Friday, June 21, 2024

Where Are You Going After Death?

 N.T.#331 "Where Are You Going after Death?"

June 21, 2024 

Mark 1-Part 2


When I was 16, I realized that death could come at any age. A classmate of mine was killed in a car wreck at age 16. Had I died then, I would have gone to hell. I didn't know the proper words to say to a holy God. I only knew I believed in Jesus and needed Him as my Savior. He saw my heart and cleansed it. Later, I was baptized in a local church. I know I am a sinner saved by grace.Now my future is in heaven. Have you repented of your sins and obeyed God through baptism?

John the Baptist was born to prepare the way of the Lord Jesus Christ. He preached repentance of sin, agreeing with God and admitting sins. He baptized those who did so in the Jordan River. More details of John's life is found in Luke 1 and John 3. Keep in mind there had been no prophet in Israel for 400 years after Malachi.

What was unique about John the Baptist?

  • He was a cousin of Jesus' through Mary's line.
  • He was born to an older couple, Elizabeth and Zachariah, who was a Jewish priest in the Temple.
  • The Prophet Isaiah predicted his coming and that of the Messiah. (Isaiah 40:3) A voice of one crying out: Prepare the way of the LORD in the wilderness; make a straight highway for Our God in the desert. 
  • When a king of the land was coming to a city, construction crews would arrive long before the planned arrival of a king to level hills, fill ditches, clear debris, and remove obstructions in order to prepare a wide, clear, and straight road into town. John was preparing the way for King Jesus, preaching repentance of sin, in order to prepare people's hearts to hear the messages of the Messiah.
  • John clothed himself simply with a rough garment made of camel's hair, which would have been scratchy material, not soft like sheep's wool, and with a leather belt.(verse 6) John distinguished himself from the religious leaders, whose flowing robes reflected their great pride in their position. (12:38)
  • John baptized believers and repentants by submersing them in water, but Jesus shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost. (verse 8)
John preached that One was coming after he that is mightier than he was. The humility of John is seen here. He admitted that he was not worthy to even stoop down and unlatch Jesus' shoes. (The least of the household slaves removed shoes and washed feet. It was the lowest form of service then known.) Service to Christ is a privilege. (Swindoll) 

How are we serving Jesus today? Do we serve others instead of ourself?


Jesus grew up in Nazareth, a city located halfway between the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean Sea. It was a despised city and avoided by many Jews. (John 1:46) Nazareth was a crossroads for trade routes and had contact with many cultures.

The Jordan River has beautifully lined trees on its banks. It isn't a swift flowing river, but peacefully flowing. Jesus came from Nazareth where He grew up. He began His ministry by being baptized by John there. Why would the Messiah be baptized by a man? He never sinned. 

  • Jesus began His mission to bring the message of salvation to all people
  • to show support for John's ministry
  • to identify with our humanness and sin
  • to give us an example to follow.

John's baptism was an outward symbol of inward devotion to God, submission to His will, and identity with the people of Israel and us. Jesus' baptism was a symbol of His submitting to do God's will, also. As a sign of His Father's approval of Jesus as His divine Son, the Spirit descended like a dove on Jesus. (verse 10) Here is the Trinity revealed.

In addition, God said, Thou art My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (verse 11)

Beloved means dearly, well loved.

Pleased means to think well; approve; take pleasure.

Jesus is the unique Son of God, even though God has many believing children in His family. He was obedient and that obedience found approval in God. 

Friend, have you obeyed God by being baptized? 


Father, we want to please in all we say and do.

Thank You Jesus for forgiveness of our sins.

*Thank you for your prayers. My father in law passed away into heaven yesterday afternoon.


  1. Prayers for you and your family. While you rejoice that your father-in-law is home, the human hearts hurt for the empyt place at the dinner table.

  2. Thank you my friend. He is rejoicing now. Suffering is over. It was a long 10 days for the kids.
