Thursday, August 1, 2024

Healing and Faith

N.T.#358 "Healing and Faith"

August 1, 2024 

Mark 5-Part 4 


Jesus went with Jairus, but the crowd following Him thronged (to compress, crowd on all sides)  as they went to the daughter of the synagogue official. Matthew inserts the situation and encounter of the woman with Jesus:

  • She was hemorrhaging.
  • It lasted 12 years.
  • She had endured painful treatments by many physicians to no success.
  • The problem grew worse for her.
  • The woman heard of Jesus, probably His healings, and knew Jesus was her last hope for healing.
  • She came in the press (multitude, people) behind Jesus and touched His garment.
For she thought to herself, If I can just touch His robe, I will be healed. (verse 28)

Is that faith or what? For sure. Such great faith and humility, as well as feeling too unworthy to approach Jesus directly like the synagogue leader did. Chances are the woman was excluded from everything, isolating herself. Jesus could have let the situation go, but He wanted a personal relationship with her. Her faith made the woman whole. Like the woman, we must tell Jesus the truth.

There was a time whenever I was just as desperate as this woman. After a colonoscopy, I kept bleeding. The doctor had removed a good sized polp, and put a clip on it to stop the bleeding. Yet it kept on. He had told me if the bleeding did not stop during the night, I would need surgery. By midnight, the bleeding had not stopped and I was weak. Thus, I knew surgery would be difficult for me to go through and survive. I was desperate like this woman. I reached up toward heaven to touch the hem of the Savior's robe, asking for healing. I knew if He willed, Jesus could heal me like He did this woman. My God heard my desperation and immediately healed me. That is why I praise Him.

Have you had a similar situation?


What happened to the woman with the issue of blood? 

Immediately the bleeding stopped, and she could feel in her body that she had been healed of her terrible condition. (verse 29, NLT)

Jesus realized at once that healing power had gone out from Him, so He turned around in the crowd and asked who touched His robe. Immediately Jesus knew in Himself that virture (miraculous power, strength) had gone out of Him. There were so many people that the disciples could not give the answer.

But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before Him, and told Him all the truth. (verse 33)

Jesus wants us to admit our sins and our need for His help. 

Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague. (verse 34)

What love and compassion our Savior has!

For 23 years I had a similar problem. How terrible it is and embarrassing it is to have heavy periods. Jesus used surgery to heal me. How grateful I am.


What a wonderful Savior You are, Jesus!

Help us have the faith we need through this day.


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