Thursday, June 27, 2024


N.T.#335 "Deliverance"

June 27, 2024 

Mark 1-Part 6

And they were astonished at His doctrine: for He taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes. (verse 22)


The people were astonished, which means to strike with great wonder or surprise; amazement, according to Dictionary.

Swindoll describes Jesus' teaching as: reliable content, irrefutable reasoning, impeccable theology, flawless presentation, penetrating insights, and compelling authority. 

Multitudes traveled great distances to hear from Him, and some left jobs to follow Him. Jesus had such a rapid and profound impact on the region of Galilee. 

Jesus spoke with authority, unlike the scribes that were like a kind of attorney in their day. They were always quoting important rabbis, what the rabbis said to one another, comparing the two and explaining the tedious intricacies of what each rabbi meant. 

Jesus appealed to nothing but the Scriptures, not what rabbis of centuries past had said. What a contrast!

No wonder the people were astonished and amazed by Jesus. do we hold the teachings of Jesus to be important or amazing?


Jesus put His authoritative words into actions. A man with an unclean spirit (demon) cried out in verse 24:

  • Let us alone.
  • What have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?
  • Are you come to destroy us?
  • I know who you are-the Holy One of God!
The demon saw Jesus as a threat to his ongoing destructive work in the man's life. the kingdom of God had come near in the person of the King, which meant bad news for Satan's forces. This demon acknowledged Jesus' ability to destroy him.  (Evans)

Hold thy peace, and come out of him. That was what Jesus said as He rebuked the demon. (verse 25)

Tthe unclean spirit caused the man to have convulsions before it left. The people were amazed and questioned the authority and pwer Jesus' Words had. Even the evil spirits obey Him and flee at His command. So the news about Jesus spread through every village in the entire region.  
Are you in need of deliverance today? Turn to Jesus.


Your name is Power, Healer, Life, Jesus.

You have the power to deliver and heal all kinds of problems.

Please deliver our nation from its sinful ways.

What a loving Savior!


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