Monday, August 12, 2024

Storms of Life

 N.T.#365  "Storms of Life"

August 12, 2024

Mark 6-Part 6


After the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus sent His disciples in a boat towards Bethsaida ahead of Him. Then He sent the people away. What did Jesus do? He went to a mountain to pray, which was several hundred feet above the Sea of Galilee. Jesus could easily watch His guys on the water some 686 feet below sea level. Often strong winds whip down through the gorge and churns the waters making it choppy for a small boat. (The Sea of Galilee is surrounded by mountains.) The guys had been rowing for 12 hours against the wind and water. (Fourth watch was 3am-6am.) Most of them had made their living on the Sea of Galilee most of their lives, so they didn't fear much.

Jesus must have seen His men struggling. Finally, He had to rescue them. Jesus intended to pass by them, allowing His people to glimpse His presence as a means of reassuring them. What they saw was a supernatural unknown presence coming toward them, which may have driven them to screaming terror.

Have you been there? Are you facing a terrifying situation? Be assured, you are not alone.


And immediately He talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid. (verse 50)

In other words, "Be courageous, I am. Don't fear." Matthew 14 tells us Peter walked on the water for a few moments, until he took his eyes off Jesus and put it on the rough sea. Mark leaves this scene out. when Jesus stepped off the waves, over the side of the boar, the storm ceased, the winds died down, the ripples splashing into the boat stopped. 

Why didn't the disciples call on God for help? Did they not understand their Messiah to be divinity in human flesh?

They were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure,and wondered. For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened. (verses 51-52)

Hardened means to petrify, as used here.

We would say they were "thick-headed." Aren't we all at some time or another thick-headed? Duh!

The disciples were in the middle of God's will, yet they were in the middle of threatening circumstances. If you're earnestly and faithfully seeking to follow God, don't be surprised when trials come. god grants these so that "your faith-more valuable than gold" may be refined and bring glory to Christ. (1 Peter 1:7) (Tony Evans)


While we are in storms of life, Jesus, be our anchor.

Stay with us through it all.

Help us trust You and Your will be done.

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