Friday, August 2, 2024

Faith Seen

N.T.#359 "Faith Seen"

August 2, 2024 

Mark 5-Part 5


Have you ever been desperate for an answered prayer, a job, or a situation to work out? Jesus has the answer. How strong is your faith?

Jairus was a faith, no longer a proud official in the synagogue, who became a humbled, broken daddy whose daughter lay dying. He was desperate. He found a Savior waiting, willing, and ready to meet all of his needs, including the one that brought him to desperation. (C.S. Lewis)

If it is a child or loved one we wait to surrender to the Lord or to find His will, keep praying. God is not almost sovereign, but completely sovereign. He knows all. 


Someone had accessed Jesus' kingdom power by desperate faith, and He wasn't going to ignore it. He can distinguish between people bumping against Him and those touching Him in faith. The woman with the 12-year issue of blood was healed because of her faith. 

Call on Me in a day of trouble; I will rescue you, and you will honor Me. (Ps. 50:15)

Jesus drew the woman out of the crowd to allow her to praise God for her healing. Jesus was determined to see that God was glorified publicly in this healing. (Evans)

When God comes through in our life, and no one knows about it but you, we need to declare His deeds and give Him glory.

Let the redeemed of the LORD proclaim that He has redeemed them from the power of the foe. (Ps. 107:2)

How is your faith in Jesus?


Thank You Jesus for all the times You have healed me, provided for me, forgiven me, and loved me.

To You be the glory forever!

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