Friday, August 30, 2024

Who Are You Following?

N.T.#380 "Who Are You Following?"

August 30, 2024 

Mark 8-Part 9


We can read a little more detail of this event in Matthew. Matthew tells us that Jesus told His disciples how He must go to Jerusalem, suffer, be killed, and raised on the third day. Mark does not say where Jesus must go for it to happen. Also, we read what Peter was meaning in Matthew 16:22," Heaven forbid, Lord, this will never happen to you!"

It was a dangerous trap for Jesus by Satan, and Peter fell into it. Peter was seeing from a human point of view, not from God's. Jesus is the Messiah, King of the Jews, so no king should not suffer on a cross to die. Peter had just been praised for being God's spokesman, then was condemned as Satan's mouthpiece. Don't we tend to do the same, off and on? We have a mountaintop experience with the Lord, but then something happens, and we are back down in the valley we go again. Yep, I'd say Peter was human.

The world looks on success when one has great power, leads other to battle in their place, use others like rungs up the ladder, acquire money for it is power, give away only what makes you looks charitable, give only out of your abundance, and sacrifice nothing that might keep you comfortable. (Swindoll)

However, without the death and resurrection of Jesus, there could be no atonement for our sin, nor our salvation. After shocking Peter in line, Jesus called the crowd to Himself-disciples, followers, seekers, critics, and skeptics. He clarified His disposition toward the current world order. He was about to make a summation of the believer's life, their instructions, and how to please God.

Are we ready?


Whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. (verse 34)

Let's break it down so we can understand this better:

  • If we are desiring to serve, love Jesus, we get in line behind Him. I used to try to step in my dad's footprints in the snow when I was young. How are we to walk like Jesus?
  • Jesus is our Master, Leader, Way, Truth, Life. His Spirit and His teachings are what we are to be following, not the world's. We are supposed to be different from them, stand out.
  • First, we must deny ourself. A repentant sinner cannot save their soul but must surrender completely to God's way and mercy. We come to the point of self-denial for salvation.
  • Then when we will to be a follower of Jesus, we must be willing to be a cross-bearing person in order to do God's will. We are on mission with Jesus, then, carrying out the Father's will in our own life. Take up our cross.
  • Follow Jesus by doing what He says do, going where He says go, living like He says live. He is our Master and we obey His commands.
The thing is, are we willing? Do we love Jesus enough to make sacrifices for Him? Are we willing to suffer for being a Christian? Will we give up anything He requires?


                               ... and follow Jesus.

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