Monday, July 8, 2024

Meeting Needs

N.T.#342 "Meeting Needs"

July 8, 2924 

Mark 2-Part 4


What do we do on the Lord's Day? What should we not do? What does the Bible say? 

Mark changes the scene to another day and time but continues the same theme-legalism. By the time Jesus came, the Pharisees had a long list of specific prohibitions concerning the day of rest on the Sabbath. It included 39 categories of work, which had reaping, threshing, and winnowing among them. (Deut. 23:24-25) 

The Pharisees criticized Jesus and His disciples for picking corn on the Sabbath. Plucking corn from its stem is reaping, An act forbidden according to the Pharisees' laws. Jesus pointed out to them that David and his men were hungry and in need of food, so they went to the high priest, who gave them bread from the showbread table. (Only priests were allowed to eat it.) King David broke the law. Meeting a need and showing compassion was fulfilling the Law.

If the Lord's anointed could eat the sacred bread when in need and be innocent, how much more could the Anointed One do the same? (Evans)

The problem was:

  1. The Pharisees placed the customs of men before the Law of God. God ordained the Sabbath as a day to reflect on Him and to rest in His provision and protection; the Pharisees spent it thinking of others and how they did not keep the Sabbath.
  2. God gave laws to His people to bless the, not to burden them. One day in 7 was given for the human body to rest from work. The Pharisees mande it a burden, legalistic.
  3. The Law was given by God, so it can never be greater than God. (Swindoll)
The Sabbath was not theirs to regulate; it is God's gift to His people. Grace is love in action, and it produces observable results.

Do we show grace to others in need?


The Sabbath was made for man, to meet people's needs and benefit them. It was not a mere religious observance, absent of all compassion. Jesus established the Sabbath. He knew what it was intended for, after all. 

The Sabbath was mede for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath.(verses 27-28)

The Sabbath was instituted for man's benefit. God knew we needed rest from work and restored spiritually and physically. Are we focusing on God during the Lord's Day? 

When confronted with rules of our own or others' making, ask if it serves God's purpose, reveal His character, help people get into His family, have biblical roots supported in all Scripture. Good rules pass all 4 tests. (Life Application Study Bible)


Show us Your ways of love, Jesus.


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