Monday, June 17, 2024


N.T.#327 "Compassion"

June 17, 2024 

Summary of Matthew-Part 2

As we continue the summation of the book of Matthew, we read of many instances of His miracles and healings in chapters 8 and 9:  

  • the leper 
  • the Centurion's servant
  • Peter's mother in law
  • the mute demoniac
  • the paralytic
  • the woman with the issue of blood
  • calming of the storm
  • Jarius' daughter
  • the two blind men.
All of those were signs of Jesus' divine authority, being the son of God. The power of Jesus Christ is limitless and His mercy is immeasurable. When we have a desperate need, we can turn to the loving Savior to receive a gentle touch or a distant word, comfort and love, kindness. We can count on Him to take care of us, in His way, at His time, as He pleases. Jesus is with His children, full of compassion and understanding. He is intimately interested in the details of our lives.
[Resource: Swindoll's Living Insights on Matthew 1-15]

Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven. (10:32)

Have you confess Jesus as your Savior before people?

It is hard to summarize all the good things Jesus did while on earth. He taught us to forgive, stand strong in our faith, trust Him with everything, used parables. He provided for His disciples, showed them how to be a servant, confronted the Pharisees with the Word of Truth, presented Himself as King, encouraged marriage and not divorce, prepared us for things to come and heaven in the here after.

*Update on my father in law, age 93: they moved him to hospice care facility where he is resting now. The kids are getting tired physically by remaining by his bedside. Since he is a believer in Jesus, it helps us have comfort as we await his homegoing. Thanks for your prayers.

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