Thursday, August 8, 2024

When a Head is Required

N.T.#363  "When a Head is Required"

August 8, 2024 

Mark 6-Part 4


For a little historical background, king Herod, actually a tetrarch, Herod Antipas, was the second son of king Herod the Great, and became ruler of Galilee. After Herod the Great died, Palestine was divided among his sons.  Herod the Great captured Jerusalem and was the descendent of Esau and Edom.) 

Another son of Herod the Great was Phillip (Herodias' husband). She was the daughter of Aristobulus, another son of Herod the Great. Herodias married her own father's brother. What precipitated the arrest of John the Baptist was that Herod Antipas (uncle of Herodias) talked her into leaving her husband in order to marry him. This compounded the incest, as well as violating Leviticus 18:16. What a messy family. 

John was outraged that a ruler in Israel would sin this way openly, so he rebuked Herod severely. (verse 4) For this, Herod imprisoned and later killed John. (verses 14-29) You probably recall the details from Matthew 14 where Herodias' daughter danced at the king's birthday party pleasing him. Then he promised her anything she desired; mom told her to ask for John the Baptist's head and it was brought to her on a platter. (The disciples came and buried John's body.)

For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and a holy, and observed him; and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly. (verse 20)

What a testimony of John's. He preached repentance of sins, you know. Herod was exceeding sorry having made an oath of giving his stepdaughter anything she wished, even up to half of his kingdom.


And He said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat. And they departed into a desert place by ship privately. (verses 31-32)

It was a busy day, yet Jesus insisted His disciples leave the crowds to rest and be alone with Him. He knew the busier they were, the more they needed to make time to rest and be alone with Him. If they didn't, eventually they would hurt both themselves and those they were seeking to help. The same is true of us.

God knows demands and responsibilities we face-at home, on the job, even in our church. We need His wisdom to keep things in perspective and His strength to get them done rightly. [Resource: Billy Graham's Wisdom for Each Day, a devotional book


Give us wisdom, strength, and courage to carry out Your will Lord God.

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