Monday, August 19, 2024

Hearing and Speaking

N.T.#370 "Hearing and Speaking"

August 19, 2024 

Mark 7-Part 3 


Obviously, some time passed since Jesus traveled from the northwest back to the southeast side of Galilee. He returned to Decapolis where He previously delivered the demon possessed man, casting the domons into swine and then they drown. The people were afraid of Jesus and urged Him to leave the region. (5:1-20)

Some people's attitudes toward Jesus were different. They brought a man deaf and mute, asking Jesus to heal him. Keep in mind this is the only place that this event is written. 

What did Jesus do?

  • He took the man aside from the crowd. Jesus respected the man's privacy and showed him courtesy.
  • Jesus placed His fingers into the man's ears and restored his hearing.
  • Then He spit a little saliva onto His finger and touched the man's tongue, restoring his speech. (verse 33)
  • Jesus looked up to heaven, sighed, and said, "Be opened." (verse 34)
Did you get it-Jesus touched the places of the man's needs. Jesus freed the man from his misery with deep compassion for him. 
Do we help people with disabilities, broken hearts, failures, bad decisions? Are we showing them compassion and love of the Savior?


Immediately the man could hear and speak plainly. (verse 35) didn't he have a lot to say! He probably had years' worther of stories to tell. So much the guy had to keep to himself. He had a lot to say.

Then Jesus told the man and crowd to share the event with no one. Healing was not Jesus' mission, just an added extra to reveal His God-given power. Yet, the more Jesus said this, the more they spread the news. 

He hath done things well. (verse 37)

This alludes to Isaiah 35:3-6. Jesus makes the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, and the mute to speak with shouts for joy.

Isn't that just like our Jesus? We are amazed whenever He does.

The people were beyond measure astonished.


Thank You Jesus for doing all things well.

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