Thursday, June 20, 2024

Preparing the Way

N.T.#330 "Preparing the Way"

June 20, 2024 

Mark 1


As an outline for the book of Mark we read in Liberty Bible Commentary:

I. The Introduction to Christ's Ministry (1:1-13)

II. The Ministry in Galilee (1:14-7:23)

III. The Ministry Beyond Galilee (7:24-9:50)

IV. The Concluding Ministry (10:1-13:37)

V. Christ's Death and Resurrection (14:1-16:20) (Liberty Bible Commentary)

In researching the Gospels, I found Mark to be the only one who wrote about the parable of growth (4:26-29), a deaf-mute healed (7:32-37), and the healing of a blind man (8:22-26).

Mark omits the details of Jesus' birth, like Luke wrote, His genealogy, like Matthew wrote, and details of John the Baptizer, as John wrote.  

In verse 1, Mark jumps to The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (verse 1)

The beginning of Jesus Christ was before His birth on earth. He existed in heaven before time, space, the universe, or anything existed on earth, including evil itself. (Rev. 13:8)

In the Greek language, gospel means good message; declare glad tidings; announce good news. 

We call the Gospel the Good News of Jesus Christ (the Anointed One) because He provided a way for us to go to heaven, to talk with God, and there is no end of this Gospel for Christ arose from the dead.

Good news of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ existed in the mind of the Trinity before anything was created and called good. God knew Adam and Eve and you and me would sin and need a Redeemer. We can't meet God's standard of perfectionism by ourself. It is the blood of Jesus Christ that makes us clean.

Has your soul been washed by the precious blood of Jesus? 


God let it be known ahead of time that He was sending a forerunner who would prepare the way for the Messiah/Savior. (Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3) 

  • This was John the Baptizer, the messenger of God.  
  • He cried in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight. (verse 3)
  • He baptized in the wilderness.
  • He preached the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

Baptize means to dip into or to immerse. 

Repentance is a reversal of (another's) decision.

Remissions is a departure.

A person is baptized after they have admitted to God they are a sinner, reversing their thoughts of being good to being bad, and turning away from those sins, departing. It is an outward expression of what has taken place in the heart and soul of a person, a visible sign. (It is not sprinkling as a child, for there is no repentance of sin involved.)

Keep in mind that Mark is speaking to Gentiles. They had not heard of a loving and holy God, His caring for them, He was not one of Jesus' disciples, but a follower of Jesus who knew Him personally. He was preparing the Gentiles to meet the Forgiving Savior.

What can we do to prepare the way for a person to come to Christ through faith and repentance? Are we showing them the love of Christ? Are we planting seeds of the Gospel in their life?


Thank You Jesus for Your mercy and forgiveness of my sins.

What a Wonderful Savior!

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