Friday, June 14, 2024

How Are We to Live?

N.T.#326 "How Are We to Live?"

June 14, 2024

Summary of Matthew-Part 2

We are continuing to review our study of Matthew. In chapter 4, we read of the temptations with which Satan confronted Jesus. They involved physical needs, possessions and power, and pride. Jesus used Scriptures to combat the Tempter. 

Matthew designates 4 geographical areas in relation to the ministry of Christ Jesus:

  1. Galilee (verse 12)
  2. Peraea (19:1)
  3. Judaea (20:17)
  4. Jerusalem (21:1)
In the Galilean area, Jesus called His disciples to follow Him. He went about teaching in the Jewish synagogues, preaching the Gospel of the kingdom, healing sicknesses and diseases, delivered the possessed from demons, and healed palsy among the people. (verse 23) Keep in mind that no significant prophet had arisen in ministry to Israel for over 400 years. 

In chapter 5, Jesus taught the Beatitudes, which are to be characteristics of the saved. Jesus challenges us to let our light shine before people so they see our good works and glorify our Heavenly Father. (verse 16) 

Also, Jesus proclaimed: Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. (verse 17)

Jesus gave us 6 illustrations of Christian character:
  1. No anger
  2. No lust, adultery, and marriage contrasting divorce
  3. Commitment
  4. Speak the Truth instead of oath-taking
  5. Forgiveness in place of retaliation
  6. Love your enemy in place of loving thy neighbor. (verses 21-48)
Chapter 6 and 7 give us examples of true spiritual worship by giving, praying, fasting, and serving. Included is the Lord's Prayer, don't worry or be anxious, the Golden Rule, ask, seek, and knock, seek first the kingdom of God, beware of false prophets in sheep's clothing, faith is the root of salvation and works are its fruit.
[Resource: Libery Bible Commentary]

Looks like we have a lot of challenges to apply today as a follower of Jesus.
*Please pray for my father in law. He was put on a resperator, and today they will try to wean him off it. He is 93 and has pneumonia. 


1 comment:

  1. Praying for you all and your father-in-law. I know that this time is not easy.
