Wednesday, August 21, 2024

He Can Do It Again!

 N.T.#372  "He Can Do It Again!"

August 21, 2024

Mark 8


Had it not astonished the disciples what Jesus had done before them so far? Previously, Jesus had fed the 5,000 men and perhaps 20,000 in total with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, healed a deaf-mute man, and delivered a daughter from an unclean spirit. (chapters 6 -7)

Now here was a multitude who was with the group 3 days with nothing to eat and Jesus did it again. He used 7 loves of bread and a few small fishes, blessed them, and gave them for distribution miraculously feeding 4,000. And to top it off, there were 7 baskets left over for the disciples to eat. (verses 1-9)

Here is a contrast that I didn't see before: Earlier with the feeding of the 5,000 men, the disciples collected the remaining baskets of bread in small baskets like travelers used to carry their provisions (kophinos), and the feeding of the 4,000 had a larger type of baskets, hamper-like to store grain in or take it to market (spuris). It was Jesus who provided exceedingly abundantly above all the people could imagine. (Swindoll)

Also, the two feedings were different in the number of people fed, the place, the time, the numbers of fish, loaves, and basket sizes. (Falwell)

Did you hear the disciples say, "Lord, remember that time when You fed thousands with only five loaves and two fish? Surely You can do that again!" Nope, they were perplexed as to having no idea where the food would come from to feed that crowd. 

Do we tend to forget that all things are possible with God. (10:27)

Previously, Jesus fed the Israelite multitude in the wilderness with manna and quail. He did it with bread and fish later, too. Can't He do it for us?


Jesus had said at the last feeding that He is the Bread of Life (John 6:35)

When we get discouraged, go to the One who can feed us physically and spiritually. Remember what He has done, and have faith that He can and will do it again. 

Jesus gave thanks in the midst of insufficiency. What an example for us to follow. Do we give thanks before a meal? Are we grateful for our needs being met?


Take a look at where we are now and where we have been.

Hasn't He always come through?

He's the same now as then.

You may not know how, you may not know when, but He will do it again.

(It was a song a freind of mine sang many year ago, a mother of two of my students.)

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