Monday, July 15, 2024

What is Blasphemy?

N.T. #347 "What is Blasphemy?"

July 15, 2024

Mark 3-Part 5


Jesus has been doing good things, healing and removing the evil spirits possessing people. Since Jesus' supernatural powers could not be denied, the scribes (lawyers) said it originated in Beelzebub (Satan.). (verse22)

How can Satan cast out Satan? (verse 23) Jesus asked the scribes this. using an analogy, He explained:

  • A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.
  • A house divided against itself cannot stand.
  • If Satan rise up against himself, be divided, then he cannot stand, but has an end.
  • One must be stronger than Satan in order to enter his domain (strong man's house), bind him (restrain his actions), and free (plunder) people ( his goods) from his control.(MacArthur)
There is doom for the demonic world. The devil will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone to be tormented day and night forever. (Rev. 20:10)

Jesus is all-powerful, for God is all-powerful. We must turn away from evil things, and please God. Jesus didn't try to reason with unreasonable people. They were the ones about to commit the unpardonable sin.


All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme. (verse 28)

Anyone who blasphemes the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. The scribes were saying Jesus was possessed by an evil spirit. You can be forgiven of speaking against the Son of Man, but never forgiven when speaking against the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 12:31)

Blaspheme means to speak evil; defame; defiant irreverence. 

In the case of the scribes, blasphemy included attributing the acts of the Holy Spirit to the work of Satan. They were accusing the Spirit of God to be an unclean spirit.(verse 30) The scribes never acknowledged this was their sin and did not seek forgiveness for it. They did not submit to Jesus as the Son of God.

Be careful, friend. All our sins will be forgiven when confessed, except that one. Instead of rebelling, we must submit to God and Jesus as our Savior.


Jesus, You alone are the only way to heaven.

You deserve all our praise and worship.

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