Thursday, August 22, 2024

Faith Vs. Sight

N.T.#373 "Faith Vs. Sight"

August 22, 2024

Mark 8-Part 2


After feeding 4,000 men, which could have totaled 16,000 total people, Jesus sent them away. 

Then immediately He led the disciples to sail west back across the Sea of Galilee to Dalmanutha.. It is apparent that this was a region near Magdala. Recent archeological work in the area, when the water level of Lake Galilee was at an all-time low, revealed several heretofore unknown anchorages. One small harbor has been found between Magadala and Capernaum, and this may have been Dalmanutha.  (MacArthur)

It was like a back woods town off the beaten path in my area. A few country stores but no interstate nearby. Guess who showed up. The Pharisees could not quit harassing Jesus. It wasn't a theological debate, but they wanted Jesus to prove His identity and legitimacy with a sign. 

The Greek term for sign is seneuib. Its most basic meaning is something that gives a true indication of something else. For the Jews, a sign was a visual confirmation that a prophet was authentically from God. This word also referred to a physical manifestation of God's glory.

Since the Pharisees had no faith believing Jesus to be the Son of God, they wanted Him to prove it so they could use sight. But faith is the evidence of things not seen-hope. (Hebrews 11:1)

How is our faith guage today? Are we walking by faith or by sight? Paul told us in 2 Corinthians 5:7 that we walk by faith, not by sight.


How did Jesus react to the Pharisees seeking a sign from heaven, tempting Him? Jesus sighed deeply (intensely) in His spirit. (verse 12)

Were Jesus' miracles insufficient evidence that He was of God? No sign-Jesus is the sign from heaven. He left them, got into the boat, and sailed away. He didn't do mighty works there because of their unbelief like in Nazareth. (Matt. 13:58)

So we open our heart and let Jesus do a work in us? Or does our sin separate us?


Jesus, You are my Savior, Redeemer, The Way, The Truth, The Life. 

You are all I need. I choose You today.

How loving, forgiving, glorious You are.



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