Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Whom Do You Say Jesus Is?

N.T.#377 "Whom Do You Say Jesus is?"

August 28, 2024 

Mark 8-Part 6


Jesus and the disciples went 25 miles north of Bethsaida to Caesarea Philippi. It was 1,100 feet above the valley where they stood. It was a pagan city known for its worship of Greek gods and its temples devoted to the ancient god Pan. 

Jesus asked His disciples whom men say He was. Earlier at Nazareth, when the disciples were sent out by twos, people said Jesus was John the Baptist and Elijah who did many miracles, or one of the prophets. (6:14-15). Again, Jesus asked the same question in this city. What were the answers? The same as previously in another city. 

Elijah was known as the great prophet who challenged the priests of Baal. (1 Kings 17-20) and other things. John the Baptist was the one who preached repentance of sin and was beheaded by Herod for revealing his sin. It wasn't enough to know what others say about Jesus, Each of us must decide for ourself who Jesus is.

Have you done this?


When I was a teenager, our pastor would often end the service by asking the same question Jesus asked here to His disciples: Whom do you say that I am?

Peter answered, Thou art the Christ. (verse 29)

The Greek Christos comes from the word Hebrew word mashiach, meaning to anoint, the Anointed One, being the Messiah, in English. The Jewish religious leaders of Israel prepared the Jews fro a very different kind of Messiah than what the Old Testament promised. They were looking for a military power to deliver them from the Roman rulers. However, Jesus dis not come to be a military or political deliverer. He came to provide a way to deliver people and us from the condemnation of our sins.

Matthew added to this title, the Son of the Living God. (16:16)

Who is Jesus to you, my friend? Is He your Savior, Redeemer, Friend, Son of the Living God, Messiah?


How merciful, loving, and forgiving You are, Jesus.

You have been my giver of breath and beat of my heart, Healer, Provider, Deliverer.

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