah?

Verse 6 tells us the Pharisees went to the Herodians to plot against Jesus as to how they might destroy Him. (verse 6) The Herodians were a Jewish political party that hoped to restore Herod the Great's line to the throne. So Jesus was a threat to them as well, since He challenged their political ambitions. The Pharisees and the Herodians were normally at odds, but they joined forces against Jesus.

So the plot thickens, from my viewpoint. Religion and politics joined forces against the true King of kings Jesus.

We need to be careful that we do not get caught up in politics when it comes to serving God versus money or power..


A large crowd followed Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem, Idumea to the south, beyond the Jordan to the east, and around Tyre and Sidon in the northwest. His healing ministry became so well known that diseased people came wanting to touch Him. They heard what great things Jesus did. (verses 7-8)

Even the unclean spirits fell down before Jesus and cried, Thou art the Son of God. (verse 11)

Do we fall down before Jesus, speaking to the Son of God, the Savior and King?

Jesus encountered the Pharisees, the sick, and the demons. Jesus did not ignore nor shunned them.

Are we feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, caring for the stranger, clothing the naked, visising the sick and imprisoned? (Matthew 25:41-46)


Help us meet the needs of others today, Jesus.

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