Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Trust and Obey, Go and Sow

 N.T.#362  "Trust and Obey, Go and Sow"

August 7, 2024 

Mark 6-Part 3


Originally, my husband and I were to scout out mission possibilities for our church when we went on our mission trip. However, more was required of us. Since our leader and his wife could not go, we stepped up and led the way. I was not prepared to teach in a bible class, but it appeared needful. I shared my testimony with the older children and teens, as well as the Gospel. When the opportunity arises, take it and be a faithful witness for Jesus. Go and sow the Gospel as we trust and obey Jesus.

It was time for some Ministry 101. Jesus had taught His disciples, showed them how to meet people's needs, and to love them. Their mission required no formal curriculum, no audition, no lecture to attend, no tuition, no written exam. The disciples had only the Old Testament Scriptures to read and the divine Author of those writings to teach them. 

Jesus' itinerary in ministry was preaching, teaching, healing, and casting out demons in Galilee. He delegated the same ministry duties to the twelve. They were do to give an accountability for their actions.

What were their instructions?

  1. They were sent out in pairs, two by two. Their companionship gave them power over discouragement. Quitting was not an option, for there was work to do.
  2. Travel light. The disciples were to have sandals, but no two coats. A tunic was worn next to the skin like our undergarments, which could be changed if no water was available to clean up. 
  3. A staff only was to be taken for protection against wild animals, robbers, rough terrain. 
  4. No scrip, no bread, no money in their purse. Total dependance upon God to supply their needs including lodging, was expected. No preparation and burdensome provisions to distract them from the main thing. (verses 7-9)
  5. No reservations for lodging was needed. They were to stay at one house and go out ministering from there in the village. (verse 10)
  6. If they were no received nor heard, instructions were to depart shaking off the dust under their feet. Judgment was due those unaccepting people. (verse 12)

The disciples obeyed what Jesus commanded. They testified across Israel wherever they could find their fellow Jews. 

Are we a witness of what Jesus has done for us? Do we recognize divine appointments? Are we obedient to follow our Savior wherever He leads.


And they went out, and preached that men should repent. (verse 12)

Repentance is not just feeling sorry for sin, but a deliberate, life-changing decision to turn away from the wrong direction and turn toward the right direction. When you come to Christ, you deliberately leave your old way of living behind. You trust Christ, love Him, and serve Him. Friend, have you done this?

And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them. (verse 13)

Jesus is the One who has that kind of power. He gave His disciples the power to heal the sick by supernatural means. 

We don't know how long or how far the disciples' ministry was. They met back together with Jesus. These excited disciples returned to Capernaum with stories to tell their Master and what they had taught. (verse 30) We are accountable to our church and Lord Jesus when we go out doing ministry on mission.

[Resource: Swindoll's Living Insights on Mark]


What a privilege it is to go and share Your love and Word with others.

Help us to live simply, stay where you put us, leave when we must, tell the truth, and rely on You, Savior.

Prepare us for Kingdom work. You will give the increase.

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