Thursday, August 29, 2024


N.T.#378 "Sufferings"

August 29, 2024 

Mark 8-Part 7


The disciples answered Jesus' question concerning whom men say He is-John the Baptist, Elijah the prophet, and One of the prophets.(verse 27) Then the Messiah made it personal-whom do you say that I am. Without hesitation, Peter jumped in to answer-Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God. (16:16)

Now that Jesus' true identity was established among His disciples, He shared with the guys His purpose for coming-suffering, rejection, death and resurrection. Other Jews looked for a military leader. It wwasn't time for an earthly kingdom to be established by Christ.

This was the first time Jesus told His disciples what being the Messiah involved. (It was 6 months before He died on the cross.) 

Who was going to reject and kill Jesus, the Messiah? It was Gentile rulers, Jewish elders, chief priests, and scribes-His own people, the religious ones. All of this was not what the disciples were expecting for the Messiah, victory not defeat. After all, they had heard His teachings, seen His marvelous deeds, so they should have believed Him, right? The Old Testament prophets did predict that the Messiah would receive the power and authority to rule the whole world. (Ps. 2, 72: Dan. 7; Zech 9) Years later, Jesus will reign as King on earth, and for a thousand years, too. But that was not the time nor the way according to God's will.


Did you catch it-Jesus called Himself the Son of Man? (verse 31) He call attention to His own humanity, which was vulnerable. Being human, Jesus suffered the pains of humanity, especially that on the cross and the beatings. This Suffering Servant would resurrect first and then He would reign as Supreme King. Mark uses this phrase 14 times. Jesus is the sole Messiah, who is in fact God. In order to provide us with salvation, the Perfect Lamb of God must suffer. Indeed, He did experience just that-beatings, spit upon, nails in hands and feet, hung on a cross. All because Jesus loves us. He desired to obey the Father. The good news is that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, as He said He would, and reigns with God in heaven, sitting on the right to interceed for us.

Jesus knows what it is to suffer, so He can relate to us whenever we suffer for His glory. We may only suffer from hateful words, but they cut to our soul. we may experience desertion, but Jesus is with us. We may be made fun of for being a Christian, but He was criticized, too. Let it be that our sufferings are for doing good, telling the Truth (we are sinners in need of a Savior).


Keep our faith growing, Jesus, as we walk by faith and not by sight.

Heal our wounds with Your love, then set our feet on the Solid Rock. 

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