Monday, June 24, 2024


N.T.#332 "Immediately"

June 24, 2024

Mark 1-Part 3

And immediately the Spirit driveth Him into the wilderness. (verse 12)


When my children were growing up, I often responded to their "Mom, help" call with a "Wait a minute." That wasn't what they wanted to hear and they would keep calling me until I went to them. I am so glad that Jesus doesn't wait, but answers my plea for help immediately.

In this chapter 1, Mark uses the word immediately or its form ten times, but the same Greek word. Immediately means at once, straightway. In English, it is used as anon , straightly, forthwith. 

Over 40 times Mark uses the word immediately in his book. 

Here are the verses which use those words: 

  1. when the Spirit like a dove came upon Jesus (v.10)
  2. when the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness (v. 12)
  3. how soon Simon Peter and Andrew followed Jesus (v. 18)
  4. when Jesus called James and John as disciples (v. 20)
  5. when Jesus taught in the synagogue at Capernaum (v. 21)
  6. how the news spread about Jesus (v. 28)
  7. when they went to Simon and Andrew's house (v. 29)
  8. when they told Jesus of Peter's mother in law's sickness (v. 30)
  9. how soon the leper was healed (v. 42)
  10. when Jesus sent the healed leper away (v. 43)
Jesus didn't waste time. He had the Father's power and He changed things immediately. When He spoke to or touched someone, His command happened right then. Isn't it wonderful that we have a Savior who is compassionate and can immediately respond to our cry of help.

Last week I had a doctor's appoint in another town where I had only been once before. Since my husband's father had only passed away an hour earlier, I had to take myself to the appointment. I thought that I had the correct address, but it was not so. I wasted 30 minutes driving around, following the Google Map. I was in tears. Finally, I got ahold of myself, prayed, and Jesus took over. Immediately, I called the main clinic and got the correct address and drove right to the clinic. By the time I got there (only 15 minutes late), I had a melt-down, sobbing. I had never done that before. I think it was because of the situation. It turned out okay, for they were late seeing the patients. And to beat all, I had to stop and get gas because I only had 1/8 of a tank. All turned out well. Thank You Jesus for coming to my rescue in my time of need! How encouraging He is!

Has Jesus immediately answered your prayers?


Our key verse above doesn't tell us much detail as to what occurred when Jesus was with Satan in the wilderness and being tempted to sin. Verse 13 tells us it took place for 40 days and nights. However, Jesus resisted the devil with Scriptures and the wild beasts were there and the angels were there ministering to Him. If you want to read more about the situation, look at Matthew 4 and Luke 4.


Help us obey You immediately, Lord Jesus, when you give us a task for Kingdom work.


  1. Appreciate it my dear friend. We rejoice that my father in law is with Jesus. He only got saved 6 years ago at age 87.
