Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Where is Our Loyalty?

N.T.#348 "Where is Our Loyalty?"

July 16, 2024 

Mark 3-Part 6


When our son was a child, he and a neighbor boy would play together on a vacant lot by our house. I knew where he was, so when it was suppertime, I would go to the back door and yell his name. Soon our son would come home, usually dirty. Jesus experienced a similar situation.

Jesus was about doing His Father's business teaching and healing when His family came to Capernaum to take Him home, calling to Him. (verse 31). they were intending to take custody of Jesus, presuming Him to be deluded by madness. (verse 21) Some in the crowd told Jesus what was going on there. Jesus asked who His mother and brethren was. (verse 34)

Jesus wasn't being anti-family with His remarks. His loyalty was to God's kingdom work. The disciples of his and others had left everything to follow their Messiah and become citizens of His kingdom.

For some people, there comes a time when their blood family ostracize them and kick them out of the family when they come a Christian. This happens expecially in the eastern cultures where false religion is practiced. Truly, those make a decision to follow Jesus no matter the sacrifice.

Are we loving, following, and obeying Jesus no matter the cost? He wants our everything. What a blessed life whenever we surrender it all to Jesus!


For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother. (verse 35)

While trust establishes this kindred bond with Christ, and faith unites His followers as brothers and sisters, true members of His family share the same birthmark: obedience. It is visible, active, deliberate, distinctive. Doing the will of God identifies us without words.(Swindoll)

Making spiritual priorities may not sit well with our natural family and friends. We are often closer to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness than to our own blood relatives. We need to face it, accept it, and adjust to it. Pray for the faithless and living in sin family members. Continue to show the love of Jesus to them. We can ask for wisdom as to how we may reach them for Jesus. However, as we live in the world, let us not be of the world. (John 17:14-19)


In Romans 12:1-2, Paul tells us to present our body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. Then we are not to be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Why? So we may prove what is the good, pleasing, and acceptable will of God.

Take our body, mind, and spirit to be used for Your glory.

Use us today, Father, to be Your witness of love, forgiveness, and salvation. 

Is Jesus calling you to give up something for His kingdom work?

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