Friday, June 28, 2024

Who Are You Seeking?

N.T.#336 "Who Are You Seeking?"

June 28, 2024 

Mark 1-Part 7many times in the first chapter


Have you noticed that Mark used the conjunction and in this chapter 1 many times? I counted it appearing35 times. the demands on Jesus' ministry must have been great. Once word got out that Jesus delivered the demon-possessed man in the synagogue, there was a great demand for His healing abilities.

Verse 28 tells us Jesus' fame spread through the region around the Sea of Galilee. When the 5 men left the synagogue, they went into Simon Peter and Andrew's home, The ruins of the base of both places still remain there. It seems to have been a large house. Probably, it belonged to Peter's mother in law. 

What was the problem there? Peter's mother in law was lying sick with a fever. Luke described her as burning up with a fever. Apparently, it was a life-threatening illness. Family members made her condition known to Jesus in hopes He would do something to help her. That He did; Jesus rebuked the fever and it left her, taking her by the hand and lifting her up. Did you notice the woman healed immediately arose and waited on her visitors? She probably fixed the Master a nice meal, don't you think ladies?

Mark draws particular attention to the physical touch between Jesus and His patients. Do you need a touch from the Savior today? Ask Him, for His power is beyond all powers and His compassion never ends.


Again, the news spread of Jesus' healing and delivering powers. By the time the sun set, the Son of God went to work healing many people sick with various diseases and casting out many devils. (verse 34) The whole town showed up with their loved one who were sick. Jesus sent those away whole. Also, He silenced the demons, because they knew who Jesus was. (verse 34)

The next morning, Jesus arose (probably 4-6 am) and went to a solitary place and prayed. Needful time is spent in prayer. We need to seek God and His agenda for each day in our closet, quiet place.

The disciples sought Jesus and found Him. They informed Him that others were seek Him. Jesus offered no apologies, for what He was doing was well worth time and effort. The five left and went into other towns where Jesus preached in the synagogues throughout all Galilee and cast out devils. (verses 38-39)

When we seek Jesus, we will find Him. Do we seek Him early in the morning, interceding for others, too?


Matthew 7:7 tells us to Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 

Jesus we seek Your will, Your purpose, and Your leading. 

Please heal hearts in our nation.

What a Wonderful Savior You are!

*Thank you for your patience this week. We have been in Vacation Bible School at our church, and I am the director, so I have been very busy and tired. Please pray that we reach families tonight at Family Night.


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