Thursday, June 13, 2024

A Significant Beginning

N.T.#325 "A Significant Beginning"

June 13, 2024

Summary of Matthew-Part 1

Matthew was one of the twelve apostles/disciples of Jesus Christ. He was known as Levi, when others spoke of his sinful past. A tax collector by trade.

Matthew wrote this Gospel as early as A.D. 50-70. He quotes around the Old Testament around 93 times, showing how Christ fulfilled all those promises. Matthew's emphasis is on the King of the Jews, Jesus Christ, who was Israel's long-awaited Messiah. He mentions Jesus as the Son of David many times. Matthew freely places things out of order, dealing with themes and broad concepts, not laying out a time line.

The four Gospel writers were moved by the Holy Spirit, inspired by God, and wrote independently of each other. However, only Matthew records Joseph's dream, the wise men's visit, flight to Egypt by the trio, Herod kills children, Judas repents, Pilate's wife's dream, other resurrections, bribery of the soldiers, and the Great Commission. 

[Resource: The MacArthur Bible Commentary]

Matthew begins his Gospel with the genealogy of Jesus Christ in 14 generations. He takes Jesus' royal lineage back to Abraham. Lineage was important to the Jews. 

Included are 5 unusual women in Jesus' background:

  1. Tamar, a Canaanite who posed as a prostitute to seduce Judah, 
  2. Rahab a Gentile and prostitute, 
  3. Ruth a Moabite who worshipped idols previously, 
  4. Bathsheba who committed adultery with David, and 
  5. Mary who conceived Jesus out of wedlock. Through their lives we can learn about divine grace.

Mary was already espoused to Joseph when she became pregnant by the Holy Ghost with Jesus. This means she was already bound or betrothed to Joseph, they just had not slept together. Joseph was going to divorce Mary had it not been for the angel appearing to him in a dream, explaining Mary's situation. Throughout the Old Testament Jesus' special birth was predicted.

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. (1:23) (Isaiah 7:14)

This is essential doctrine to underlying Jesus' deity. Following a special star, the wise men from Egypt brought Mary, Joseph, and Jesus gifts at Bethlehem and worshiped the Savior. King Herod wanted to kill Jesus, his competition for the throne. That is why the three went to Egypt, for their safety. After Herod's death, they returned to settle in Nazareth.

Next on the scene was John the Baptist, who had a significant birth. He and Jesus were cousins on Mary's side of the family. John spent his adult life in the wilderness of Judea, south of Jerusalem. John's message was: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. He was a forerunner of Jesus.

John baptized Jesus in the Jordan, not for the remission of sins, for He was sinless, but to be obedient to God His Father. 

God the Heavenly Father spoke: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (3:17)

This was the beginning of Jesus' public ministry as the Messiah. That concludes the first three chapters written by Matthew, which are significant in our spiritual life.

Do you believe Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and walked on the earth to teach us how to live?




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