Tuesday, August 6, 2024


N.T.#361 "Unbelief"

August 6, 2024 

Mark 6-Part 2


Jesus could do no miracle in His hometown of Nazareth except He healed a few sick people. (verse 5)At that time, family and friends rejected Jesus as the Messiah. It was their unbelief that held Him back. So it was with the Old Testament prophets, rejected by the religious authorities, ignored by the common people, and martyred by Israel's kings. Today, pastors are least respected in the circle of family and friends. God will not work where there is no faith. 

Christ did not lack power; rather, the absence of faith caused God to withhold supernatural work. His relatives focused on Jesus' humanity and faitled to recognize the supernatural nature of His words and works.  (Evans)

They missed out, didn't they? The Messiah whom prophet foretold hundreds of years earlier was in their midst, but sin blinded them to that fact. What a blessing it would have been to sit and listen to the Creator of everything teach. What an opportunity it would have been. Do we miss out on blessing because we are blinded by who the messenger is? 


And He marvelled because of their unbelief. And He went round about the villages, teaching. (verse 6)

In the Greek language, marvelled means to wonder; unbelief means faithlessness, disbelief, unfaithfulness.

It shocked Jesus at the unbelief present in Nazareth. They had seen what everyone else had seen, yet still they didn't believe in who He was/is. So Jesus left and continued to proclaim His kingdom message in the surrounding villages.

When we are rejected, continue to pray and teach God's Word in spite of the reaction of hearers. One day they will understand the truth. This explains why Jesus' ministry was primarily in the area of the Sea of Galilee and He called fishermen to be His disciples.


Help us continue to walk by faith and not by sight, Jesus.

Lead us daily in Your ways and where You want us to go minister to those in need.

Help us hide Your Word in our heart so we don't sin against You.

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