Monday, August 5, 2024

A Hometown Reception

 N. T. #360  "A Hometown Reception"

August 5, 2024

Mark 6


I can recall when a young man from my hometown returned from the Viet Nam war, enjured. We had a parade in his honor. However, Jesus did not get such a warm response in His hometown.

Jesus and His disciples came to His own country or hometown, which was Nazareth. What did He do? On the Sabbath Jesus began to teach in the synagogue. It seems there were various groups of people there listening. 

First were the disciples. They accepted His Word as truth from God’s lips. Are we a part of this group?

  Here are the curious, yet not committed. They haven’t rejected the Gospel, still reflecting  They have questions, honest doubts  It takes faith to believe in One unseen by you, to believe the Bible is true  Keep reading and searching for the Truth.

The largest group is cynical and closed . They only question and never seek answers  We leave them in God’s hands and pray for mercy  (Swindoll)


Take a closer look at what happened:

  • In the synagogue many hearing Jesus were astonished asking where did He get these things. They wondered where His wisdom came from  that He could do such mighty works. (verse 2)
  • Doubts about Jesus came because they knew Him as the carpenter and Mary’s son. His half brothers are named and known in Nazareth as well. Jesus had half sisters there, too.
  • They were offended at Jesus. 
What can we learn from Jesus’ experience in His hometown?
A prophet or preacher is not honored in his own hometown among his own family and friends. They know his faults and shortcomings, considering him one of theirs, nothing special. What a shame it is that those will not accept his change and calling of God.

Jesus came to seek and to save the lost, to draw people to Him, and provide abundant life. 
Thank You Lord Jesus for choosing us and saving us sinners. 
Glory to Your name.

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