Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Immediate Obedience

 N.T.#333 "Immediate Obedience"

June 25, 2024 

Mark 1-Part 4

And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. (verse 17)


Mark touched on the baptism and temptations of Christ. Jesus was tempted to sin while in the wilderness, alone. He had to be tempted so He would identify fully with human beings. The difference is, Jesus endured and never sinned. He used Scriptures on the devil. Jesus is our example when we face temptation and it is possible that we not sin, with His help. Since Jesus went through the same experience we go through, He is our helper who knows just what we need. (Hebrews 4:15)

John the Baptist was put into prison.

What is next?

  •  Jesus began His ministry in Galilean area preaching the Gospel of the kingdom of God. (verse 14)
  • He said, The time is fulfilled. 
  • The Kingdom of God is at hand.
  • Repent and believe the gospel. (verse 15)
This was Jesus' mission, to declare and manifest the kingdom of God. God's Good News is centered in Christ Jesus, our Savior.
Do you know Him today, friend?


In verses 16-20, we read of the four disciples- Simon Peter, his brother Andrew, who were fishermen as well as James and his brother John, who were sons of Zebedee. fishermen as well. (verses 16 and 19) Our key verse above explains Jesus' purpose for those 4 men. Keep in mind that fishing with nets was their means of business or livelihood, it was not a sport.

How did all tour men react to this calling upon their lives by Jesus?

Straightway (which means directly; at once) Simon and Andrew forsook their nets and followed Him. James and John left their father in the ship with the hired servants and went after Him. (verses 18, 20) Apparently, the four new Jesus previously. Their actions involved more than sacrificing a few possessions. They gave up their trad and trusted Jesus to provide for them. Obviously He did just that. Once the disciples picked corn to eat on the Sabbath and were reprimanded for it by the Pharisees. John became Jesus' beloved disciple and later penned 5 New Testament books, in addition, he outlived the other disciples.

The words straightway or immediately is used over 40 times throughout this book. 

How do we react when Jesus asks us to do something? Is it later, soon, forget about it, refusal, or immediately we obey. Remember, obedience is better than sacrifice. 


What a joy it is, Lord Jesus, to be called to a special purpose in Kingdom work.

Help us be obedient.

What a wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Jesus!

*Appreciate everyone's prayers and comments as we buried my father in law yesterday at age 93. He was only saved 6 years ago, but we rejoice his battle with pain is over. What a reunion he had with Jesus and his wife in heaven.

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