Friday, June 7, 2024

Good News vs. Fake News

 N.T.#322 "Good News vs. Fake News"

June 7, 2024 

Matthew 28-Part 5


We have to have a discerning spirit to determine what is truth and fake news. It is by faith we believe the Bible is true, so all the events that are recorded in it must be true, too. However, not all people believe this. Even in Jesus' day, there were scoundrels. 

The Good News is that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. That is proof that He is God and man. He bled like a man and His body died like a man. Yet Jesus is God in the form of a man. He was born of woman, lived, walked, talked, and ate like a man. On the other hand, Jesus was divine. He saw into the hearts of people. He knew what they were thinking. He knew how to answer to Pharisees and Sanhedrin. Jesus had thousands of angels at His disposal. Most importantly, Jesus Christ never sinned through all the temptations of Satan, controversy of the religious Jews. beatings, and pain of the nails while on the cross.

I like how Charles Swindoll entitled this section of Scriptures as "Good News vs. Fake News." The Good News is Jesus of Nazareth rose from the grave on the third day, just as He promised and just as the Scriptures themselves foretold. (Isa. 53:10-12) All hope, confidence, devotion and dedication were up and running again. Not only was Jesus their King, but Israel's long-awaited Messiah. Now His glorious resurrection made them certain of it! But as Jesus was presenting Himself alive "by many convincing proofs" and continuing to speak to them "concerning the kingdom of God, the disciples were still asking questions.

It is by faith that we come to Jesus. Do you believe He is God's Son, the Suffering Savior, the Risen Lord, our King?

Fpr by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)


The fake news involved the Roman soldiers, who fainted when the angel appeared and rolled back the stone of the opening of the tomb. (verse4) Some of the soldiers went to the chief priests and reported what had happened. The soldiers were given large amounts of silver to spread the fake news. (verses 11-12)

The story by the soldiers, fake news, included: Jesus disciples came by night and stole Him away while they slept. What a conspiracy! If their news reached the governor, the priests would persuade him and have their backs. (The soldiers could have been killed for not carrying out the governor's instructions.)


Thank You Jesus for preserving Your Word for us to read and study.

What a wonder plan to provide salvation and eternal life for those who believe in You as their Savior.

Thank You it is not by works or heritage that we can get to heaven, but by faith.

Oh, what a Savior! Isn't He wonderful! Christ is risen!

We serve a risen and alive Savior today!

One day we will all stand before Him, giving an account of our life.

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