Friday, August 23, 2024

Are You Listening?

 N.T.#374 "Are You Listening?"

August 23, 2024 

Mark 8-Part 3


Those Pharisees challenged Jesus to perform some astronomical miracle. Those false prophets desired the sensational. It would have undermined Jesus' credibility had He done something to prove He was God in the flesh. Since the Pharisees had spiritual blindness, He was not going to accommodate them to prove He is the Son of God and Messiah. Jesus' resurrection would do that. Matthew 12:39 and 40 signify His having told those vipers.

Jesus had ministry to do, so He and the disciples left the area, sailed northeast to Bethsaida. Swindoll has a map showing these places Jesus ministered in the area of the Sea of Galilee.



                                     Capernaum * Sea of Galilee

Cana*                         Dalmanutha *

                     Tiberias *

Nazareth  *

This gives us a clearer idea of where Jesus walked and ministered. Jesus had not been on the water long before He began to debrief His encounter with the Pharisees to the disciples. He wanted to prepare the apostles for their clash later with the religious authorities in Jerusalem.

Has Jesus prepared us for ministry in His name? Are you sharing His Word with others while studying it yourself? Share what you learn for the benefit of others.


In the boat, the disciples became concerned with there being only 1 loaf of bread available for their lunch. Really guys? You have seen Jesus provide for 4,000 and 5,000 men, even carry baskets full of leftovers and you worry about 13 men having enough to eat in a boat? No wonder Jesus got a little short with them.

What was the spiritual truth Jesus gave? Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod. (verse 15)

Leaven represents sin. The evil influence of sin was evident in the Pharisees with their false teachings. (Matt. 16:12) and the immoral, corrupt conduct of Herod Antipas. (6:17-29) Those two because allies against Christ Jesus.(3:6) These apostles would have their own encounter later with these.

Paul reminds us in Galatians 5:9, A little leaven leavens the whole batch. 

As a small amount of yeast affect an entire batch of dough, so does sin. Those leaders had a tremendous influence on the people with their human traditions and lead them away from God. It seems the disciples carelessly forgot to pak lunch, discussing it while Jesus had a profound teaching for them. Guys and their stomachs.

Are we careful to not allow a little sin to grow in our life and lead us down the wrong path? 


Open our spiritual eyes Lord, so we can see what sins are in our life.

Please forgive us.

Help us to listen better.

Help us let go of those things that so easily beset us, weigh us down.

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